words to know - Beachwood City Schools

Genre- The types of material that we read.
Fiction- a made up story
Nonfiction- a true story that usually gives information.
Biography- a stoey about a real person's life.
Poetry- a type of writing that sometimes rhymes and written in
Author's Purpose- Why the author wrote the story, book, or play.
PIETo Persuade- to talk the reader into doing something.
To Inform- to give information.
To Entertain- for fun, to scare, make you laugh, to make you cry, etc.
Cause- Answers the question "why". It is the first thing that happens that
makes something else happen.
Effect- Answers the question "what happened". It is the thing that
happens after the cause.
Main idea- what the story is MOSTLY about.
Details- tell more about the main idea- support the main idea.
Summary- a few sentences telling what the story is about.
Context clues- clues around an unknown word that help to figure out the
word's meaning.
Prefix- letters added to the beginning of a word that change the word's
Suffix- letters added to the end of a word that change a words meaning.
Compare- when you tell how two things are alike.
Contrast- when you tell how two things are different.
Synonyms- Two words that mean the same thing.
Antonyms- Two words that mean the opposite.
Character Traits- One word that describes a character's personality.
Plot- The events in a story.
Conflict- The main problem in the story that the character is trying to
solve. It can be the character versus another person, the character versus
themselves, or the character versus nature.
Resolution- The solving of the main problem in the story.
Point of view is who is telling the story.
Theme is the author's message or lesson of the story.
First Person Point of View- when the story is told by a character IN the
Third Person Point of View- when the story is told by a narrator
OUTSIDE of the story.
Simile- A type of figurative language when the author compares two things
USING the words "like" or "as".
Metaphor- A type of figurative language when the author compares two
things NOT USING "like" or "as".
Idiom- an expression that literally does not make sense but its used in our
language...ex. "It is raining cats and dogs".
Homophone- two words that have the SAME SOUND but different
Homograph- two words that have the SAME SPELLING but sound
different and mean different things.
Atlas-A book of maps
Almanac- A book of facts that is published every year.
Encyclopedia- A book of general facts and information about a certain
subject. Dictionary- A book that gives a list of words and their meaning.
Internet Site- can provide all sorts of information.
Magazines- are published about all kinds of subjects and contains articles
about all kinds of things. Some have articles about hobbies- music,
drawing, painting, cooking, sports, etc.
Newspapers- are printed daily and tell about important day to day
Nonfiction books- good sources of information on a specific topic.
Connotation is the idea or feeling that a word invokes in a person.
Denotation is the literal dictionary definition of a word.
Homophones are two words that SOUND the SAME but spelled
differently, and example is blue and blew.
Homographs are two words that sound and mean different things but
have the SAME SPELLING, and example is live and live.