Stakeholder groups

Stakeholder mapping worksheet
Part of business being considered
Which part of the business are you considering?
e.g.: Online sales of electronics in Asia Pacific
What is its Purpose?
e.g.: “To reliably supply beautiful and functional household electronics throughout the Asia Pacific region”
Stakeholder groups
Stakeholder groups usually include:
 Customers
 Team members
 Investors
 Suppliers
 Community
 The environment
 Future generations
They may also include (but not be limited to):
 Government
 The media
 Critics
 Competitors
 Unions
 Activists
Which of these groups may be significantly affected by, or could significantly affect, this work?
Stakeholder roles within each group
Each stakeholder group may have multiple stakeholder roles within it, for example you may have
numerous types of customers. What are the main roles within each of the stakeholder groups you’ve
Stakeholder group
e.g. Customers
Stakeholder role
First home buyers
Stakeholder map
Each stakeholder role may have multiple needs. Use this map to capture the needs of your most
significant stakeholders, in the format:
As a [stakeholder role], I want [goal], so I can [reason]
e.g.: As a [first home buyer] I want [affordable household electronics that look good together] so I can
[make my home look great at a price I can afford]
I want
So I can