Author Guidelines “Education and Self-development” is a Journal of educational science and psychology published by the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University. Articles published in the Journal cover the theoretical and experimental research in educational psychology, as well as theory and history of education. The Journal’s priority area is the range of problems connected with studying methodological, psychological and pedagogical, and technological aspects of advancement of an individual from education to self-development. Since 2014 the Journal has focused on the University development objectives in accordance with the Roadmap, which makes provisions in elaboration of international scientific and educational cooperation. Consequently, our Journal has its English version (both printed and electronic) for RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases. At the beginning of manuscripts the following information on the authors shall be provided: o UDC; o Author’s full name (first, middle and last (family) name); o Academic degree, academic title; o Occupation title, present employer (if any) (no abbreviations allowed); o Contact information (post address, e-mail); o Article title (in Russian and in English); o Author’s e-mail; o Abstract (5 to 10 lines) (in Russian and in English); o Keywords (8 to 10 words) (in Russian and in English). o o o o o o o o o o Abstracts shall be: informative (with no descriptive generalizations); original (not calque of abstracts in Russian); meaningful (represent the main contents of the article and research results); structured (follow results description logic in the article); written in English of higher standard; concise (within 100 to 250 words). Abstract structure recommendations: 1st sentence: The relevance of the problem under study is determined by… 2nd sentence: The objective of the paper is… 3rd sentence: The primary approach to study of the problem is… (for articles in theoretical research) or The primary research method for the problem is… (when the article includes experimental part) 4th sentence: briefly name the main results 5th sentence: The data in the article may be used for… at… Keywords - Not less than 4 keywords representing the main content of the article. General requirements: Manuscripts must correspond to the subject matter of the Journal. Make sure your contribution is original and has not been previously published elsewhere. The main manuscript document shall be in Microsoft Word file format, type Times New Roman, font size 12, single line spacing, 1 cm paragraph indention, all margins 2 cm, continuous pagination starting from the first page. References shall be listed alphabetically [ ]. E.g. - [1, p.44]. Manuscripts minimum length shall be 5 pages. Manuscripts written in English shall include their corresponding version in Russian for the purpose of registration in RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science, etc. It is recommended to include in Bibliography not only documents indexed by RSCI, but also references indexed by international databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science etc. All manuscripts compliant with the above requirements will be reviewed and checked with “Antiplagiat” software. The editorial Board have a unique content at their disposal allowing to increase the number of search sources and organize a complex approach to testing articles for borrowings from sources in both Russian and English languages. Recommended sections (sections titles should be in bold print): 1. Introduction (Введение) – not less than 5 references. 2. Materials and Methods (Материал и методы, for articles with experimental part) or Methodological Framework (Методологическая база, for papers in theoretical science). 3. Results (Результаты) 4. Discussions (Обсуждения). This should represent all relevant researchers and list the aspects they considered. Please, state that the aspect in your paper has not been covered by previous studies. 5. Conclusion (Заключение). 6. Recommendations (Рекомендации). Who may be interested in the information in your article. Reference list shall: for the Russian language: meet the requirements of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles: 1. Белицкая, Е.В. Тьюторская система обучения в современном образовании Англии. // Автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. – Волгоград, 2012. – 24 с. for the English language: meet the requirements of Scopus: the sources shall be in parentheses ( ) in the text of the article. E.g. (Каlimullin, 2014) without initials. 1. Hazova, S.A. 2011. Development of the Competitiveness of specialists in physical culture and sports in the process of training. Maikop. Adyghe State University: 370. 2. Ivanenko, N.A. 2014. Pedagogical conditions of competitiveness in terms of college diversification of the Russian system of vocational training. educational innovations 6: 2736. 3. Kim, Y.D. and S. Yoon. 2012. International competitiveness of Korea service industry. Am. J. Applied Sci., 9: 343-349. Editorial Board of Education and Self-development Journal