April Art Calendar

Newsletter March 18
March,18th to April, 30th: Bi-weekly newsletter for art events
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Welcome! This is a source for ideas, events and needs you have. Please email items to
kcarmean@gmail.com.To join a group (live model, plein air, still life, photography and
more), to be added to the directory, and to join for $40 a year, email rivergrp@comcast.net
Wed. March 18 12:15-1:30
Wed. March 25, 12:15-1:30
Fri. March 27, 4:00-5:30 pm
Meet the Artist:John
Meet the Artist: Suzi
Banks Baum
Meet the Artist: Video
of John Stanmeye
Join us for an informal
discussion over lunch with
John Clarke in the Gallery
at Six Depot, West
Stockbridge.John is an
artist, composer,
photographer, poet,
musician formerly of the
band Bell Engine, and
writer of short stories. As
an artist he works in oil,
chalk, pastel, colored
pencil, and finds himself
drawn to symbolic shapes.
You will have a chance to
ask him questions. RSVP:
Discussion over lunch with
Suzi Banks Baum at Six
Depot ,West
Stockbridge.See her
beautiful mixed media
collage journals on display.
“Named ‘commonplace
books’ in the
Renaissance,” says Suzi,
“these freely inscribed
journals become central to
the maker’s creative
process. I am part of an
artistic community who
consider their daily writing
practice as entering the
‘soul’s kitchen.’” Visit
LaundryLineDivine.com to
see more of her work. You
will have a chance to ask
Suzi questions. RSVP:
Video interview of John
Stanmeyer & Discussion
at Shaker Dam
Coffeehouse and
Stanmeyer Gallery.
Vogue magazine published
an in-depth interview of
John Stanmeyer related to
his 30 year career and
World Press winning
photograph, Signal. Grab a
cup of coffee and take a
look! John got a special
copy from Vogue so we
can see it at the Gallery.
Several of us found it
provocative and extremely
thoughtful. We look
forward to discussing it
with other photographers,
artists and thinkers. For
more information see
Sketch by Adrian Holmes
Wed. April 1 4:30-5:45 pm
Facebook posting on Dec.
13 of Shaker Dam
Coffeehouse and
Stanmeyer Gallery. John
can not be present at this
event. Travel photographer
M-J Adelman is selecting
the best places to stop the
video and discuss. RSVP
Workshop: How to Participate in
A Critique Session
The workshop focuses primarily on two
dimensional art such as paintings in any
medium, e.g. oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc
Wed. April 8, 12:15-1:30
will be held in Community Room West
Stockbridge new Town Hall, 21 Stateline
Road Rt. 102. Ilene Spiewak and
Meet the Artist: Leslie Klein
Carolyn Brancato will lead the
Join us for an informal
discussion. Examples of various styles
discussion over lunch at Six
of art will be projected to illustrate the
presentation. We will start by reviewing
Depot, West Stockbridge.
the “language” of art – discussing key
Leslie is a clay artist and
elements of composition, design, color,
Art by Leslie Klein
sculptor whose work has been
line, use of light and dark, etc. Then we
will discuss how to provide useful
commissioned and collected
critique to the artist and, if you are an
Fri. April 3, 5:00-8 pm
by various organizations and
artist, how to participate in the critique.
private clients; including
Information: ibsbjb@aol.com
First Friday Art Walk
and:rivergrp@comcast.net. RSVP:
creating the sculpture for The
rivergrp@comcast.net so you will have Join us to explore and see the Boston Freedom Award. Her
work of dozens of artists,
contemporary artifacts express
incuding some of our
the ancient quality of clay:
members. You may join a
often created for ceremony,
group of us from 5-6pm at
ritual, and in tribute to nature.
Bagels Too 166 North Street,
Pittsfield. Light refreshments She will bring some samples
are served in many locations. of her clay work. She is
Founder of Clay Forms in
The work changes monthly!
West Stockbridge, Faculty
www.FirstFridayArtsWalk.com Artist for Community Access
Sat. April 11, 9:30-12:30
or 1:30-5:30
Workshop: Demonstration: How
to Take Pictures of Your Art
As a result of this workshop,
participants will walk away
with prepared materials on
to the Arts in Great
Barrington, and freelance
writer of op-ed, feature articles
and poetry. See:
You will have a chance to ask
her questions. RSVP:
how to take photographs of
their art works. You will be
able to observe a
demonstration on how to set
Tues., Wed, or Thur, 6:00-9:00 pm
up equipment including
camera and lights, so that you
Live Model Drawing and
could take pictures of your
Painting Sessions
artwork. We will provide you
Join us for drawing and painting,
with recommended materials
usually with a live model cost
and references. You also will
approximately $15 for model. We
have the opportunity to
have held a number of successful
understand how some social
sessions using different media
media could be useful to visual
and at different levels of
artists. You will learn how to Sat. April 25 12:00-2:00 pm
experience. Artists appreciate the
positive and supportive
sign up and begin to use
Meet the Artist and Gallery
atmosphere, the opportunity to
Facebook and Twitter.
learn from each other, and the
Participation in this workshop
Join artist Diana Felber at 510 Warren quiet meditative sense of focus of
is limited; please reserve your
Street Gallery in Hudson to look at her
space now. Indicate if you oil and watercolor paintings. We will attention we share. Some are
interested in just watercolor
gather in an informal discussion over
wish the morning or afternoon
lunch at one of the fabulous restaurants painting and drawing; let us know
session. Members will
in Hudon. RSVP:
if you are interested in a session
kcarmean@gmail.com so we can drive
complete an online form
without oil or acrylics used. Our
before the session, greet and together.
sessions are in a private
help the public, help with
location. if you wish to participate
administration of the morning
RSVP so you can be notified of
or afternoon session, aid the
any changes due to weather or
photographer in photographing
other circumstances.
5-6 pieces of your own work
RSVP riversidegrp@gmail.com
without glass cover, and bring
a USB thumb drive (memory
stick or flash drive). Both
sessions are held at the new
Join our Richmond- West
Town Hall, 21 Stateline Road
Stockbridge Artists' Guild for $40
Rt. 102, West Stockbridge
for the year to be able to show
More information will be West Stockbridge residents:
your work at our June exhibit in
coming soon! Limited
Design our Flag by April 29
the 1854 Historic Old Town Hall in
enrollment! RSVP for morning
West Stockbridge for the first two
or afternoon session now Help us design a flag for West weeks of June and in September
Stockbridge! Make a scale
where we will once again be
model in color of your original showing two weeks in September
design for the flag. We are one in Richmond. Email:
of few who have no flag.
Otis Arts Festival July 25 indoors
Submit it by email to
kcarmean@gmail.com with at the Farmington River
Films on Art: Several of our your name, address and phone Elementary School, 9-3. For
members have gone to see the
number so we can contact you application, go to
film on Turner at the Triplex.
if your design is one of four www.townofotisma.com/culturalco
“Vatican Museums” was finalists. Consider the scenic uncil
great. What do you
beauty, industry/business, and
recommend to others?
history of our town.
People of all ages who live or
work in West Stockbridge may
Resources you Recommend:
Susan Merrill is working so design the flag. Since the flag
hard on her fabulous annual will be 4x6 feet, you can make
**Baby Animal show of her the model 4x6, 8x12 or 2x3
paintings at Hancock Shakerinches. If you don't have a
Village, opening April 11, that
camera or email, the Library at
she can’t schedule a Meet the21 Stateline Road will take a
Artist until after April 12. picture and submit it for you. Drawing by Carol Kelly
STAY TUNED! And by all Their hours are Tues. 10-5,
means, see the exhibit!
Wed. 1-5, Thurs. & Fri. 2-6,
Nancy Nirenberg recommends
and Sat. 10-2.
the OLLI course by our own Designs are due Wed. April 29
Kinny Frelinghuysen. Sign up
to kcarmean@gmail.com who
We Are Organizing Our
berkshireolli.org four Fridayswill confirm. Four finalists
beginning April 17
will be chosen by the
Gather together and learn more
Richmond- West Stockbridge To: All Artists in the
about color? Karen CarmeanArtists’ Guild with previous Guild
suggests we meet the Shakerinput from the Historical
From: Carolyn Brancato (CoDam Coffeehouse and
Society, the flag makers and Chair and Secretary) email:
Stanmeyer Gallery. There areothers. The public is invited to rivergrp@comcast.net
on line lectures we could look
vote by paper ballot in a
Please Send in Your Directory
at and discuss together.
separate box for their favorite Information: We have more
design of the four on May 11 than 60 people on our
newsletter emailing list but
We are looking forward to during town elections.
only about 25 have registered
hearing from several local
for the directory. If you have
artists at future events. We try
not already done so, kindly fill
to have a photography session
out the information below to
once a month, painting and
be listed in our directory. This
drawing sessions twice a
information will be used to
month, and ceramics once
populate our new website and
every 3 months.
start to build a profile for each
Our own Joel Hotchkiss has
artist. Information will be
invited us to a tour of his
available only to members and
workshop and gallery and a
will not be included when we
Meet the Artist event on a
set up the public portion of the
website unless you give your
M-J Adelman and Ben Evans
are among the artists we might
be able to get speak to us
informally soon.
Paul Rocheleau will reoeat
How to Make a Book of
Photographs! He has a great
system as he has written or
edited dozens of books. His
talk in February was limited
by severe weather.
How to Prepare your Art for
the Retail Market? :We have
an expert who will give a
Watercolor Course? Adriian
knows people who could teach
Easy ways to make and
maintain a website: We are
looking for a plan for this. Do
you have ideas?
Using Instagram as an easy
way to keep your art up to date
on Facebook and Twitter: We
have an expert.
What do YOU want? What
exhibits and openings are not
to be missed? We are
interviewing members to be
sure their ideas and needs are
Please email Carolyn with this
information (or email her at
rivergrp@comcast.net and ask
for the form). Please keep the
information in the following
First Name, Last Name,
Street Address, City, State,
Zip Code,
Mobile Phone, Alternate
Phone (specify business,
home, etc.),
Email, Artist’s Website (if
you have one), Medium you
work in (more than one OK).
Join a Group: We have lists
of people who signed up last
fall for the live model and plein
air groups. If you have not
already signed up and/or you
wish to join any of the
following groups, please let
Carolyn know via email:
7 Live Model Group
8 Plein Air Group
9 Still Life Group (we will
meet, put together various still
life set-ups and enjoy painting
10 Photography Sessions
with Model (this is an inquiry
to see if any photographer is
interested in working with a
model; if there is enough
interest, we can work out the
11 Any other groups you’d like
to see us form??? Let Carolyn
Please Pay Your Dues:
Please email Carolyn and
arrange to pay your $40 dues
or come to the next Guild
meeting on Wednesday, April
1st from 6 to 8 pm and bring
them (in cash until we set up a
bank account).
If you wish to participate in
ANY* of the Guild’s events,
you must have registered in
the directory and paid your
***[possible exception would
be Meet the Artist, Gallery and
Museum visits, and the
newsletter which can be
decided in a meeting.
Minutes for the March 4, 2015 Meeting
*Held West Stockbridge new town Hall 21 Stateline Road Rt. 102 from 6 to 8 pm
Voting on the name of the Organization. Carolyn reported on the results thus far of the
email voting. The top two names were: The Richmond West Stockbridge Artists’ Guild and the
West Stockbridge Richmond Artists’ Guild. Names with “Berkshire” were considered too
“regional” and did not capture the “local” nature of our group. It was agreed that those voting
(those who had paid their dues and/or filled out the directory) would now select between these
top 2 names via email.
Note: the selection occurred via email and the results were 9 to 6 in favor of the Richmond
West Stockbridge Artists’ Guild (League if the word Guild can’t be used in a not for profit). The
name is still subject to legal approval to make sure there are no other organizations with that
Legal Structure Issues. Prior to the meeting, Carolyn sent out a memo outlining some of the
considerations Guild members should take into account when the membership decides on
whether we should become a stand along not-for-profit organization (with pro bono legal
representation) or whether we should come under the umbrella of another not-for-profit
organization. We began to explore the pros and cons of each approach. It was decided to
pursue both options and members noted that, if we did want to form an alliance with another
organization with similar interests, that is possible under the stand alone option. Or, under the
umbrella option, we might be able to save some administrative costs, although there would be
an administrative fee paid to the parent organization. In any event, it is a complex question
which will hopefully be dealt with over the coming months.
Carolyn and Howard will explore the first option and Karen will explore the second option and
report back to the membership when they have more information. [Adrian suggested we could
wait to decide for even a year and continue operating as we are now.]***
Information Issues.
Directory. Carolyn and Howard reported on the progress in getting the directory populated: we
have more than 60 people on our newsletter/guild email lists but only 24 have registered with
information for the directory (and one person excluded himself from the voting pool because of
too many emails). To cut down on emails, we will put a notice in the next newsletter asking for
more people to provide directory information and asking if people who have not already signed
up, want to join: 1) the live model group; 2) the plein air group; 3) the still life group; and/or 4)
the photography [with live model] group.***
Website. Adrian reported on the parameters of the sample website he would like to set up. He
is just waiting for the name. Note: following the meeting the website URLs (names),
RWSAG.com and RWSAG.org , were obtained and Adrian will be using them to do the “Mail
Chimp” mailing program to send out Karen’s newsletters.
Other Communication Issues. Some members want to communicate more fully via Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram. It was noted that some members are technologically not very facile, but other members
volunteered to run “training” sessions prior to or after future meetings on the use of these
communications.{It will be possible to sign up during the April 11 workshop from10-2]***
June Show Organization. June Show Chair Ilene Spiewak led the discussion and went over
some of the duties of various committees that had been formed during the December meeting.
It was agreed that Karen (who has been acting as liaison to the 1854 Town Hall) would
facilitate meetings so that Ilene and the two other co-chairs can coordinate with Bob Salerno
over all aspects of use of the space.
The hanging committee (Howard, Ron and David) intend to meet as soon as possible to
measure the space so we can start determining how many artists want to participate and how
much square footage of space can be allocated to each artist. Carolyn will help Ilene organize
those wanting to participate in the show. Adrian will be able to work on the flyer and marketing
when we have the name of our group finalized.[ In subsequent meeting with Bob we have
permission to put up flyer at events before and to have a paint out around the time of the May
22 concert and put art in big windows, etc, working with construction and safety priorities. ]***
Other projects discussed:
a. Design of Flag for West Stockbridge. The Guild has been asked by the Town to
judge the designs and arrive at the top three to be voted on by the town membership.
Karen is in charge of this project, if anyone has any input.[See below]***
b. A “Paint Out” in connection with the June show (second Saturday, rain date Sunday)
together with the Berkshire Land Trust. Carolyn will work with Marion Grant.
Modeling Sessions. “Housekeeping” criteria (e.g. when to register, how to divide
costs, what happens if someone cancels?) will be developed by Howard and Ilene to
be presented at the next meeting. Other “housekeeping” processes, such as how to
propose and get Guild approval for an event, will be presented.
Critique Sessions. Ilene and Carolyn volunteered to lead a session prior to the next
meeting (4:30 to 5:45 pm) on how to conduct a critique session. The session will
include a slide show of various paintings illustrating key “language of art” components
such as: composition, design, line, color, use of light and dark, etc. Then, the
“critique” process will be discussed with the goal of providing the most useful input to
Photography Workshop on April 11th. Karen and Adrian have been working to get
three professional photographers to volunteer their time to photograph our group’s art,
with each artist working with them learning how to do it. This way, high quality
images will be available for the Guild Website, newsletter and computer displays at
various shows.
Next meeting date. The first Wednesday in April (April 1st) from 6 to 8 pm (business followed
by networking). Critique Sessions Workshop will precede from 4:30 to 5:45 pm. Meeting(s) will
be held at the West Stockbridge Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kay Brancato
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Richmond West Stockbridge Artists Guild · 256 Cone Hill Road · Richmond, MA 01254 · USA