File - Pre-Pharmacy Club at UC Davis

Meeting: Guest Speakers from UCDMC Oncology Center – Dr. Josephine Lai and Dr. Joyce Lee
Date: January 29, 2013
Time: 8:10 – 9:00PM
Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lai and Dr. Joyce Lee
Relay for Life
- Register online with given link or with An (give her your information) and represent UCD PrePharmacy Club!
Josephine Lai
- UC Berkley for undergraduate degree
- UCSF Pharmacy school graduated in 2006
- Residency at UC Davis
o 1 year (*PGY1)
- Stayed on and was a clinical pharmacist
o Passion in administration and management
o Took management
- Currently manager at Cancer Center
o Outpatient
 Prescriptions
o Oncology patients
 Infusion center (chemo)
Joyce Le
- Graduated from Albany School of Pharmacy in ‘96
- Worked at Oncology center in NY
- Came to CA to do non-traditional Pharm.D program
- Came to UCD to do residency
o Met Josephine
- Did 2nd year oncology residency (*PGY2)
- Peruse fellowship at UC Davis (2 year)
o Did lots of research
- Currently working at UCDMC as clinical pharmacist
o Clinical trials
o Inpatient oncology
o Research on faculty with department of oncology school of medicine
 Emphasis on anti-cancer drug
Oncology Pharmacists
- Specialized trained pharmacist in facility that are experts in a particular area
o Oncology pharmacy
 Review orders
- Some duties:
o Review orders
 Right patient, right drug, dose, correct calculations
 No allergies or drug interactions
Assessments in reviewing regiment making sure there is a reference for
 Documented and proven
 Evaluations
o Choose particular medication based on patient’s disease and other parameters such as
lab work
o Check list they go through to make sure everything is done correctly once an order for a
patient is received
 2 pharmacists check
More familiar with a particular disease/cancer
o What is the best treatment for the cancer based on guidelines
o Able to manage patient’s disease better
Clinical Pharmacy
- Profession is very different than typical dispensing pharmacy
- Further training after regular Pharm.D degree (*PGY)
- Similar to physician work
o See patients
o Meet with treatment team consisting of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, etc. to
determine best treatment for patient
 Give advice to physician
- Optimize medication therapy for patients
Outpatient Pharmacy
- Implement steps to reduce error
o Cashier Requirement – CART:
 Confirm patient name is correct
 Ask patient to review prescription
 Review patient’s profile and confirm number of prescriptions filled
 Two patient identifiers must be used
o Pharmacist – CIVIC:
 Check Information on label against hard copy for accuracy
 Verify NDC against stock bottle
 Initial label in designated space
 Compare tablet/capsule dispensed with description and picture printed on label
Inpatient Pharmacy Services
- Pharmacy that is in a hospital
- Patient stays overnight
o Every medication received comes from an inpatient pharmacy
Outpatient Pharmacy
- Traditional community pharmacy
- Non-hospitalized patients
o See doctor in clinic first to get prescription
Ambulatory Clinical Services
- Pharmacist who manage clinics
- Manage chronic diseases
Examples of clinics:
o Hypertension clinic
 Has pharmacists who manage hypertension
- Doctors send patients to Pharmacist clinics to help manage patients
Inpatient clinical service
- Inside hospitals
- Patients in hospital for various reasons: cancer, clots, etc.
- For every order in hospital, most orders have to be reviewed by a pharmacist
o Have specialty pharmacists in various areas
 Ex. Infectious disease, nutritional support, oncology, pain management,
transplant, emergency, etc.
 Normally work with physicians and nurses
- Pharmacists takes care of patient from admission until discharge
- Pharmacists who work with technology
- Can do *PGY2 in Pharmacy Management
- Can get an MBA but not required
*PGY – Post Graduate Year