Exam Review Sheets

SNC 2D Exam Review
June 2014
Chemistry Chapters 5, 6 and 7
 identify/distinguish between a binary ionic compound, a polyatomic ionic
compound and a molecular compound (see flow chart in notes)
make the formula for a binary ionic compound, a polyatomic ionic
compound and a molecular compound when given the name (see
name a binary ionic compound, a polyatomic ionic compound and a
molecular compound when given the formula (see worksheets)
write a word equation when given a sentence or explanation of a chemical
reaction (see worksheets)
write the skeleton/chemical equation when given the word equation (see
balance a skeleton/chemical equation (see worksheets)
articulate/explain the reasons for the various formulas for compounds and
how equations are balanced
identify the following types of reactions
synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement,
complete combustion, incomplete combustion, corrosion, rusting,
write examples of the following types of reactions
synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement,
complete combustion, incomplete combustion, corrosion, rusting,
explain the law of conservation of mass.
distinguish between an acid and base by what colour litmus paper /
phenolphthalein changes.
state the properties of an acid and those of a base.
state similarities and differences between an acid and a base.
identify an acid or a base by its chemical formula.
name and write formula for binary acids, oxyacids and common bases
use the pH scale to identify an acid, a base and neutral substance.
use the pH scale to identify a weak or strong acid or base.
use indicators to identity an acid, a base or neutral substance.
neutralize an acid or a base spill safely.
identify at least 3 practical uses of neutralization, combustion and corrosion
identify both hazards and safety precautions for neutralization, combustion
and corrosion reactions
Chapter reviews in text, unit review in text, class quiz and 3 class tests
SNC 2D Exam Review
June 2014
Biology Chapters 2, 3 and 4
state the basic unit of life and describe the general structure of a cell
state the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
label a plant and animal cell
state the function of the organelles
label the parts of a microscope
find and focus a specimen under low, medium and high power
draw a good biological drawing of a specimen
calculate the size of a specimen
calculate the magnification of a biological drawing
distinguish these types of cells – paramecium, onion skin cell, cheek cell,
spirogyra cell
describe the cell cycle
state the purpose of mitosis
describe the phases of mitosis
apply the concept of mitosis to explain the theory of aging and cancer
describe the hierarchy of structure in animal from atom to multicellular
organism such as ourselves
outline the event from fertilized egg to specialized cells
describe the role of stem cells, both embryonic and adult
label the human anatomy of the: skeleton, joint, bone, basic muscles,
respiratory system, digestive system and circulatory system
state the function of the: skeleton, joint, bone, basic muscles, respiratory
system parts, digestive system and circulatory system parts
describe the physiology of gas exchange and the systemic and pulmonary
circuit of blood flow
describe how the various systems interact to meet the needs of the whole
state the 4 organs and 4 tissues of a plant; can you compare them to animals
state the function of the organs and tissues of a plant
label the basic anatomy of a plant – root, stem, leaves, flower
Chapter reviews in text, unit review in text, microscope assignment, class test
* NO test or quiz on cells, microscope, cell cycle, mitosis or plants
SNC 2D Exam Review
June 2014
Weather and Climate Change Chapters 8, 9 and 10
match the weather instrument to what is measures
write a weather report to include as many weather measures as possible
state what drives the weather
state what causes weather
distinguish between weather and climate
label the layers of the atmosphere and state the significant characteristic
of the layer
describe how each of the following affect the climate: the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere and living things
distinguish the positive and negative role of ozone
describe how latitude, elevation, proximity of large bodies of water can
affect climate
distinguish between weather of a low pressure system and high pressure
describe how convection currents are set up in both air and water
make a climate graph and interpret the results
describe the proxy records used to tell climate conditions of the past
clearly and concisely state what the greenhouse effect is
name three main greenhouse gases
state how is CO2 and methane produced anthropogenically and naturally
describe how carbon is cycled in the environment
state the evidence that climate change is happening
state possible impacts of climate change in the world
state the concerns of climate change in the Canadian Arctic
what can governments, industry and individuals do to lessen climate
what does Going Green refer to; give examples in travel, water, food and
Chapter reviews in text, unit review in text, weather/climate test
* NO test on Climate Change