the scholarship application

Applicant’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Middle Initial
Development _____________________________________ Social Security Number _____________________
Address: ____________________________________Zip Code _________ Phone: Day __________Eve________
High school or school now attending ______________________________________________________________
Date of graduation _____________________ Cumulative grade point average ___________________________
List of honors received: _________________________________________________________________________
List school/community affiliations of which you are a member: _________________________________________
Have you applied for other scholarships, grants or financial assistance:
Yes  No 
If yes, give the amount and the source: _____________________________________________________________
Are you currently attending college?
Yes  No 
If yes, what college and what degree program?
Current transcript enclosed?
Yes  No 
If no, have you applied for college?
Yes  No 
Which college and what degree program?
Are you currently employed? ____________________________________________________________________
Name and address of employer
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: All documents must be mailed in together.
1. Submit along with this application a copy of your acceptance letter from the academic institution that you plan
to attend.
2. Submit along with this application a copy of your current transcript and a copy of your most recent report card,
indicating grade point average.
3. Submit three letters of reference by adults affiliated with the public housing development at which you live.
The letter may be written by your housing manager, an employee of an agency that is on-site at your housing
development, or a member of your development’s Resident Council.
4. Submit a letter from your housing manager indicating that you or your family are in good standing at the
housing development at which you live and that you or your family are not under eviction actions, or court
stipulation and your rent is current.
5. Write a 250 typewritten, double-spaced composition explaining you educational and career objectives.
I, _________________________________________________, hereby submit my name as a scholarship applicant
for the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee’s scholarship fund for the 20___ school year. I agree to meet
all selection requirements given in writing, by the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee. I agree to abide by
such determination, however made.
Date: ________________
Signature __________________________________________________
Mail completed application and supporting documentation to:
HACM Scholarship Fund, 650 West Reservoir Avenue, Milwaukee WI 53212