Spanish 2 Ms. Drain Week 1 Thursday, 8/20/15 Assignments Due Today: none Quizzes or Tests Today: none In-Class Activities and Topics: course info sheet parent letter and contact info student info sheet distribution of textbooks and workbooks (cover textbooks) textbook sign out distribute useful Spanish phrases and why learn Spanish handouts show website and class calendar pick Spanish names and make name cards for desk introductions in Spanish Homework assigned today (due the next day of class unless otherwise noted): Student info sheet Parent contact info sheet. Cover Text book Organized binder with dividers Upcoming Quizzes or Tests to Study For: none WEEK 2 Monday, 8/24/15 Assignments Due Today: student info sheet parent contact info sheet Covered Text book Organized binder with dividers Quizzes or Tests Today: SLO pre-test (mandatory but not for a grade) In-Class Activities and Topics: Slo pretest Notes/practice: Review present tense regular verbs Begin Notes/practice: Review present tense irregular verbs Homework assigned today (due the next day of class unless otherwise noted): Present tense worksheets Still turn in the following if you haven’t already: “información para conocerte” sheet, parent contact info sheet, Covered Text book, Binder with dividers Upcoming Quizzes or Tests to Study For: Regular and irregular present and preterite tense verbs review Test: Tues. 9/1 Wednesday, 8/26/15 Assignments Due Today: Present tense worksheets Quizzes or Tests Today: none In-Class Activities and Topics: bellwork review hw and bw practice with regular and irregular present tense verbs play battleship with irregular present tense verbs Homework assigned today (due the next day of class unless otherwise noted): present tense verbs worksheets and study for review verbs test Still turn in the following if you haven’t already: “información para conocerte” sheet, parent contact info sheet, Covered Text book, Binder with dividers Upcoming Quizzes or Tests to Study For: Regular and irregular present tense verbs review Test: Tues. 9/2 Friday, 8/28/15 Assignments Due Today: Present tense worksheets Quizzes or Tests Today: none In-Class Activities and Topics: bellwork review hw and bw practice with regular and irregular preterite tense verbs discuss format of review verbs test/practice Homework assigned today (due the next day of class unless otherwise noted): verbs worksheets and study for review verbs test Upcoming Quizzes or Tests to Study For: Regular and irregular present tense verbs review Test: Tues. 9/2