Midterm study guide

Midterm Study Guide
Chapter 1
Theory, hypothesis, bias, peer review, variable, control, homeostasis
Understand the process of peer review & why it is crucial
Differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory
Know the characteristics of living things
Chapter 2
Nucleus, electron, molecule, solution, solute, solvent, pH scale, acid,
base, carbohydrate, lipid, nucleic acid, amino acid, protein, enzyme,
catalyst, adhesion, cohesion
Determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons in an atom
Use the number of protons/neutrons/electrons to determine atomic number and atomic mass
Covalent v. ionic bonds
Know the functions of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids
Explain how enzyme speeds up chemical reactions
Polarity of water
Identify reactants and products of a chemical reaction
Chapter 7
Cell, cell theory, cell membrane, nucleus, eukaryote, prokaryote,
vacuole, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, Golgi body,
mitochondria, chloroplast, cell wall, selectively permeable, diffusion,
osmosis, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, aquaporin, differentiation
List the 3 main points of the cell theory
Describe molecule movement during diffusion, osmosis, and equilibrium (homeostasis)
Explain the difference between active and passive transport
Compare plant/animal cells
Compare prokaryotic/eukaryotic cells
Predict what will happen to a cell when placed in hyper/hypo/isotonic environments
Chapter 10
Chromosomes, cyclin, apoptosis, cancer, tumor, centromere, (sister)
chromatid, interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis, metastasis, angiogenesis
List the 3 phases of the cell cycle
List the stages of mitosis in order & the events of each
Explain how cytokinesis differs in plants and animals
Identify the stages of the cell cycle in pictures
Label the parts of a replicated chromosome
Explain why cancer occurs
Cancer treatment & tumor types
Chapter 11
Fertilization, allele, gamete, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype,
genotype, codominance, incomplete dominance, polygenic, meiosis,
crossing-over, homologous chromosomes, karyotype, dihybrid,
haploid, diploid
Predict the outcomes of a genetic cross using a Punnett square
o Complete dominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles (blood-type), sex-linked,
and dihybrid crosses!
List the genotypes and phenotypes of an organism
Know the genotypes for each blood type
Universal donor and recipient
Compare/contrast mitosis and meiosis
Explain why crossing over is important and during which phase it occurs