FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: 2015 – 2016 CALL UNDERGRADUATE STREAM Application Process: Q How do I apply? A. Applications by Brazilian visiting undergraduate students applying under the Science without Borders scheme can be made online "csfirlanda.ie" The online application system for the 2015-2016 Call will open from Monday 12th January 2015 to Friday 30th January 2015. The following documents must be submitted online: · · · College Transcript (in English) Evidence of English Proficiency Passport or Birth Certificate (copy) Q Am I required to submit an Academic Reference Letter and/or Personal Statement with my application? A. You are not obliged to submit an academic reference letter and/or a personal statement with your application as it does not affect the selection process. Submission of either document is totally optional. However, if you have either document to hand we encourage you to upload same with your application. We do not provide a template for either document but request that it be no longer than 1 page, explains (in English) that you are academically recommendable to studies abroad. If the document has been translated by you we require that it be signed and verified by your university. Please address the document to: Ms. Aisling Lennon, International Affairs Office, NUI Galway. Passport: Q What is the acceptable minimum date of expiry for my passport? A. It is necessary to upload a copy of your current passport, regardless of the date of expiry. The purpose of asking for a copy of your passport (or a copy of your birth certificate) is to confirm your date of birth. You will need to apply for a new passport before travelling, but for the purpose of the application process the out of date copy is suffice. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Q What size passport photograph is needed? A. A passport sized photograph (5x7 is fine) taken at home with high res is ok - it can be scanned and uploaded with your application so that we can print your student card. Alternatively if you don’t have a picture to hand we can use the picture from your passport. Entry Requirements: Q Does NUI Galway require a minimum Gross Point Average (‘GPA’)? A. Visiting student applicants are required to have a GPA of 7.0 or above. Admission to classes may also be subject to certain pre-requisites. Our minimum entry requirement is a GPA of 7/10 but this is given as a guideline and we assess each application on an individual basis and have previously taken students with a GPA of 6.0 or above. Q Can I apply if I am in my final year of an undergraduate course in Brazil? A. Visiting students are required to have completed at least 20% and at most 90% of the study plan planned for his/her course at the planned beginning of the study trip. Transcripts: Q Am I required to submit an up-to-date Transcript? A. Yes. Please upload the most recent transcript in your possession when you apply to NUIG on 12th January 2015. The transcript should outline the results you achieved in all courses that you have attended to date. You can always follow up with the results of your last semester in Brazil when you receive that transcript. Q Do my transcripts have to be translated officially? A. The translated academic transcripts don’t necessarily need to be sworn by an official translator, they can be signed/stamped by your university International office when translated. Please also upload your original official transcript in Portuguese together with the translated version with the descriptions so that our academics can understand them. They will then be in a position to see if you meet our minimum entry requirements. Q When does term start and how many holidays do students have during term? A. The academic term timetable is available at http://www.nuigalway.ie/academic_dates/documents/academic_calendar_2015_2016.pdf showing the holiday periods during and after each term. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway English Language Proficiency and PSE Programme Requirements: Q What are the requirements for English Language Proficiency? systems/courses are provided? What support A. All international students must demonstrate English language proficiency. NUI Galway does not accept TOEFL ITP for direct admission. However, students presenting an ITP score may be considered for an intensive TOEFL IBT preparation programme (PSE) prior to term. Please note that CAPES are allowing a maximum of 2 months of English Language Classes for students on this Call and they have set the PSE entry requirements. At the end of the PSE programme students will undertake an in house TOEFL IBT exam, the cost of which is covered by NUI Galway. This is just to ensure that you are ready for university classes starting in September. Exam preparation will be covered during your PSE programme and you will practice exams beforehand. It is less stressful and all our SWB students who sit this in House exam do really well and achieve above and beyond IBT 80. Furthermore the tuition and host family housing for the PSE are fully funded by CAPES. It is a very beneficial programme as it gives students the chance to settle into life in a foreign country and city before university classes commence and also provides the opportunity to enjoy the summer festivals that held in Galway during the summer. If students’ English score meet the direct entry requirements CAPES will not pay for PSE. However, please be advised that NUIG provide free English Language Classes throughout the academic year which focuses on English Academic Writing Skills to help students prepare for essays, assignments and exams. Q When do English Language/PSE courses commence? A. Normally the first Monday of July (2 months PSE) and 1st Tuesday of August (1 month PSE). Dates are to be confirmed. Q I have not received my official TOEFL exam result yet. A. We understand the considerable delays receiving the official results from TOEFL exams so the online score/print screen will suffice for now and we will review your online application taking the online TOEFL results into account. As soon as the official results arrive you can upload/email them to us. Q Do you accept IELTS/Cambridge/Pearson’s English Exam Results? A. Yes NUIG accept all internationally recognised English Language Exam results including TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge ESOL and Pearson’s. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Modules Available and Choice of Modules Q Can I choose multidisciplinary modules within NUI Galway? A. Yes: The University publishes the Visiting Student Academic Handbook before the beginning of each Semester, which lists the specific classes (modules) available to Visiting Students for the coming semester. Please refer to our website for information on current classes available to visiting students. You design your degree as you may choose a mix of subjects from over 1000 modules available to study in NUI Galway to compliment your current studies and may top them up with some electives like Languages, Psychology, Irish Studies, Celtic Civilisation etc. A list of the modules you can choose to enrol on are available in the Science without Borders Module Booklet Semester 1 (2014-2015) and Science without Borders Module Booklet Semester 2 (2014 - 2015) and further details are provided at http://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/yourcountry/brazil/ In effect NUI Galway offers SWB students the opportunity to design their own degree and choose their own class timetable. This has been a hugely attractive feature of NUIG’s offerings under the SWB program. Students must take a minimum of 60% of their modules related to their course in Brazil but can take one or two other complementary modules to make up the remaining credits (25 ECTS). Q Do I need to stipulate my choice of modules when applying on-line? How many modules must I choose? Is there a ‘change of mind’ option on arrival? A. Yes: students are required to upload a document online (under Provider Document) with the list of 4-7 modules/classes of interest to them. This document should be uploaded online at csfirlanda.ie. Students can choose the modules from Science without Borders Module Booklet Semester 1 (2014-2015) and Science without Borders Module Booklet Semester 2 (2014 2015). The majority of students choose 3/4 Science modules and choose the other 1/2 complimentary modules (for example Celtic Civilisation, Languages etc.) on arrival. The uploaded modules/classes list is required at application to facilitate forward planning with respect to class capacity. When you arrive you have a two week trial period to change your mind and choose other modules but for now just choose them from this booklet and upload your choices with your application. Q A. Do NUIG offer summer research/internship opportunities? Yes. NUI Galway is world-renowned as an expert research-led University and we organise and allocate research projects for SWB students to work in labs, research groups, industry and hospitals here for 2/3 months over the summer. All of the previous SWB students at NUIG who wished to avail of summer internships/research projects were facilitated and had their period in Ireland extended to allow for this. I understand that this summer extension will also be extended to students coming on this next Call that you have been offered a place on. Check out some videos of our students who undertook research projects; Research Opportunities for SWB students at NUI Galway, Science without Borders student experiences at NUI Galway, and Ciência sem Fronteiras na NUI Galway. If you would like to FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway avail of an internship or do some volunteering work while in Galway, you may be required to produce police clearance for certain volunteering areas. If you have police clearance cert from Brazil please bring this together with your ANVISA vaccination card in case these are needed if you wish to complete a placement in some of the Health Science courses. Q If I am in my 4th or 5th year in Brazil can I take Masters Modules in NUIG? A. Our esteemed Professors have been offering Masters Modules to SWB students that have 4 or 5 years undergraduate completed in Brazil and are capable of taking more advanced Masters Modules. The students are delighted with these offerings as they are getting invaluable exposure to ground breaking research in cutting edge research institutes and labs and forming international academic relationships and networks in their area of interest. Please note that pre-requisites apply and students require academic approval to register on Masters Modules in this way. Further information in relation to all our Masters programmes is available here; http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/ Q Do NUIG offer Architecture related modules? A. We do not have a School of Architecture but we do have Civil Engineering and a broad range of related subjects which I know have attracted the interest of SWB architecture students as we offer complimentary modules from Project Management, Quality Systems, Engineering Materials, Communication Systems Engineering, Information Systems and Systems Approach etc. Further information about the Civil Engineering Department is available at http://www.nuigalway.ie/civileng/ and about the modules available to undergrad students http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/undergraduate-courses/civil-engineering.html Q Can Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Health Science students apply? A. With regard to health science students, students may not be able to undertake clinical classes in Ireland but they can apply under ‘Health and Science’ and take complimentary subjects. We have a College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and offer a broad range of subjects which I know have attracted the interest of SWB students as we are one of the few universities in Ireland which offer such a broad range of complimentary modules. Our Med School is organising guest speakers, tours of the on campus hospital, various clinics and research projects in specialised areas for our Brazilian students and the students are thrilled with this opportunity. Q Query in relation to NUI Galway computer science labs A. NUI Galway has some of the best facilities in the country with a new ICT Building, New Engineering Building and the world’s largest research centre in web semantics (DERI – Digital Enterprise Research Institute). All these labs, building and research opportunities are available to the SWB students and we have students that choose to come here because they want to work in the labs with our cutting edge researchers. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Q Do you offer a broad range of offerings in the Biomedical areas? A. We are in fact Ireland’s premier university in the fields of Biomedical Science and have particular academic strengths and industry links in the Medtech area. NUI Galway has established a world class reputation in Biomedical Science/Biotechnology. These subject areas are also reflected in the Galway region more generally. For example: NUI Galway hosts a number of leading research centres-of-excellence with global reputations in these areas, including: o o o o o Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB) BioInnovate Centre for Chromosome Biology Eight of the world’s 10 largest medical device companies are located in Ireland, with Europe’s premier cluster of device companies based in the Galway region. In fact, 80% of global stent production is carried out by companies based in the Galway region. Examples of significant medical device companies with sustained operations in Galway include 4tech Cardio, Anecto, Apica, Boston Scientific, Cappella Medical, Creganna, Crospon, Embricon, Lake Region Medical, Medtronic, neoSurgical, Neuravi, Novate Medical, Pointec Medical, SyncroPhi Systems, Veryan Endovascular, Veryan Medical, and Vivasure. Q What modules are available in Marine Science/Earth and Ocean Science? A. Modules are offered in Earth and Ocean Science, including Geology. For further information search EOS in the Science without Borders Module Booklet Semester 1 (2014-2015) where there are a number of EOS modules on offer (pages 46, 60 and 67). Please note that the headings have been decided by an external body and therefore it is not possible to group them under an EOS heading, however they are on offer. Q What modules are available in Environmental/Renewable Energy? A. NUIG offer both Environmental Science and Engineering modules and that these are flagship programmes of ours due to ideal location on the Atlantic coast. The Government of Ireland have their department for the Environment and Marine Institute both based in our city and therefore all the groundbreaking research takes place in our university. These subject areas are reflected in the Galway region more generally, hence NUI Galway hosts a number of leading research centres-of-excellence with global reputations in these areas. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Accommodation: Q Does NUI Galway provide on campus accommodation? A. Yes we have the on-site accommodation Corrib Village which will have a variety of options and included is a page specifically aimed at international students, which you may find useful. The apartments are clean, comfortable and have access to free wi-fi. Tuition fees, housing, utilities and PSE will be paid on your behalf by CAPES by arrangement with NUI Galway and you will receive a generous monthly allowance of €700 to cover food, entertainment and transport. Please note that Corrib Village on campus accommodation is a short walk away from your classes and it has 24 hour security. Students will have their own room but will share a kitchen/living room with 3 to 4 others. Accommodation will be available from Saturday 29th August 2015. Separate accommodation arrangements will be made for students who participate in the PSE summer programmes. All amenities and facilities are available on Corrib Village and fun events and activities are organised for residents i.e. movie night, Irish dancing etc. The on campus accommodation Corrib Village is restricted to registered NUIG students. However, we have placed SWB students in other student residences nearby as these residences can accommodate non-NUIG students. This is to facilitate SWB students whose boyfriends/girlfriends are studying English in Galway while they are studying at NUIG. Q Is accommodation provided by host families in Galway city? A. Academic year accommodation is provided in Corrib Village only. Students who arrive during the summer will be accommodated in Corrib Village and will remain there instead of moving at the end of their PSE. If some students would like to live with host families during the PSE we may be able to arrange this option also. Q If my friend and I both choose NUIG can we live together? A. Yes it would be possible to allocate housing together and this has been commonplace. Once you and your friend receive an offer from us you should contact Corrib Village and request an apartment together. It should be no trouble. Q Do I pay utilities, electricity and refuse charges? A. 86% of the cost of utilities, electricity and refuse are covered and the only cost that the student will pay is a refundable security deposit of €250 and a small contribution towards heating and water use. Q What is the cost of living in Galway city? A. Galway is the most affordable of the main cities in Ireland in which to live. The cost of living in Galway is 21% cheaper than Dublin, 26% cheaper than Limerick, and 11% cheaper than Cork. You will receive a generous monthly allowance of €700 to cover food, entertainment and transport. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Medical Insurance: Q Is Medical Insurance included? A. Yes NUIG arrange and cover the cost of SWB student medical insurance. Q What if I have a pre-existing illness? A. It is common practice in Ireland that insurance providers do not provide cover for any preexisting illness known to the insured person at the time of purchase. If you have any pre existing condition we recommend that you send your medical details on to our medical unit based here on campus (healthunit@nuigalway.ie) and they can advise whether your medication is available here and if so the cost of fulfilling your prescription. If the medication is unavailable they would be best placed to advise on alternative substitutes and the price of same. Q Is there a health unit/clinic on campus? A. Yes the NUIG medical unit is located in the centre of the campus and like all other support services (counselling, chaplaincy, welfare etc) it is free for all registered NUIG students. Information in respect of the Health Clinic is available at http://services.su.nuigalway.ie/site/view/325/health-unit/ and it operates on a first come first served basis. General Information: International Rankings We are proud to announce that NUI Galway is the only Irish university to increase its position in the two main international rankings, having recently increased to 280th in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2014/2015. With an increase of 53 places on last year’s position, two bands in this ranking survey, NUI Galway now ranks at 261st in the Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings 2014/2015. NUI Galway consistently ranked in the top 2% of Universities worldwide! We are ranked in the 2014 Times Higher Education top 100 most international universities in the world. In 2014 U-Multirank awarded NUI Galway the highest ranking for Arts graduate employment rates and for student internships. NUI Galway’s focus on internationalisation and the mobility of our students was also recognised. In 2013, the QS World University Rankings by Subject ranked NUI Galway in the top 150 universities in the world in Computer Science, Information Systems and History and in the top 200 in the world in English Language and Literature, Pharmacology and Law. In 2013, NUI Galway’s Executive MBA programme secured the prestigious AMBA international accreditation. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Campus Facilities and laboratories/state of the art technologies NUIG are in the final stages of a €400 million capital investment programme, which has transformed the 105-hectare riverside campus and given students and staff access to the very best facilities for teaching and research. NUI Galway is home to the fastest expanding campus in the country and we are investing €0.75 million per week to develop a world-class learning environment for our students. We are constantly developing our campus to enhance our learning environment. Green campus - in 2012, the University was awarded the ISO 50001 standard for energy management—only one of two universities in the country to achieve this standard NUI Galway’s new Engineering Building is the largest School of Engineering & Informatics in the country at 14,200 square metres, housing 110 staff and approximately 1,100 students. We are extremely proud of this so called ‘living laboratory’ as it is a groundbreaking ‘learning’ building which has won numerous awards including; Ireland’s favourite new building, it was the Public Choice in this year’s RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2012 while also winning the award of the Sustainable Building of the year and Educational Building of the year. Our esteemed Academics in the School of Engineering already have extensive connections throughout Brazil and look forward to welcoming more students from Brazil to study in this unique building. Food: NUIG has numerous university restaurants on campus where food is subsidised and therefore cheaper for students i.e. a large meal would cost €5. Please also note that the campus is in the city centre and within a short walk of a wide variety of eateries and restaurants catering for all tastes, student discount is also given to NUIG students in the majority of these restaurants. Furthermore, all the accommodation options are self catering and many students choose to cook/prepare food at home and bring it with them as this can also prove cost effective – the supermarkets are very close. Safety Ireland is a very safe and friendly country – it was voted the ‘Friendliest Country in the World’ and Galway has been voted the no 1 destination to visit while in Ireland and also Ireland’s most Irish city Galway is known as the cultural heart of Ireland and is renowned for its welcoming atmosphere as we host a different festival every week. Galway has recently been designated a UNESCO City of Film and is a very young and safe city with 20% of the population under 25. Further information in relation to the University, city and testimonials from current Brazilian students is in the attached brochure. An insight into the city of Galway is available in a short video Galway in 3 minutes. There is 24 hour security on the NUIG campus and Corrib Village accommodation. FAQ’s for SWB Study Abroad students coming to NUI Galway Student Societies and Sports Clubs: NUI Galway has been voted the top Irish University for Student experience (by students) as we are no 1 for volunteering programmes, have over 120 societies and over 50 sports clubs on our 250 acre campus that stretches from the city centre along the river. Our impressive, new sports complex boasts the following; six-lane, 25 metre swimming pool, squash and racquetball courts, National League basketball arena, 100-piece cardiovascular gym dedicated elite training gym, two fitness studios, suitable for aerobic training, competition-style climbing wall, saunas and a steam room. It is very popular with international students as the annual membership fee is considerably reduced and they find it very good value. The University outdoor sports facilities include ten natural grass playing pitches, a synthetic grass pitch, suitable for a wide range of sports including hockey, soccer and Gaelic games and an eight-lane, international standard track, with jumping and throwing facilities, suitable for athletics, cross-country and general training. These impressive facilities are very popular with international facilities. Internationalised Campus NUIG has a large and diverse community of international students and it was recently confirmed that more international students are enrolled in NUI Galway than any other Irish University.. Figures released by the Higher Education Authority show that NUI Galway has over 2,000 International students enrolled on a broad portfolio of courses, arts, business, public policy and law, science, engineering, medicine and health sciences. The students come from over 104 different countries, all continents, with international students making up 16% of the overall student population, and 27% of the University’s PhD students. The University has over 200 student exchange agreements with universities around the world. Further information of interest to international students is available on our website on our website and in our International Student Guide. We look forward to welcoming you to our multinational and culturally enriched campus. Furthermore, nearly 250 SWB students that have started at NUIG or are coming soon have set up a Facebook page and we also have a FB page just for NUIG Brazilian students and also a Study Abroad at NUIG FB page that may help you. Two of the current SWB students have created a video about their time in Galway and you can check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CortVOl0vaM . We hosted a welcoming reception and Barbeque recently where NUI Galway welcomed the Brazilian Deputy Ambassador, MinisterCounselor, Chief of Chancery, Elza Moreira Marcelino de Castro, and over 100 Brazilian students to our campus. This welcoming reception coincided with Brazil's National Independence Day, which took place on Saturday, 7 September. This great event was captured on video and can be viewed on the NUIG YouTube Channel. We hope to extend a similar warm welcome to you and your friends when you come to NUI Galway