Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Site Submission Form The purpose of this form is to invite you to submit new sites that you think may be suitable for residential or employment development in Fareham Borough during the next 20 years to 2036. This form should be completed, to the best of your knowledge, for each site you wish to be considered by Fareham Borough Council. Sites which are submitted with incomplete forms or site plans not showing the requisite information may not be given further consideration. DO submit sites that: Are likely to become available for development within the next 20 years; Could accommodate 5 or more dwellings; Could accommodate 1 or more Gypsy and Traveller pitches; May have been submitted previously as part of previous call for sites. DO NOT submit sites that: Are outside of Fareham Borough Have planning permission for development, unless a new and different proposal is likely in the future SITE PLAN This must be at a scale between 1:500 and 1:2,500, be submitted electronically as a GIS shape file, PDF or image document (where possible) and include the following information: The exact boundary of the submitted site (identified by a red line); Land ownership of the entire site; The location of possible vehicle access point(s); The location of any existing utilities; The location of any known constraints; and The proposed development layout, in particular indicating how the development would integrate with its surroundings, both built and open space; Without a site plan we are unable to register the site. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Any supporting documentation for the submitted site, such as habitat surveys or archaeological information, would be beneficial to your submission. SUBMISSION The completed submission form, site plan(s) and any relevant supporting documentation should be submitted to the Council by Monday 21 December 2015. Please email completed submissions to planningpolicy@fareham.gov.uk 1 Alternatively, please post completed submissions to: Planning Strategy and Regeneration Fareham Borough Council Civic Offices, Civic Way Fareham PO16 7AZ FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact Planning Strategy and Regeneration on 01329 824601 or by email at planningpolicy@fareham.gov.uk DISCLAIMER If the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment identifies land as having potential, it does not imply that the land will be allocated for development. All sites that have potential will be considered holistically in terms of how they best meet the development strategy within the emerging Local Plan 2016-2036. DATA PROTECTION AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION By responding to this invitation to submit possible future development sites you are accepting that your response and the information within it will be available for public inspection and will be published on line. However, any published information will not contain individual’s personal details (telephone number, email) or commercially sensitive information. 2 1. CONTACT DETAILS Unique Ref Number (Office Use Only) Name: Company: Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: Status of person/ organisation submitting site: Landowner Registered social landlord Planning consultant Developer Land agent Other (please specify) Landowner Registered social landlord Planning consultant Developer Land agent Other (please specify) Name and address of person/ organisation being represented: Status of person/ organisation represented: 3 2. SITE INFORMATION Site Address: Please provide OS grid reference of centre of site if known Site Area: (hectares) Whole site: Has your site previously been submitted to Fareham Borough Council? YES / NO Is there an existing or previous planning permission on the site? YES / NO Area suitable for development: If yes, please provide details Please attach copies to Landowner A this submission of the up to date Land Registry title register and title plan for all land ownerships on the submission site. Please Landowner B also list all landowner names in the adjacent boxes. If the site is in multiple ownerships, please also provide evidence to demonstrate that the land is available for the proposed use, such as a signed statement from all landowners. Landowner C Landowner D Please continue on an additional sheet if there are more than four landowners for your site 4 Current land use(s): How long has the current land use been established? Is there a use on site which needs to be reprovided elsewhere? Previous land use(s): (if different to above) If site is not currently in use - please give the date that the most recent previous use ceased Surrounding land use(s): Please describe all directions In identifying this site, you are giving permission YES / NO for an officer of Fareham Borough Council, or a person instructed by Fareham Borough Council, to visit and access the site in order to undertake an appraisal of the site. In this context are there issues that would restrict access to the site? 5 If 'YES' please provide the name and contact details of the person who should be contacted to arrange a site visit. 6 3. PROPOSED USE(S) FOR THE SITE Proposed Development Tick all that apply Details of Development Estimated number of dwellings Estimated density of dwellings Estimated employment/retail floorspace Market Housing Affordable Housing Self-Build / Custom Build Housing for older people (Use Class C3) Residential care home, nursing home (Use Class C2) Gypsy or Traveller pitch Employment (Use Class B1) 7 Employment (Use Class B2) Employment (Use Class B8) Employment (Use Class other) Retail (Use Class A1) Other 8 9 4. SITE AVAILABILITY AND DELIVERABILITY When will the site likely be available for development? Please set out the proposed annual phasing plan for the site, indicating the proposed number of dwellings, amount of employment / retail floorspace to be constructed. 1 - 5 years (2016 – 2020) 11 - 15 years (2026 – 2030) 6 - 10 years (2021 – 2025) 16 - 20 years (2031 – 2035) 2016 2026 2017 2027 2018 2028 2019 2029 2020 2030 2021 2031 2022 2032 2023 2033 2024 2034 2025 2035 Are there any known legal YES / NO issues that would prevent the site from being developed in the plan period up to 2036? If yes, please provide details If YES please provide details, such as; Is the site subject to any ransom strips; Do third parties have access rights over the land; Are there any unresolved multiple ownerships; Any restrictive covenants affecting the land, tenancies or operational requirements of landowners. 10 Would you be prepared to enter YES / NO into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Fareham Borough Council to agree timescales for entering into preapplication and for submitting a planning application? Please confirm the name of all individual(s) or organisation(s) who own development options on either part-of, or the entire site. 11 5. ACCESS Does the site currently have safe access to an adopted highway? YES / NO If YES please identify access point on accompanying site plan If NO please give details on how and where vehicular access could be provided and identify on site plan. Is the proposed access point (or points) YES / NO currently suitable for the level of development proposed? If NO please provide details of the upgrades that would be required. Does the site have access to a pedestrian pavement? YES / NO If YES please identify access point on accompanying site plan If NO please give details on how and where pedestrian access can be provided and identify on site plan. Do any public rights of way or permissive rights pass through, or run adjacent to, the site? YES / NO If YES please provide details and mark the location on the accompanying site plan. 12 6. SITE CONSTRAINTS Flood Risk Is any part of the site in an identified flood zone, as defined by the Environment Agency? YES / NO If yes, please identify on site plan Are there any watercourses on or adjacent to the site that would hinder development, such as issues with surface water drainage? YES / NO If yes, please identify on site plan Does run-off from the site currently impact neighbouring uses or highways? YES / NO Topography If yes, please provide details Does the site's topography or ground conditions have implications which may hinder development at the site YES / NO If yes, please provide details Are there exiting structures on the site that would hinder development? YES / NO If yes, please provide details Agricultural land Is the site on grade 1, 2 or 3a agricultural land? Contamination Is there known contamination at the site? YES / NO YES / NO If yes, please identify on site plan If yes, please provide details 13 If there is known contamination, has any survey work been done and have any remedial measures taken place? YES / NO If yes, please provide details Are there any hazards / hazardous substances on the site or in its vicinity? YES / NO If yes, please provide details Is any part of the site within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone, as defined by the Environment Agency? YES / NO Heritage If yes, please identify on site plan Does the site contain, or is it adjacent to, any heritage assets? YES / NO If yes, please provide details and identify on site plan Please list any; Vegetation listed buildings; ancient monuments; archaeological sites; or conservation areas. Does the site contain, or is it adjacent to, any trees which are subject to preservation orders? YES / NO If yes, please identify on site plan Are there any other significant trees, mature vegetation or hedgerows on site? YES / NO Open Space If yes, please provide details Would the proposal result in the loss of existing open space designations? YES / NO If yes, please provide details 14 Amenity Is the site within or adjacent to an Air Quality Management Zone? YES / NO If yes, please provide details Are there any neighbouring uses that may conflict with the proposed use? (e.g. Heavy Industry, Hazardous Installations, Noise, Pollution, Dust) YES / NO Ecology If yes, please provide details Are they are known protected species on the site? YES / NO If yes, please provide details of any ecological surveys that have been undertaken on the site Are there known ecological designations on the site? Please tick all that you know to apply to all, or part of your site Special Protection Area (SPA) National Nature Reserves (NNR) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Local Nature Reserves (LNR) Ramsar site Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 15 7. INFRASTRUCTURE (If answering YES to any of these questions please provide details of any discussions with utility providers regarding provision for the site) Is there available sewerage infrastructure at the site which can accommodate the proposed development? YES / NO Is there available surface water drainage infrastructure at the site which can accommodate the proposed development? YES / NO Is there available water infrastructure at YES / NO the site which can accommodate the proposed development? Is there available electricity infrastructure at the site which can accommodate the proposed development? YES / NO Is there available gas infrastructure at the site which can accommodate the proposed development? YES / NO Is there available telecommunications infrastructure at the site which can accommodate the proposed development? YES / NO Are there any infrastructure constraints on the site, which may restrict development, such as pipelines or overhead lines? YES / NO 16 8. FINANCIAL VIABILITY Is the proposal for the site considered financially viable at the current time? YES / NO If yes, please provide details YES / NO If yes, please provide details If the site proposal is considered financially viable please provide details of viability work undertaken and, where possible, please submit any viability assessments that demonstrate the site’s viability Any viability assessments will be treated as commercially sensitive information. Have any abnormal costs been identified that may influence financial viability? If YES please provide details. Current Planning Policy requires the following rates of affordable housing provision: If the anticipated provision of affordable housing is below that which is current required in policy, please provide details as to why that is the case. On sites that can accommodate between 5 and 14 dwellings – 30% affordable units; On sites that can accommodate 15 or more dwellings – 40% affordable units. Taking financial viability into account, can you identify the percentage of affordable dwellings that your site will deliver? If the site is not considered financially viable at the current time, please provide details of the issues influencing viability (i.e. particular infrastructure items) and how these are likely to be overcome during the Plan period. 17 18 9. ANY OTHER COMMENTS Please add any comments or clarification of the answers given above. 10. SUBMISSION The deadline for submission is Monday 21 December 2015. Please send the completed submission form, site plans and any supporting documentation to: Planning Strategy and Regeneration Fareham Borough Council Civic Offices, Civic Way Fareham PO16 7AZ planningpolicy@fareham.gov.uk Please contact Fareham Borough Council Planning Strategy and Regeneration on 01329 824601 to obtain additional submission forms. 19 20