Program Highlights

Our Russian program takes on the challenge of mastering the language by rooting active speaking,
reading, writing, and listening skills in formal knowledge, aided by grammar study, and vocabularybuilding. At the same time, the Fluency Component uses topics of intrinsic interest to students and realworld materials such as YouTube videos, Russian pop music lyrics, and animation to stimulate broadranging communicative activities.
The goal is to put students confidently on the path to Russian language fluency and to growing
appreciation for one of the world’s great cultures—from Peter the Great to the Sochi Olympics.
Мы приглашаем вас открыть мир русского языка с нами!
Program Highlights
Eleven weeks of classes from September 15 to December 01, 2014.
20.0 hours of in-class instruction per week - 5 times a week (4 academic hours).
Elementary and basic sections available depending on enrollment.
Two components for each level: a Core Component that focuses on structure and vocabulary, and a
Fluency Component that is devoted to real-world speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Constant opportunity to interact with native speakers.
Instructors with native Russian language, advanced teaching degrees and years of experience.
Elementary level
The elementary class is designed for students with no or minimal knowledge of Russian. The elementary
level emphasizes survival skills and extensively covers the basic grammar that must be mastered in order
to function in a Russian environment. Students are able to work with audio and video materials to develop
listening skills and take part in grammar sessions that include conversational practice.
Upon completion the course the students will be able:
• to understand and use familiar expressions and very basic phrases aimed at
satisfying everyday needs (greetings, personal and family life, shopping, eating out,
accommodation and housing, transport and finding a way out, expressing likes and
dislikes and so on);
• to introduce themselves and others;
Course profile
• to ask and answer personal questions;
• to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and
is prepared to help.
In this introductory course students develop basic skills in speaking, listening,
reading and writing. Students acquire foundational grammar structures and
vocabulary and learn communicative skills for simple everyday situations.
Basic level
Upon completion the course the students will be able:
- to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most
immediate relevance;
- to respond with some confidence and accuracy to authentic Russian in the areas of
experience covered (local geography, employment, plans for the future, weather,
traveling, and so on);
Course profile
- to describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment
and matters in areas of immediate need;
- to talk on everyday topics: Work and Studies, Education, Weather and Climate, My
Hobby, Food and Tastes, Health, Shopping, etc.;
- to read texts on themes actual for everyday life and socio-cultural spheres of
dialogue, and to understand such texts read aloud by a native Russian speaker;
- to describe experiences and events, dreams and hopes, and briefly give reasons
and explanations for opinions and plans.