FINAL ASSIGNMENT of LTT - introduction to second language

: fresi yuliana rahma yusita
: 2201410123
: LTT 503 – 504
1. Background
Speaking is one of the basic competences in English. It is important to
master speaking skill because good speaking may lead good communication.
By using speaking skill, people can express their feeling, give ideas and share
information with others. There are some elements of speaking skill need to be
mastered, they are pronunciation (stress, intonation, and pitch), grammar,
vocabulary, fluency, gesture. In this research, the researcher will focus on the
pronunciation competence.
Pronunciation is important to support students in their education, their
society, even in their future jobs. Unfortunately, sometimes teacher does not
really pay attention of her/ his students’ pronunciation. That is one of the
reasons why there are many students still have trouble with their
pronunciation. Therefore, students need to learn how to pronounce English
words correctly.
Based on Glenn (2003:24-25), learning to speak a second or third
language (non-primary) language is different from acquiring a primary
language or languages. The speaker must first decide what to say, be able to
articulate the words, and create the physical sounds that carry meaning.
Second language learners therefore need knowledge of the language they wish
to speak, an understanding of the phonetic structure of the language at the
level of the individual word, and understanding of intonation.
English teachers should lead their students to improve the use of
pronunciation. They need to encourage their students to pronounce English
words correctly in order to avoid the mispronounce words be fossilized in their
There are some problems in teaching pronunciation. Sometimes, the
students pronounce English words with their own perception or what they
misunderstanding for the listeners to catch the meaning of what they are
talking about. Thus, it is important to find an effective method to improve
students’ pronunciation competence.
By using this method, the students will understand the mistakes they
make in pronouncing the English words. In addition, with the continuously
conversation practice they can increase their vocabulary.
It is not a must for the students to record their conversation in the
classroom. They also can conduct it outside the classroom. The conversation
can be recorded and listened by themselves to analyze how well they were
doing and what they need to improve their pronunciation competence. Then,
they can consult it to the teacher. The more they practice and listen to the
recording, the more their pronunciation competence will improve.
2. Reson For Chosing Topic
There are some reasons why the writer chooses this topic, they are:
1) Pronunciation is an important component of English teaching which sometimes
teachers do not really pay attention of it. It may cause some problems which should
be solved so that the writer tries to offer a solution by giving this topic.
2) Most students do not use their time to practice how to pronounce English words
correctly. By using the method given in this topic, the students are supposed to be
more active in practicing their pronunciation.
3) Teachers need to use an effective method to improve the student’s pronunciation
competence. That is why the writer chooses this topic to become a reference for
teacher in teaching pronunciation.
4) Nowdays, youtube is unfamiliar for the students or for the teenagers. By using this
method, the teacher and students who does not know about youtube or internet, the
have to learn to teach or to follow tha material.
The objective of this essay are:
1. Students can increase the ability of speaking ad listening
2. Students and teacher can develop the ability of ICT
1. Review of The Previous Study
There have been a number of researchers conducted some studies related to
pronunciation teaching. One of the studies was conducted by Rakasiwi (2012)
who wrote about whether the use of drilling technique can be used in teaching
pronunciation in Senior High School and to find whether the use of can improve
the students’ mastery in pronunciation. After conduct the research, she could
conclude that the use of drill to the experimental group produced a quite good
result in enhancing their pronunciation. Concerning the pattern of the drill, the
forward chain drill and the back chain drill are the simplest techniques for
enhancing pronunciation in reading a text.
The next researcher is Erlystyana (2010) who discussed about whether the use
of backward drill is effective in improving pronunciation in transactional
dialogue. From the research she conclude that the students’ improvement in
teaching learning pronunciation in one kind of transactional dialogues by using
backward drill method is good and effective because it was done repeatedly and
continuously. Based on her observation, using backward drill can stimulate the
students to become more active in a speaking class.
Astuti (2011) wrote about Fidel chart to improve students’ pronunciation
competence. She wanted to help students to be more interested in learning
pronunciation and to help the teachers to find some alternatives in teaching
English, especially in pronunciation by using Fidel chart. The result of the
research proved that the mean score of the students who were taught by using
Fidel Chart as media in experimental class is higher than those taught without
using the media in the control class.
Based on those studies, I have found many ways in teaching pronunciation. In
this research, the researcher describes the use of recording conversation to
improve students’ pronunciation competence. The differences of this study and
the previous studies are the learners and the technique of improving student’s
2. Review of The Theoretical Study
2.1 Pronunciation
2.1.1 Definition of Pronunciation
There are some definitions of pronunciation:
1. Pronunciation is never an end in itself but a means of negotiating meaning
in discourse, embedded in specific sociocultural and interpersonal contexts.
(Seidlhofer in Celce-Murcia, 2001:117)
2. Pronunciation is the form in which the elementary symbols of language, the
segmental phones or speech sounds appear and are arranged in patterns of
pitch, and duration. (Encyclopedia Britannica 1965:621)
3. The way sounds perceived by the hearer is defined as pronunciation.
(Finicchiaro in Nikelas, 1988:112)
4. Pronunciation is the production of significant sound in two senses. (Dalton
& Seidlhofer, 1994:3)
From the definitions above the researcher can conclude that
pronunciation is the way of producing spoken language by giving the proper
sound, utterances, and syllables of words that can be perceived by the hearer.
2.1.2 Pronunciation Problems
There are some problems in teaching pronunciation. Sometimes, the
students pronounce English words with their own perception or what
they have heard from other people. Wrong pronunciation may cause
misunderstanding for the listeners to catch the meaning of what they are
talking about.
Ramelan (1985: 6-7) states that there are some reasons why students
make mistake in their pronunciation, they are:
(1) The existence of a given sound in the latter, which is not found in
the former.
(2) Sounds which have the same phonetic features in both languages
but differ in their distribution.
(3) Similar sounds in two languages which differ only slightly in their
phonetic features.
Conversation Recording
Conversation is talk between two or more people in which
thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed. It gives a great influence for
students’ pronunciation competence because they spend time
practicing English. In order to get a good result, the conversation
should be recorded to correct mispronounce made by the students.
Recording students conversation can be very useful. They will be
surprised by how they can easily find the mistakes in their own
pronunciation when they listen to their recording.
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is one of the
solutions of pronunciation problem. CLT is a kind of approach in
teaching and learning a language communicatively, or in the other
word learning a language by using or practicing it immediately.
Finocchario & Brumfit (1983) in Brown (1994:79) states that the
characteristics of CLT seems to be the answer of how to improve the
students’ pronunciation ability.
One of the characteristics of CLT is there must be a
communication activity. The teacher has to remember this aspect in
communication activity itself can be dialogs between teacher and
students, or among the students themselves. The activities have to be
able to support the students to participate in the communicative
activities. Therefore, recording conversation can be an effective way to
improve students’ pronunciation competence.
3. Theoretical Framework
Based on the review of the theoretical study, many kinds of the definition of
pronunciation, pronunciation problem and conversation recording. Since there are
many students know and use youtube as a learning media and source of
information. The writer uses this topic because on the writer’s opinion the
teenagers at 12-14 years tend to be loyal with their friends and they need to know
what is happening.
Based on this condition, the writer wants to know whether the students can
record their speaking skill by using youtube. To help them to record their speaking
skill, the writer uses youtube as a media and the aimed to know how well students
learn speaking skill by using youtube.
Nearly every classroom in America's schools can access the Internet, a
number that grew from 35 percent in 1994, according to the National Center for
Education Statistics. Some teachers use the Internet with every assignment while
others take a different approach. As with any education technique, classroom
Internet usage comes with both advantages and disadvantages.
A major advantage of the Internet is the ability to access all types of
information from library resources all over the world, including magazines,
information increases the learning potential by providing students with the
latest information. It also expands the resources of a smaller library
tremendously. Students using search engines can find information quicker
and more tailored to their specific needs.
As a disadvantage, educators may consider this information overload.
With all of the information available to students, they may find it difficult to
choose which information is most important to a topic and also when to stop
looking. In addition, the validity of Internet sources varies considerably from
website to website, which means students can very easily acquire inaccurate
or out-dated information online.
2. Online Education
An online education provides students with the convenience of going
to class and completing assignments on their own timetable. Students can take
classes from a college or university nowhere near their home and get an
education experience not available to them locally. Students who travel with a
job can take a class in a house, hotel room or coffee shop. Students save on
housing, gas money and travel expenses.
However, an online education means face-to-face instruction does not
exist, nor does the ability to get instant feedback on class assignments in many
situations. They also can't hear questions from other students (or ask questions
themselves), which often
3. Virtual Field Trips
An advantage of a classroom Internet connection allows students to
take a virtual field trip without ever leaving their school building. Students
studying the animals of Africa, the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian
pyramids, for example, never have to get on a plane. For schools struggling
with budgets and for schools in rural locations, going to an online museum or
virtual zoo gives them a unique opportunity they might not otherwise have
without Internet access.
Disadvantages of this experience mean students can't ask questions of
the zookeeper or touch a snake at a zoo. They can't take pictures or create
memories with their classmates. For younger children, a field trip can teach
them how to behave in public and respect adults; since virtual field trips don't
leave the classroom, they only learn to respect their teacher.
4. Social Skills
The Internet allows students to meet people from all over the world at
the click of a button. Suddenly doing a tenth grade literature project on Irish
literature with the help of students in Ireland makes the project more
interesting and thus a huge advantage. Artists studying Italian architecture can
email experts in Italy about the vast amount of artwork.
While these opportunities provide great details and resources, they also
can damage social skills. Students who reply primarily on the Internet for
information and interaction don't talk to people in person as much; rather they
just email back and forth. This can make it hard to develop listening skills,
especially when interviewing someone, or to acquire appropriate social skills
for face-to-face interactions.
Nearly every classroom in America's schools can access the Internet, a number
that grew from 35 percent in 1994, according to the National Center for Education
Statistics. Some teachers use the Internet with every assignment while others take
a different approach. As with any education technique, classroom Internet usage
comes with both advantages and disadvantages.