Grading and Homework Policy

John W. Reiley Elementary School
SBDM Policy
Grading and Homework Policy
__ Legally Required Policy
_x_ Additional Policy Topic
The goal of the Reiley Elementary Grading and Homework Policy is to ensure that all students
are given sufficient opportunities to demonstrate their comprehension of a subject or course
and to provide a consistent procedure at each grade level.
Grading Expectations
Elementary grades reflect student performance on the various subjects (such as English, math,
etc.) at each grade level of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards and Kentucky Core Content.
Student grades are based on student engagement, student progress, and student mastery.
Grades for assignments are based on the importance and time spent on the activity.
Grading Procedures
The Grading Procedures/Guidelines for elementary school grades 3-5 apply to the following
subjects: language arts, math, science, and social studies. A grading period for elementary and
middle school is twelve weeks. A report card with the student’s grades is sent home every
twelve weeks and interim progress reports are sent home midway between the twelve weeks.
The report card distribution dates are listed on the Reiley Elementary school calendar.
Homework: 10 (%) percent – If homework is included in the final grade for a subject, it
will count no more than 10 percent.
Purpose – Homework assignments should strengthen and provide practice in skills that
are taught in class. Homework should not be given as a punishment.
Communication – Teachers will communicate to parents at the beginning of the year,
explaining their homework procedures. The modes of communication may be using
student agendas, weekly homework packets, or electronically through email or
Homework should not be longer than the grade level times 10 minutes (when averaged
per week). For example, a third grader should have no more than three times 10
minutes or 30 minutes of homework. This time includes completing unfinished class
work. Kindergarten students should work for 10 minutes or less on homework. We
realize that students work at different paces. When there is a concern with the
homework time, the teacher should be contacted to work together to create a solution.
Daily Assignments and Assessments
Daily Assignments, Homework, and Assessment include tasks that require Student
Engagement, Student Progress, and Student Mastery
Student Engagement Examples: participation, group work, discussion,
journals/logs/notebooks, teacher observation, student reflection
Student Progress Examples: problem solving, class assignments, homework, anecdotal
records, student self-assessment, exit slips, flashbacks
Student Mastery Examples: tests, quizzes, proficiency assessments, projects,
performance assessments, presentations
Final grades must include a reasonable combination of Student Engagement, Student
Progress, and Student Mastery assignments with homework being no more than 10% of
the final grade.
Elementary School Grading Scale
Student grades are based on percentages and not points. The elementary school grading scale
for each subject is listed below. The grading scales are used to score your child’s assignments in
order to communicate your child’s level of mastery of content.
Grading Scale
A – 93-100
B – 85-92
C – 73-84
D – 65-72
F – 0-64
4 Point Scale
4 = 100%
3 = 90%
2 = 80%
1 = 70%
0 = 60%
Based on the assessment scores and grade level procedures, students will have opportunities to
complete Wrong Answer Analysis. This is a process where students analyze their responses and
use their resources to correct any misconceptions. Students will be given no more than one
week to complete a Wrong Answer Analysis. Their final grade for that assignment will be the
average of the original score and the score after the Wrong Answer Analysis is completed.
Primary Grading Scale
Students in grades K-3 (see below) will be assessed using the primary grading scale.
S = Secure: The student knows, understands and has mastered the concept
D = Developing: The student is learning and still working on mastering the concepts
B = Beginning: The student is starting to learn and understand the concepts
A/C = Area of Concern: This is when a student is not making progress
Third Grade Transition Trimester
During trimester 1 and 2 students will be assessed using the primary grading scale (B, D, S, A/C).
During the 3rd trimester students will participate in the standard grading scale for intermediate
students (A, B, C, D, F) as a transition to the new grading system.
Parent Portal on Website
The district has a Parent Portal on the CCS website. The portal allows parents to follow the
progress of their child (only) throughout the year. Teachers update the student grades in
Infinite Campus (Parent Portal) weekly.
The principal will monitor grading and homework through professional learning communities
and communication monitoring. The principal will be included in emails and copies of
communication that deal with grading and homework procedures.
If a parent has a concern with a grading or homework issue, he or she will be directed to
contact the teacher first to resolve the concern. If that meeting is unsuccessful the principal
will meet with the parents and the teacher to find a resolution.
First Reading: 5-5-14
Second Reading: 6-2-14
Adoption: 6-2-14
Revised: 5-18-15
_______________________________ (Council Chairperson)