objecttion to laboratory analysis (1) The producers can object the

objecttion to laboratory analysis
objecttion to laboratory analysis
(1) The producers can object the analysis conducted by the seed certification institutions within the 30 days,
the latest, beginning with date the certificate or analysis report is received.
(2) The VRSCC is the competent authority in the objection related to laboratory analysis.
(3) The objection to the laboratory analysis conducted by the certification institutions is done with the
following documents to the application institution;
a) Field Control Report
b) The original of the certificate or Analysis Report given by the certification institution
c) Analysis Objection Form (laid down in the annexes of relevant regulation)
(4) The application institution sends the witness sample of the seed in question to objection, attaching the
above mentioned documents to the VRSCC.
(5) The originals of the analysis report or certificate is given to the producer. The second copy is kept in the
certification institution while the third copy is sent application institution. It is taken note on this
analysis report or certificate that this is valid instead of which certificate or analysis report.
(6) Since the VRSCC is the reference, the certificate is definite given by the VRSCC upon laboratory analysis.