Archdiocese of Milwaukee Integrated Curriculum Template Archdiocese of Milwaukee 4th / 5th Grade Integrated NETS Curriculum 1. Technology Basics: Specific Skills / Notes: NETS Understand and comply with school AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) Practice proper ergonomics (sit up straight, use both hands) at computer. Learn how to trouble shoot problems with computer before asking for help. (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking) 5 5 4, 6 Develop a positive disposition towards being a 21st century life-long learner who uses technology to: self-direct learning; create and publish original content; collaborate and communicate with others; and think critically. Practices safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology Bookmark Boot Burn Byte, Megabyte, Citation Drop Down Export File Share Folder Gadget GIF / JPG GPS Hacker Hardcopy Hardware vs software Import Keyword Search Kilobyte Menu Bar Netiquette Pinch Platform 1,2,4 5 NETS: 2. Technology Vocabulary: Refresh Search Engine Search Terms Share Options Spreadsheet Swipe Title Bar Wi-Fi Widget Window 3. Technology Skills - Spiraling a. Keyboarding: Begin formatting skills o Insert a picture into a Word doc o See Keyboarding document Cords plugged in? Internet Connection ? Restart with teacher permission Specific Skills / Notes: 6 NETS: Specific Skills / Notes: 6 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. This means that you can download it, modify it and use it in any way if you attribute the document to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Laurie Yingling. To view a copy of this license, visit Archdiocese of Milwaukee Integrated Curriculum Template Attain 20 - 25 WPM typing speed b. Understand file maintenance for naming and saving documents – rename documents / sharing files via online and mobile methods c. Can find documents on computer / network and share files on a mobile device d. Can navigate an online content management system like Google Apps e. Can create a new folder / rename a folder f. Open, close and exit programs correctly g. Basic Keyboard shortcuts h. Interact with teacher created lessons using SMART board and/or Smart Response. i. Can connect a device to a wireless network 4. Technology Projects Ideas a. b. A. Participate in a class project using a Web 2.0 Tool (or hardware-based application) or mobile device app that is used to communicate comprehension of a content-based curriculum unit. B. Publish the results of using a Web 2.0 Tool to an online public site (Wiki, Google Site) C. Use Kid Pix or other online or mobile app to communicate information / data or knowledge about a content-based curriculum unit. Concepts and skills identified / practiced from this project are noted in the right column: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 NETS: Specific Skills / Notes: 2 1 Open / launch application Create a text box Enter text Use drawing tools Cut and paste text Change size of font Change text color Save document Print D. Participate in using an online graphic organizer or mobile app to plan a report or show relationships between elements, (ie, Bubble-Us, Dabble or Webspiration) E Create and interact with a simple data and spreadsheet. Use basic formulas to add, subtract and multiply. Graph data for PE or other activity. 3 Open / launch application 3 Cell Formula Graph Enter data F. Participate in creating and PUBLISHING a class book. Students collaborate and communicate comprehension of topic or unit of study. Use iPhoto or GarageBand or online Web 2.0 Tool (Mixbook, SlideShare) or mobile device app. G. Begin interacting with a classroom or school wiki or online CMS like Google Apps. Get username and 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. This means that you can download it, modify it and use it in any way if you attribute the document to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Laurie Yingling. To view a copy of this license, visit Archdiocese of Milwaukee Integrated Curriculum Template password and learn wiki / Google basics: Edit a wiki page Save a wiki page Change / edit font color Insert an image Use ‘Discussion’ Tab Create own wiki page and enter content Collaborate with others H. Collaborate in an online project with an ‘expert’ regarding a curriculum topic or another classroom. I. Applications for this grade level (s) (Use installed, online tools or mobile device apps): PowerPoint / Pages Excel PhotoBooth iPhoto Keyboarding Web 2.0 Tools 5. Research – Information Literacy a. Respect copyright / intellectual property rights of creators and producers (begin discussion of attribution) b. Define format for attribution of sources for students using library books, fiction / nonfiction, internet images, websites, etc. (Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information) c. Discuss Creative Commons as a new way (compared to standard copyright laws) for authors to share and distribute their work d. Question the validity of all information on the internet e. How to Search a. Evaluate different search engines b. Key Word Search c. Internet Scavenger Hunt to use key word searching f. Website Evaluation (Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context): a. Who is the author? b. What is the date of the content? c. When was the site created? d. Is it reliable? e. Is it accurate? f. What is the difference between a .com, .edu, .gov, 6. Ethics (see Cybersmart matrix) a. Safety and Security Online a. Private Information b. Save Talking in Cyberspace 1,2 1,2 NETS: Specific Skills / Notes: 3, 4, 5 NETS: 5 Discuss attribution (author-ship) for images / videos / websites used in lessons and units and Smartboard files (whole class) Specific Skills / Notes: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. This means that you can download it, modify it and use it in any way if you attribute the document to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Laurie Yingling. To view a copy of this license, visit Archdiocese of Milwaukee Integrated Curriculum Template c. Powerful Passwords d. Handling E-Mail and IM e. Privacy at online websites b. Manners, Bullying and Ethics a. The Power of Words b. Group Think c. Be Comfortable d. Citizens of Cyberspace e. Understanding your AUP f. Speak Out g. Whose is it Anyway h. Do the Right Thing i. Good Email Manners c. Authentic Learning and Creativity a. Purchasing Power d. Research and Information Fluency a. Choosing a Search Site e. Twenty-First Century Challenges a. Great Communicators b. Cyberspace Country c. What is a Network? d. Imagining the Future NETS-S Standards Key: For more information review 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Research and Information Fluency 4. Critical thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making 5. Digital Citizenship This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. This means that you can download it, modify it and use it in any way if you attribute the document to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee / Laurie Yingling. To view a copy of this license, visit