Semester 1 Final Exam_ Study Guide_ Span_ 2

Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide: Spanish II
Chapter 1:
Regular Present Tense Veb Conjugations (pg. 12, 14)
Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs (pg. 12)
Adjective agreement (pg. 10)
Gustar Verb Structures (pg. 10)
Reflexive Pronouns (pg. 14)
Tener Phrases/Idioms (pg. 22)
Present Progressive Tense (pg. 24)
Ir a structures (pg. 24)
Informal Commands (pg. 26)
Chapter 2:
Professions Vocabulary (pg. 77)
Saber vs. Conocer (pg.54)
Ser vs. Estar (pg. 54, 62)
House and Chores Vocabulary (pg. 77)
Preterite Tense Regular Conjugations (pg. 66)
Hacer and Ir in the Preterite (pg. 66)
Chapter 3:
Places in the city vocabulary (pg. 117)
Impersonal and Passive Se structures (pg. 90)
CAR/GAR/ZAR rules in the preterite tense (pg. 92)
Commands with Pronouns (pg. 106)
Chapter 4:
Irregular Preterite Tense Verbs (pg. 94, 134)
Formal Commands (pg. 102)
Irregular Formal Commands (pg. 104)
Preterite Tense Stem Changing Verbs (pg. 132)
Commands with: car, gar, zar rules / stem changes / pronouns (notes)
Direct Object Pronouns and Reflexive Verbs (pg. 142)
Body Parts Vocabulary (pg. 157)
Sports Vocabulary (pg. 126, 127)
Past Participles Used as Adjectives (pg. 144)
Beyond the Textbook / Expansion:
Por vs. Para
73 Common Regular Tense Verbs (Handout)
Geography of the Spanish Speaking World
Capital Cities / Nationalities of the Spanish Speaking World
Terminology for Spanish Speakers (Latino, Hispanic, Chicano, etc.)
Día de los Muertos (Customs, traditions, origins, vocabulary, etc.)
Prepositions (above, under, etc.)
Videos: Spain
Movie: Casi Casi
Colombia: Flower and Rose Factories / Drug Trade / Mulas
Movie: María Full of Grace
Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide: Spanish II
Study Tips:
*We study more in-depth than what is presented in the textbook, so be sure to review your notes and handouts
from class as well.
*PowerPoints and other notes can be accessed at any time from Mr. Flynn’s webpage:
*Review your old tests, quizzes, projects, homework assignments, and daily warm ups.
*This study guide is a list of the main topics studied this year. However, ANYTHING studied in class this year
may appear on the final exam, even if it is not listed on this study guide.
SJHS Final Exam Schedule:
Tuesday, Dec. 16 (8:45 – 10:45):
 Period 7
 Period 2
Wednesday, Dec. 17: (8:45 – 12:00):
 Period 6
 Period 3
 Period 1
Thursday, Dec. 18: (8:45 – 10:45):
 Period 4
 Period 5
 Make-Ups
Friday, Dec. 19:
 No School For Students
 Final Exam Make-Ups