UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) KENYA COUNTRY OFFICE RE-ADVERTISEMENT: VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT“KCO/WASH/2015-007” Duty Station – Nairobi WASH CLUSTER COORDINATOR (NO-C TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT Duration: 9 months Date of Issue: 04 March 2015 Closing Date: 18 March 2015 Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified Kenyan nationals to fill the above Temporary Appointment position in the WASH Section, UNICEF Kenya Country Office Purpose of the Post: Under the guidance of the Chief of WASH, UNICEF Kenya, and supervision of the IASC Humanitarian Coordinator, the incumbent will be responsible for the day-to day leadership and facilitate the processes that will ensure a well-coordinated and effective WASH response in Kenya. Background and Justification Kenya experiences humanitarian emergencies linked to natural disasters such as drought and floods, and outbreaks of human and livestock diseases. Drought and flood patterns have become more frequent, intense and unpredictable with the number of people living in areas vulnerable to these disasters in Kenya increasing annually. They affect over 10 million people, mostly living in arid and semi-arid lands - which cover more than 80 per cent of the country’s land mass. Additionally, there is often a risk of population movements due to ethno-political or resource-based conflicts. Humanitarian emergencies often require coordinated multi-sectoral humanitarian response. It is for this purpose that the Water and Environmental Sanitation Coordination mechanism (WESCOORD) was established as a technical arm of Kenya Food Security Steering group (KFSSG) - shortly after the La-Nina related drought of 2000/2001. This sector coordination platform brings together agencies active in responding to humanitarian WASH needs of populations affected by emergencies in the country. Overall, the coordination of WASH interventions in Kenya is led by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEWNR), and the Ministry of Health (MoH). UNICEF, as the WASH Cluster lead agency, is responsible for ensuring that the cluster approach is effectively carried out in Kenya. In the last couple of years, WESCOORD’s performance as a sector coordination forum improved greatly after the establishment of a permanent secretariat at the MEWNR offices; and UNICEF’s increased technical capacity support to WESCOORD for coordination and information management. Scope of Work Responsibility for WASH Cluster Coordinator Under the guidance of the IASC Humanitarian Coordinator in Kenya and UNICEF (as the lead agency for the IASC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector), and in collaboration with the State Authorities, the main purpose of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Coordinator post is to provide leadership and facilitate the processes that will ensure a well-coordinated, coherent, strategic, and effective WASH response in Kenya by a mobilized and adequately resourced groups of agencies, organizations, NGOs, local communities etc. Given the frequency of emergencies caused by conflict or natural phenomena in Kenya, as well as the commitment of UNICEF to support WASH cluster coordination even in more “normal” times and ensure a well-functioning sector with clear strategies of DRR, recovery and support to building resilience and coping mechanisms especially in more vulnerable communities, it is felt important to create a National post to continue supporting the government in this critical sector on a medium term basis. The post in close coordination with the Chief of WASH and WASH section will focus on enhancing the institutional capacity of the cluster members and systems strengthening in DRR in normal times for a more coordinated and effective response in emergencies and to mitigate its effects. The IASC Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) retains the principle responsibility for the overall humanitarian response and thus the WASH Cluster Coordinator will report to the Humanitarian Coordinator, through UNICEF representative and Chief of WASH Section on all issues related to the functioning of the WASH Sector. The AISC HC will be supported by OCHA and may delegate some reporting tasks to others. The role of WASH Sector Coordinator is facilitation of the coordination process. Scope of Work The accountability and key end-results set out below are those of the WASH Sector Lead Agency. It is the role of the WASH Sector Co-ordinator to ensure these are attained through the combined efforts of him/herself, of the WASH Sector Support Team (when provided) and of the WASH Country Sector Group. The WASH Sector Co-ordinator may supervise a number of staff (provided either solely by the lead agency or in collaboration with others such as UNOCHA and other WASH organizations) as the WASH Sector Support Team. In Kenya the sector is jointly coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Ministry of Health and UNICEF through the WESCOORD secretariat. The WASH Cluster Coordinator will be expected to divide his/her time between the two offices. In line with the transformative agenda, the WASH Cluster Coordinator will provide leadership and ensure improved accountability and coordination. The Cluster Coordinator will support and strengthen capacity of the government to effectively lead the cluster and support the sub-national coordination mechanisms. The exact tasks and responsibilities will depend on the nature, size and scope of the emergency/programme, as well as existing capacity of national government and the international community. In this respect they will include but may not be limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inclusion of key humanitarian partners: Ensure inclusion of key WASH humanitarian partners in a way that respects their mandates and programme priorities Act as focal point for inquiries on the WASH Sector’s response plans and operations. Establishment and maintenance of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms: Ensure appropriate coordination between all WASH humanitarian partners (national and international NGOs, the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, etc…), through maintenance of appropriate WASH Sector /sector coordination mechanisms, including working groups at the national and, if necessary, local level; Secure commitments from WASH humanitarian partners in responding to needs and filling gaps, ensuring an appropriate distribution of responsibilities within the WASH group, with clearly defined focal points for specific issues where necessary; Ensure the complementarity of different WASH humanitarian actors’ actions; Promote WASH emergency response actions while at the same time considering WASH within early recovery planning as well as prevention and risk reduction concerns; Ensure effective links with other Sector /sector groups; Provide support to Ministry of Environment, Water & Natural Resources and Ministry of Health to maintain and strengthen WASH Cluster functions and WASH Emergency Sector Coordination through the WESCOORD (Water & Environmental Sanitation) structure under the Kenya Food Security Group. Ensure effective links with and participation in existing GoK emergency structures such as the Crisis Response Centre (CRC), National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC) etc. Ensure that WASH coordination mechanisms are adapted over time to reflect the capacities of local actors and the engagement of development partners; Represent the interests of the WASH Cluster in discussions with the Humanitarian Coordinator and other stakeholders on prioritization, resource mobilization and advocacy; Maintain information on all current and potential WASH partners, their capacities and areas of work (including Who, What, Where and by When). Coordination with national/local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other actors: Ensure that WASH humanitarian responses build on local capacities; Ensure appropriate links with national and local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors (e.g. peacekeeping forces) and ensure appropriate coordination and information exchange with them. Participatory and community-based approaches: Ensure utilization of participatory and community based approaches in WASH related assessments, analysis, planning, monitoring and response. Attention to priority cross-cutting issues: Ensure integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues in WASH assessments, analysis, planning, monitoring and response (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights); Needs assessment and analysis: Ensure effective and coherent WASH assessment and analysis, involving all relevant partners 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Emergency preparedness: Ensure adequate WASH related contingency planning and preparedness for potential significant changes in the nature of the emergency; Planning and strategy development: Ensure predictable WASH action within; WASH assessment and analysis; development (adaptation of generic standards) of standard assessment formats; Identification of gaps in the field of WASH and conceptualize how sectoral needs can be met through collective delivery Developing/updating agreed WASH response strategies and action plans and ensuring that these are adequately reflected in the overall country strategies, such as the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) an integral component of the CAP process. Drawing lessons learned from past WASH activities and revising strategies and action plans accordingly; Developing an exit, or transition, strategy for the WASH interventions and key Sector /sector partners. Application of standards: Ensure that WASH Cluster /sector participants are aware of relevant policy guidelines, SPHERE standards, technical standards and relevant commitments that the Government/concerned authorities have undertaken under international human rights law; Ensure that WASH responses are in line with existing policy guidance, technical standards, and relevant Government human rights legal obligations. Support compilation and sharing of WASH Sector standard designs, best practices and unit costs of WASH emergency intervention infrastructure. Monitoring and reporting: Ensure adequate monitoring mechanisms are in place (with OCHA support) to review impact of WASH interventions and progress against implementation plans. This specifically needs to include an analytical interpretation of best available information in order to benchmark progress of the emergency response over time. That is monitoring indicators - quantity, quality, coverage, continuity and cost. Target population data including desegregation by sex and age of service delivery which are derived from working towards meeting previously defined standards. Ensure adequate WASH impact reporting and effective information sharing (with OCHA support) to demonstrate the closing of gaps. Advocacy and resource mobilization: Identify core WASH advocacy concerns, including resource requirements, and contribute key messages to broader advocacy initiatives of the HC, UNICEF and other actors; Advocate for donors to fund WASH actors to carry out priority WASH activities in the sector concerned, while at the same time encouraging WASH actors to mobilize resources for their activities through their usual channels. 12. Training and capacity building: Promote and support training of WASH humanitarian personnel and capacity building of humanitarian partners, based on the mapping and understanding of available capacity; Support efforts to strengthen the WASH capacity of the national/local authorities and civil society. 13. Provision of assistance or services as a last resort: Where critical gaps in addressing WASH priorities are identified the WASH Cluster/Sector Coordinator will: Lobby for implementing humanitarian partners (including UNICEF WES) to address the gaps. With advice/support from the HC and support from other humanitarian partners will advocate, as appropriate, on the adequate provision of resources and safe access. If persistent gaps remain then with the full support of the UNICEF Country Representative will specifically request that the UNICEF take action to fill the critical gaps through direct implementation action. AWP Areas Covered WASH Output 4: Institutional Development: National and County platforms for coordination of WASH activities including emergency WASH coordination strengthened and information management systems improved to support planning and evidence generation. Expected Deliverables The WASH Sector Coordinator will deliver the following: Assist the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and Ministry of Health in setting the agenda and chairing national WESCOORD meetings and also to strengthen WASH coordination at sub-national levels; Representation of WASH Cluster/Sector in all inter cluster, donor, government or other relevant meetings of for a; WASH Cluster Coordination functions as per IASC accountabilities are fulfilled; Capacity gaps identified and assessed and relevant training courses facilitated to address the gaps; All WASH Cluster/WESCOORD reporting requirements are fulfilled in a timely manner (accountability); Leadership/Supervision of staff supporting the cluster coordination. Desired Background & Experience Candidate Profile: The WASH Cluster Coordinator requires both technical skills relevant to the position, as well as managerial and organizational skill sets. The following profile should be used as a guide: Technical Profile Minimum of 5 years WASH Sector experience at least two of which would be based in the field at Team Leader/WASH programme management level; Significant experience in responding to emergency situations; Demonstrable experience and knowledge of WASH Cluster Approach; Experience in emergency preparedness and response planning preferably within the AISC cluster framework; Experience of proposal and appeal writing preferably within cluster framework; Experience of planning and facilitating workshops, trainings, meetings, etc; A minimum of 5 year experience with either the UN and/or NGO. Additional work experience(s) with UNICEF and/or WASH partners desirable Managerial Profile Able to manage and work with a multidisciplinary team of WASH professional and provide leadership and guidance for coordination operations Good written and oral presentation skills Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills Willingness and ability to work in hardship environments Cultural and Gender sensitivity Good knowledge of humanitarian coordination practices Ability to lead in context of partnership-building and consensual decision-making Fluency in English. Education: Advanced university degree in appropriate subject/areas of WASH, eg. Health Promotion or Education, Civil or Public Health Engineering, Public Health (MPH), Environmental Health, etc. Competencies i) Core Values (Required) Commitment • Diversity and Inclusion • Integrity ii) Core Competencies (Required) • Communication [ II ] • Working with People [ II ] • Drive for Results [ II ] iii) Functional Competencies (Required) • Leading and Supervising [ I ] • Analyzing [ III ] • Deciding and Initiating Action [ II ] • Formulating Strategies and Concepts • Relating and Networking [ II ] • Applying Technical Expertise [ III ] [ II ] Languages: Fluency in English. Knowledge of Kiswahili would be an asset. Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications along with their curricula vitae, to; The Human Resources Manager UNICEF Kenya Country Office Email address: kenhrvacanciesC@unicef.org Please indicate Reference No. “KCO/WASH/2015/007” in the email subject. Interested candidates should also complete the Personal History (P11) form, which can be downloaded from the UNICEF Kenya website (http://www.unicef.org/kenya). “QUALIFIED FEMALE CANDIDATES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY” ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE UNICEF IS A SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENT This is a re-advertisement of the position “KCO/WASH/2014/063” Candidates who applied previously are welcome to re-apply.