
Grade 9
Instrumental Music, Grade 9 – Open
This course is open to any student interested in learning to play a musical instrument. Student
learning will include playing music in a variety of styles, participating in creative activities and
listening perceptively. Students will also be required to develop a thorough understanding of the
language of music, including elements, terminology, and history. Instrument options for students
in the gr. 9 Instrumental Music (AMI 1O) course include all instruments except guitar, piano,
and strings. Students can choose from percussion, woodwind, brass, base guitar. Students can
bring their own instrument or rent it from either a private music store or from the school. The
school's rental fee is $50.
Prerequisite: None
Guitar, Grade 9 – Open
This beginner course is open to any student interested in learning to play the guitar. Students will
learn basic guitar technique; study a variety of guitar styles (rock, pop, blues) and music
notation/theory. Students are responsible for providing their own classical or acoustic guitar.
Prerequisite: None
Vocal Music, Grade 9 – Open
This course is designed for students wishing to learn to sing and participate in large and small
group performances. Throughout the course, you will learn basic vocal technique, warm-ups,
small harmony and stage presence. You will also get the opportunity to perform from a variety of
music styles, such as Musical Theatre, R&B, Pop, and other styles.
Prerequisite: None
Dramatic Arts, Grade 9 – Open
This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms and techniques, using
material from a wide range of sources and cultures. Students will use the elements of drama to
examine situations and issues that are relevant to their lives. Students will create, perform,
discuss, and analyze drama, and then reflect on the experiences to develop an understanding of
themselves, the art form, and the world around them.
Prerequisite: None
Dance, Grade 9 – Open
This course gives students the opportunity to explore their technical and compositional skills by
applying the elements of dame and the tools of composition in a variety of performance
situations. Students will generate movement through structured and unstructured improvisation,
demonstrate an understanding of safe practices with regard to themselves and others in the dance
environment, and identify the function and significance of dance within the global community.
Prerequisite: None
Visual Arts, Grade 9 – Open
This course is exploratory in nature, offering an overview of visual arts as a foundation for
further study. Students will become familiar with the elements and principles of design and the
expressive qualities of various materials by using a range of media, processes, techniques, and
styles. Students will use the creative and critical analysis processes and will interpret art within a
personal, contemporary, and historical context.
Prerequisite: None
Grade 10
Dramatic Arts, Grade 10 – Open
This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms, conventions, and
techniques. Students will explore a variety of dramatic sources from various cultures and
representing a range of genres. Students will use the elements of drama in creating and
communicating through dramatic works. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made
in the creative and collaborative processes and will reflect on their experiences.
Prerequisite: None
Instrumental Music, Grade 10 - Open
This course emphasizes the study of music through playing and performing a musical instrument
at an intermediate level. It is recommended that students have prior experience on their
instrument. Instruments may be rented from the school or privately.
Prerequisite: None
Recommended: A grade 9 music course (AMI 1O0 or AMG 1O0)
Guitar, Grade 10 – Open
This course builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in AMG 1O0. Students will continue to
develop and refine their ability to perform in a group, however, they will now also focus on lead
guitar and soloing. Students will continue to study and perform in a variety of styles including
rock, pop, R&B, and Blues. Students are responsible for providing their own classical or acoustic
Prerequisite: None
Recommended: A grade 9 music course (AMI 1O0 or AMG 1O0)
Vocal Music – Jazz, Grade 10 - Open
This course is designed to give student the opportunity to explore singing and stage presence.
Students will learn vocal techniques, warm-ups and improvisation while analyzing and
performing different styles of vocal music from the 60s to the present. Students will also
discover the role singing plays in reflecting the culture that produces that style. Vocal students
will improve their performance skills through larger ensemble, small group, and solo
Prerequisite: None
Music Repertoire, Grade 10 – Open
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis and performance of various kinds of music at
an intermediate level that strikes a balance between challenge and skill. Student learning will
include participating in creative activities and listening perceptively. Students will also be
required to develop a thorough understanding of the language of music, including the elements,
terminology, and history. This course takes place after school.
Prerequisite: Grade 9, Instrumental Music, Open (AMI 1O0)
Co-requisite: Grade 10, Instrumental Music, Grade 10, Open (AMI 2O0)
Dance, Grade 10 – Open
This course emphasizes the development of students’ techniques and creative skills relating to
the elements of dance and the tools of composition in a variety of performance situations.
Students will identify responsible personal and interpersonal practices related to dance processes
and production, and will apply technologies and techniques throughout the process of creation to
develop artistic scope in the dance arts.
Prerequisite: None
Visual Arts, Grade 10 – Open
This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by
introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and
experimentation. Students will apply the elements and principles of design when exploring the
creative process. Students will use the critical analysis process to reflect on and interpret art
within personal, contemporary, and historical context.
Prerequisite: None
Visual Arts: Industrial Design (Architecture), Grade 10 – Open
This course emphasizes the study of art through focus on concepts related to building and
architecture. Students will learn introductory drawing and skills, create 3-D design concepts and
study art history via architectural monuments.
Prerequisite: None
Visual Arts: Digital Media (Computer), Grade 10 – Open
This course introduces techniques and concepts for creating art and design works using
computers and a variety of digital media. Students will work in the fields of digital photography,
hand drawn and computer animation, graphic design, and advertising. They will develop critical
thinking skills through several fields of study of art history, and a greater confidence with the
creative process.
Prerequisite: None
Grade 11
Dramatic Arts, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course requires students to create and perform in dramatic presentations. Students will
analyze, interpret, and perform dramatic works from various cultures and time periods. Students
will research various acting styles and conventions that could be used in their presentations, and
analyze the functions of playwrights, directors, actors, designers, technicians, and audiences.
Prerequisite: Dramatic Arts, Grade 9 or 10, Open (ADA 1O0 or ADA 2O0)
Music: Small Ensemble, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course develops the student’s ability to perform in a small ensemble. Students will explore,
create, listen, and perform a variety of different genres of music, including Rock from the
60s/70s/80s/90s, Blues, Jazz, Latin, Reggae, and Contemporary Pop as well as produce their own
Recommended Preparation: A Grade 9 or 10 music course (AMI 1O0, AMI 2O, AMG 1O,
AMG 2O, AMR 2O, Department approval)
Instrumental Music, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the study of music through playing and performing a musical instrument
at an advanced level. Instruments may be rented from the school or privately. This course further
emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of music, including
baroque and classical music, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will
perform technical exercises and appropriate repertoire, complete detailed creative activities, and
analyze and evaluate live and recorded performances. They will continue to increase their
understanding of the elements of music while developing their technical and imaginative
Prerequisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 10, Open (AMI 2O0)
Music: Repertoire, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of music,
including baroque and classical music, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music.
Students will perform technical exercises and appropriate repertoire, complete detailed creative
activities, and analyze and evaluate live and recorded performances. They will continue to
increase their understanding of the elements of music while developing their technical and
imaginative abilities. This course takes place after school.
Prerequisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 10, Open (AMI 2O0) OR
Music Repertoire, Grade 10, Open (AMR 2O0)
Co-requisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (AMI 3M0)
Dance, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the development of students’ artistry, improvisational and compositional
skills, and technical proficiency in global dance genres. Students will apply dance elements,
techniques, and tolls in a variety of ways, including performance situations; describe and model
responsible practices related to the dance environment, and reflect on how the study of dance
affect personal and artistic development.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 or 10 Dance, Open (ATC 1O0 or ATC 2O0)
Visual Arts, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts. Students
will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may
include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage,
multimedia works, and works using emergent technologies. Students will use the critical analysis
process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course may be delivered as
a comprehensive program of through a program focused on a particular art form (e.g.
photography, video, computer graphics, information design).
Prerequisite: Any gr. 9 or 10 visual arts course (AVI 1O0, AVI 2O0, AWF 2O0, AWS 2O0)
Visual Arts: Industrial Design (Architecture), Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes a more in depth study of art through concepts related to 3 dimensional
design and architecture. Students apply drawing skills, 3D design concepts, and knowledge of art
history to developing architectural studio pieces.
Prerequisite: Any gr. 9 or 10 visual arts course (AVI 1O0, AVI 2O0, AWF 2O0, AWS 2O0)
Visual Arts: Photography (Digital), Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the introductory study of digital photography. Students take their own
photographs and manipulate them using computer software to create art work following various
creative frameworks and formats. Access to a digital camera, the ability to download images and
transfer image files to the school network is required throughout this course.
Prerequisite: A grade 9 or 10 Visual Arts course (AVI 1O0, AVI 2O0, AWS 2O0, AWF 2O0)
Visual Arts: Computer, Grade 11 – University/College Preparation
This course uses advanced techniques for creating art and design works using computers and a
variety of digital media. Students will work in graphic design, advertising, illustration cartoon
animation, and narrative film and video. They will develop a mastery with the creative process,
and become more confident and articulate through in-depth critiques. Thematic connections are
made between student practice and art history from the 19th century to the 20th century.
Prerequisite: A grade 9 or 10 Visual Arts course (AVI 1O0, AVI 2O0, AWS 2O0, AWF 2O0)
Grade 12
Dramatic Arts, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
This course requires students to experiment individually and collaboratively with forms and
conventions of both drama and theatre from various cultures and time periods. Students will
interpret dramatic literature and other text and media sources while learning about various
theories of directing and acting. Students will examine the significance of dramatic arts in
various cultures, and will analyze how the knowledge and skills developed in drama are related
to their personal skills, social awareness, and goals beyond secondary school.
Prerequisite: Dramatic Arts, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (ADA 3M0)
Music: Small Ensemble, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
This course builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in AME3M0. Students will continue to
develop and refine their ability to perform in a small ensemble format. Students continue to
explore, create, and perform a variety of different genres of music including Rock from
60s/70s/80s/90s/, Blues/ Jazz, Latin/Reggae, and Contemporary Pop. Students will produce and
market their own CD.
Prerequisite: Any grade 11 music course (AME 3M, AMI 3M, AMR 3M, Department approval)
Instrumental Music, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
Students continue to study music through playing and performing a musical instrument at an
advanced level. Instruments may be rented from the school or privately. Course material focuses
on twentieth century music, including classical, jazz, and movie scores.
Prerequisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (AMI 3M0) OR
Music: Small Ensemble, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (AME 3M0)
Music: Repertoire, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic
period and from the twentieth century, including art music, jazz, popular music, and Canadian
and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the
ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative project. This course
takes place after school.
Prerequisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (AMI 3M0)
Co-requisite: Instrumental Music, Grade 12, University/College Preparation (AMI 4M0)
Dance, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes the development of students’ technical proficiency, fluency in the
language of movement in global dance genres, and understanding of the dance sciences. Students
will explain the social, cultural, and historical contexts of dance; apply the creative process
through the art of dance in a variety of ways; and exhibit an understanding of the purpose and
possibilities of continuing engagement in the arts as a lifelong learner.
Prerequisite: Dance, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (ATC 3M0)
Visual Arts, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
Grade 12 Visual Arts hones critical thinking and creative process techniques for senior art
students focusing on either 2D or 3D. Students analyze art historical style, form and content to
inform their image making and design work. All studio projects require thorough documentation
of creative process and upon completion are suitable for portfolio presentation in any postsecondary Arts program (Architecture, Animation, Illustration, Fine Art, Design)
Prerequisite: Any grade 11 Visual Arts course (AVI 3M0, AWS 3M0, AWF 3M0, AWQ 3M0)
Visual Arts: Computer, Grade 12 – University/College Preparation
This course emphasizes advanced techniques and conceptual frameworks for creating computer
art including graphic design, web design and animation, photography, and video. Access to a
digital camera for part of the course is recommended.
Prerequisite: Any grade 11 Visual Arts course (AVI 3M0, AWS 3M0, AWF 3M0, AWQ 3M0)
Interdisciplinary Studies: Yearbook, Grade 12 – University Preparation
This interdisciplinary course gives senior students the opportunity to learn all aspects of planning
and creating the school yearbook. Journalism, photography, design, and marketing concepts and
skills are developed. Access to a digital camera is recommended.
Prerequisite: None