Wax Museum Biography Speech Checklist

Name __________________
Wax Museum Biography SPEECH Checklist
1. Your speech should be between 1 and 2 minutes. No more than two minutes long
2. Write in first person. (use I and me)
3. Try to tell about important events in this person’s life and special details that others may not know.
(Follow the steps below. Check them off once you have completely finished the task).
Step 1: Write the rough draft of your SPEECH. Use the checklist and outline below to guide you.
Speech Outline
1. Introduction:
Start by introducing yourself and when/where your person was born
Discuss what your are famous for
2. Youth/Childhood/Education (use the notes you took for your report, only include important details)
3. Fame/Other interesting facts (use the notes you took for your report, only include important details)
4. Things we can learn/Conclusion:
Discuss lessons to be learned from this person
End with a fantastic statement about the person
Step 2: Check your speech rough draft
 I have an introduced my person in an interesting way.
 I have included information about their youth, why they are famous, and why they are
 I chose only interesting details for my speech.
 I started my sentences in different ways (fluency).
 I ended my speech in a creative or interesting way.
 My speech is no more than 2 minutes long.
Step 3: Put your final speech on note cards.
Step 4: Practice your speech
Create your banner with your historical figure’s name neatly written on it.
Make it colorful and NEAT.
Step 6: Costume
Read accurately, calmly, and with expression.
Step 5: Make your banner
Practice reading your speech aloud at least 3 times.
Gather your costume and props, so you are ready for the big day.
Be creative, your costume does not have to be store-bought.
Step 7: Create your “On Break” sign
During the Wax Museum, you will get one 15 minute break to use the restroom and visit other students’
You will put this sign out while you are gone.
 Step 8: Create your START sign
If you have a switch, you will create a “Flip the Switch” sign
If you do not have a switch, you will create a “Press Here” sign
This is your signal to start your presentation or “come alive” as a wax figure.
 Step 9: Make your switch (optional)
Make your electrical box or switch (optional)