File - Clay Guild of the Eastern Shore

Membership Application for 2015
Mail to: Clay Guild of the Eastern Shore
P.O. Box 4425, Salisbury MD. 21803
Today’s Date: ___________________
Personal Information:
Phone #
Email Address:
I request membership; my dues are enclosed made payable to the Clay Guild of the Eastern Shore in
the amount:
$20 for an individual membership
$30 for a family membership
$10 for a student membership
Level of Participation: Please answer with yes, no or maybe.
Are you willing to serve on the board of directors?
Are you likely to attend workshops?
Are you likely to participate in shows and exhibitions?
How would you describe your work?
Would you be willing to demonstrate your work for members?
Who do you recommend for a workshop?
What events do you want the Guild to sponsor?
What suggestions do you have for the guild to make it a more meaningful and relevant organization?