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PowerPoint 2007 Terms: Slides, Views, Animation

1. MS PowerPoint 2007- complete presentation graphics program.
2. Slideshow- Displays power point full screen in a power point presentation. Previews
slides; Slides cannot be edited.
3. Slide-Basic unit of a PowerPoint.
4. Title slide- first slide of a presentation.
5. Normal view-U displays 3 windows(outline, slides, notes)
6. Outline view- Displays in outline format showing slide titles and text.
7. Slide view- Shows a single slide to create or edit
8. Slide transition- Adds or changes effect when slide is introduced.
9. Animation- sounds, text, and object movements.
10. Animation preview- runs effects in miniature window.
11. Rehearse timings- can set or change timings of slides in a slide show.
12. Multimedia- clipart, sounds, video clips, and photos
13. Bullet- symbol such as a heavy dot.
14. Slide sorter view- miniature versions of all slides; can change slide order.
15. Slide show view- displays slides as presentation on full screen monitor