Course Outline II-3 TRI 1 2015


Español II-3 Señora Delp

Bienvenidos a la clase de español!!

We will speak Spanish in this class! You will not speak it perfectly… but you will speak it and I will make it a fun and positive learning experience for you. Through a cultural exploration with each unit, you will develop more of an appreciation for the many beautiful cultures that use this language. I will be enthusiastic and energetic about the things we do in class each day. Our classroom environment will be enhanced by your positive attitude and enthusiasm as well. If you will trust me and engage with me, the results will knock your socks off! I can’t wait to see what all we can learn together!

II Coursework

TextBook: ¡Avancemos! Level 2


McDougal Little

Activate 2007 Textbook


We will focus on developing level appropriate proficiency in speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Expect to be speaking, listening and reading and writing in Spanish consistently. Expect homework or time spent outside of class engaging with the language as well.

Student Rights

In our classroom, students have the right to: learn within a clean, safe, distraction-free environment

 be treated equally, fairly, and with respect

 speak and have others hear their opinions/ideas without being interrupted

 ask questions and make mistakes without fear of humiliation or harassment

 maintain privacy

Students who choose to infringe upon the rights of others within our classroom will face appropriate consequences as stated in the handbook. Also, students may lose participation points for the day, may be sent into the hallway for a conference, be assigned a bonus period detention or be referred to the dean. I also may use a Yellow Card/Red Card system (similar to el fútbol) to maintain a proper learning environment. Inappropriate use of cell phones will result in the phone being placed on the teacher’s desk and returned either at the end of the class or the end of the school day.

Moodle Moodle is your portal for makeup work, reviewing notes and printing lost worksheets. Resource Links and Online

Textbook information are listed on Moodle as well. IF YOU ARE ABSENT, please visit Moodle for your make-up work information.

Please navigate to your class site: Delp Spanish II-3 and use the enrollment key : delp2.3

It is your responsibility to remember to make up your work. You will need to make up tests & quizzes in the testing center or

during period 6, not during class time. All missing work will be marked as a zero until it is turned in.


Textbook, Paper and writing utensil should also be brought daily. (If you choose to access online textbook – that is your choice.)

Donating a box of Kleenex to our classroom would be very much appreciated! (post its, dry erase markers, Clorox wipes are also appreciated!)

El Arranque : Daily bellwork activities. These are not optional activities and you are expected to get to work right away each day.

Work must be completed and turned in ON TIME to receive credit. Remember – Homework is designed with your learning in mind

It is essential to helping you learn what you are expected to know. Timeliness is important. Being prepared for class helps you to learn and also recognize when you need help with a concept. LATE HOMEWORK is not accepted Use it wisely! Incomplete or work with lack of obvious effort will earn half credit or a zero. Completing work to the best of your ability is part of your class participation grade. I expect you to practice what we learn by using it in the classroom, and beyond too! (When you go out into the world, no one will randomly ask you if you can write Spanish. Everyone wants to know if you can SPEAK Spanish!)

Cheating, plagiarism and use of translation programs is not tolerated. All rules apply to this class as stated in the handbook.

Violators of this rule will not receive credit for their work and may be subject to further punishment from administration depending on the severity of the act. Allowing a friend to copy your work is cheating as well. See handbook for school policy as well. Google translate is not an appropriate resource to be using for Spanish class either.

Your trimester grade will be weighted based on the following percentages:

80% Assessments 20 % Participation, Classwork, etc.

The Final exam is also weighted as 20% of the total course grade.

Extra Help.

If you aren’t asking questions, you are doing things incorrectly.  You should have lots of questions!!!....and it is your job, as a student, to get them answered. If you knew everything already, we wouldn’t even need to be here in the first place, eh? is a great tool for practicing Spanish grammar and vocabulary. coordinates with your textbook and is very user friendly. The Home Tutor section provides practice with relevant vocabulary. will be your source for pre-made vocabulary flashcards will be an amazing resource for listening

In addition, I will publish a list of free student tutors as well as adult paid tutors. This will be available on Moodle.

Please email me with any concerns or questions!

Señora Delp

Hugs2Honduras Sponsor

Spanish Honor Society Director

Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

Please sign and return to Mrs. Delp.

I have read and understand Mrs. Delp’s classroom rules and guidelines for success in Spanish.

I agree to make up absent work in a timely manner and seek help when I need it.

Student printed: _____________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ Date _____________

Student Signature

As a parent, I understand that Mrs. Delp works hard to update grades frequently.

I know that I can use Power school to monitor my child’s progress in Spanish class.

Mrs. Delp will also send reminders through Powerschool.

I will make sure my email address is up to date so I can receive messages from her.

I also understand that my student needs a 3-prong folder filled with 25 sheets of notebook paper .

Kleenex donations are WELCOME  as are donations of post-its, dry erase markers, antibacterial wipes and hand santizer. Thanks!

___________________________________________________________________ Date ______________

Parent Signature


Parent Email

