Revision tips 21st century science

OCR- Twenty First Century Science
Your child will be taking their Biology (B1-B3), Chemistry (C1-C3) and Physics (P1-P3)
exams in May/June 2015. VERY SOON, they will NEED to begin revising for these exams.
The topics to be examined are:
Unit 1
You and your genes
- What genes are
- Why you look like
your family
- How can genetics
prevent disease
- How is a clone made
Air Quality
- The chemicals in the
air including pollutants
- The chemical
reactions which for
- How we can improve
our air quality
The Earth in the
- The placing of the
Earth in the Universe
- How we know this
- What we know about
the Earth
- How ideas about the
Earth are changing
Unit 2
Keeping Healthy
- How do we resist
- What are vaccines and
- What is heard disease
and its causes
- How do we keep a
healthy water balance
Material choices
- How we measure the
properties of a material
and why this is useful
- Why crude oil is
important and what we can
gain from it
- Why the molecular
structure of materials is
- Nanotechnology
Radiation and life
- What are the types of
electromagnetic radiation
- Which of these harm
living tissue and why
- What evidence is there
for global warming
- The use of
electromagnetic waves in
Unit 3
Life on Earth
- How do different
species depend on each
- How has life on Earth
- The importance of
Chemicals in our lives
- Where the minerals in
Britain came from
- Where does salt come
from and why is it so
- Why we need alkalis
and chlorine
- How do we make these
- How can we make our
use of these sustainable
and safe
Sustainable energy
- How much energy do
we use
- How can we generate
- What energy sources
should we use
Sources of revision:
 Exercise books
 Text book
 Tests and targeted areas from lessons
 Revision guides available from the Science department. £7 for the course. These
contain not only revision information but also exam questions.
 BBC bitesize:
 Class tasks.
 Home revision: individual and group.
 Tuesday revision sessions after-school in the Science pod.
 OCR website for past papers:
 Doddle learn has a large amount of resources which the class teacher will assign but
there are also power points that the students can access.
Pupils need to focus chiefly on four areas:
 Subject knowledge and understanding of topics listed above – they may need to apply
their knowledge to new situations or circumstances.
 Key words and definitions – make a glossary of key words on flash cards to learn them
 Literacy - students need to answer longer response questions e.g. Quality of Written
Communication questions are worth 6 marks. The students need to plan this in the
same way as they would plan an English answer.
 Numeracy – students will need to be able to interpret data from tables and graphs as
well as drawing their own. They will also need to carry out some calculations in each
Equipment – in order to be fully prepared for their lessons and exams students will need:
 Stationery – pens (black ink), pencil, eraser, sharpener and ruler.
 Calculator.
All of the above are covered in lessons BUT they need to be reinforced independently by
pupils, ideally with your support.
Should you have any questions then please contact your child’s relevant teacher.
 Mrs A Cruickshank
-Curriculum responsibility for OCR science 11AG/Sc7
 Miss N Mahmood
 Mr A Ali
 Ms D Cruickshank
 Ms I Idowu
 Ms J Cutts
 Miss N Bansel
 Miss N Wilson