CERTIFICATE Number: 2123678 The management system of: Dutch Space B.V. Mendelweg 30 2333 CS Leiden The Netherlands including the implementation meets the requirements of the standard: ISO 14001:2004 Scope: Marketing, Sales, Engineering , Assembly, Test and Integration of Aerospace and Defense Systems Certificate expiry date: 1 December 2015 Certified for the first time: 1 December 2009 Certificate effective date: 1 December 2012 DEKRA Certification B.V. 2 drs. G.J. Zoetbrood Managing Director 1 A. van Voorst Certification Manager © Integral publication of this certificate and adjoining reports is allowed All testing, inspection, auditing and certification activities of the former KEMA Quality are an integral part of the DEKRA Certification Group. DEKRA Certification B.V. Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem P.O. Box 5185, 6802 ED Arnhem, The Netherlands T +31 26 356 2000 F +31 26 352 5800 www.dekra-certification.com Company registration 09085396