Elements of the Lesson Lesson Description/Learner Characteristics: Introduction to Clay 45 minutes Visual Arts 6th Grade Different levels of learners in these classes. Low and high level students will all be able to participate. Some students have worked with clay before in Elementary and some have not. This lesson will be a review for some and an introduction for others so that everyone can be on the same page. Standards Essential Questions AR.600.10 Identify the elements of art and design principles and their relationship to one another. AR.600.10.01 Define, interpret, and apply the elements of art and principles of design. 1. Balance 2.Rhythm/Pattern 3.Texture AR.600.25 Identify factors which influence artist in specific historical eras and places. AR.600.25.02 Identify the environmental factors that influence the characteristics of a society’s art. AR.600.75.01 Generate vocabulary for critical thinking and aesthetic judgments to evaluate artwork. Objectives TSWBAT identify historic factors that contribute to the production of clay objects after reviewing the historic links on the website with 95% accuracy. TSWBAT correctly describe critical vocabulary connected to clay production after the lesson and mystery box game. Goals The students will be able to learn about clay and its uses in historic eras. The students will be able to learn the process of clay and the importance of rules and expectations with clay. Essential Questions How was pottery made in those earlier civilizations? Why did these earlier civilizations make pottery this way? Does it have to do with their surroundings? Materials and Resources Mystery Box Materials- Clay in all stages (wet, leather hard, bisque fire, and glaze fired), index cards with specific vocabulary words, and index cards with definitions. PowerPoint presentation with introduction to clay. Links on Neelsartroom.weebly.com website about clay and historic connections Introduction to next assignment Clay Bobble Heads Launch Students will enter the room with the first PowerPoint slide projected on the screen. Mystery Box Challenge activity The students will put all their belongings away and work in groups of 4 (the table groups) and try and solve the mystery box at each of their tables. This activity will be the introduction to clay and a pre assessment for me to see how much they already know about clay and its process. This activity will be a game with prizes for each table while they learn about critical vocabulary and terminology they will need to know as the project progresses. They will have a 15 minute time limit and the fastest table will be able to choose a prize bag with little art supplies that they can keep for the rest of the year. Instructional Steps Once the tables have finished guessing and the time limit has passed we will go over the right answers through a PowerPoint presentation that I have created. The students will use a note taking guide to take notes about the important vocabulary terminology they must know in creating their projects. At the end of the presentation I will introduce the students to the next big project. (Clay Bobble Heads) I will explain the process that they will be going through and the expectations they need to follow in order to be able to do this project. They will have the rest of the class to sketch out an animal of their choice that they could turn into a bobble head. Wrap-Up Address big ideas and Essential Questions at this point. Asks for any questions or concerns about the next project. Ask them to work on ideas for their project and we will do the research in the next class. Assessment Assessment plan is for informal observation as they complete their mystery box game. Informal assessments as I ask questions about vocabulary terminology. Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Documented Disabilities These students will have the use of visual aids through the lesson and PowerPoint presentation. These students will be able to work in groups with the Mystery Box activity so their peers can help guide learning. These students will also receive a note taking guide worksheet so that they will be able to have a physical sheet to refer back to. Accommodations/Modifications for English Language Learners These students will have the use of visual aids through the lesson and PowerPoint presentation. These students will be able to work in groups with the Mystery Box activity so their peers can help guide learning. These students will also receive a note taking guide worksheet so that they will be able to have a physical sheet to refer back to. Accommodations/Modifications for Gifted and Talented/Highly Able Learners These students will be able to design and create animals other than the ones provided in class with a well thought out plan for execution in their rough drafts. Reflection Content Knowledge Quality of Writing