1406 Topics for Practical Exam II Spring 2016 Central.doc

Be sure to Read the Introductory portions of each lab and visit the Lab Study Pages to review each topic.
Be familiar with the models for mitosis and meiosis The practical will cover the laboratory exercises
10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 . (for Tuesday Lab add Lab 9 Diffusion and Osmosis.)
Lab 9. Diffusion and Osmosis. (Tuesday lab only) Understand the 2 experiments and what principal
was being investigated for each.
Lab 10. Enzymes. Know the role that enzymes play in increasing the rate of chemical reactions. What is
the scientific term for this type of activity? Where on the enzyme molecule does this important activity
take place? Know the action of the enzyme catalase – what does it do? What is the formula for its
activity? What was our source of the enzyme? What was its substrate? What is the term used for the
inactivation of an enzyme by heat or incorrect pH? What are controls? – be able to recognize controls in
an experiment. Be able to interpret the results of an enzyme assay as substrate is converted into product.
How did we measure its activity?
Lab 11. Cellular respiration. What experiment did we demo? (with Peas?) Blue to yellow color change
Why? How does this show Cellular respiration jappened in growing tissue (pea seedlings) but not dry
Lab 12. Photosynthesis. Know photosynthesis experiment performed in lab (pigments) – reagent
(solvent) used and the purpose of the reagent. Be able to interpret the results obtained from the experiment
that we performed. What type of pigments did we isolate? What was the idea behind the paper
chromatography experiment? Why did the pigments migrate? Given an example of a chromatograph, be
able to interpret the relative sizes of the pigment bands.
Lab 13. Mitosis. Know and be able to recognize all stages of mitosis and the differences between mitosis
in plant and animal cells. Know and be able to identify all cellular structures used in mitosis. We had
models and slides and printed pictures.
Lab 14. Meiosis. Know and be able to recognize all stages of meiosis. Know the differences between
meiosis and mitosis. Which cells undergo meiosis, and for what purpose? When do cells become
haploid? When does crossing over occur? Primarily slides or from printed pictures.
Labs 15. Mendelian Genetics. Know and be able to recognize ALL different types of dominance complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and codominance. Know and be able to derive an
organism’s genotype, phenotype, and gametes for Mendelian analysis. You will have monohybrid and
dihybrid crosses on this exam. Know and be able to derive the genotype and phenotype of the offspring of
Mendelian crosses as well as their expected ratios. Recognize the monohybrid versus dihybrid off spring
from the corn crosses. Which generation are the ears from? Be able to construct Punnett squares for both
types of crosses (monohybrid and dihybrid).