2014-2015 Application - OSU Alumni Association

2014-2015 Application
The OSU Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAA) is searching for talented, motivated and connected
students to serve on their council. SAA is a student led program of the OSU Alumni Association, and is a
group of students dedicated to preserving campus traditions and connecting students with alumni. All
SAA chairs are given the opportunity to learn how to run and manage a student led program, gaining
valuable experiences and skills that can be applied in any career field. Students will be selected for these
positions based on applicable experience, academic performance, and Beaver Spirit! All Ambassadors
will receive a scholarship for their dedicated service and commitment to be distributed evenly across
fall, winter and spring terms.
SAA Mission:
SAA is committed to inspiring and bringing together the Beaver community, showing pride and loyalty in
our school and its traditions by sponsoring campus events and creating lifelong relationships with our
community. We strive to define what it means to be a Beaver. As a subsidiary group of the OSU Alumni
Association, the Student Alumni Ambassadors will encourage today’s students to see themselves as
tomorrow’s alumni, and valuable members of the OSU community.
Open positions and responsibilities are as follows:
Chairs of Marketing
o Represent the Oregon State University Alumni Association during on and off-campus
events, alumni activities and other opportunities.
o Connect with assigned campus department or unit monthly (or as needed) for updates
and possible collaboration efforts
o Manage marketing and publicity needs of overall events and/or campaigns lead by SAA
including quarterly outreach to fellow students.
o Assist signature event committees with their marketing and social media efforts of
o Connects with OSUAA professional staff on executing the overall branding and
marketing of SAA events, initiatives and outreach activities
Chairs of Homecoming
o Represent the Oregon State University Alumni Association during on and off-campus
events, alumni activities and other opportunities.
o Connect with assigned campus department or unit monthly (or as needed) for updates
and possible collaboration efforts
o Assist with 2015 Homecoming events and activities currently underway
o Recruit and retain a student homecoming committee to help plan and execute activities
such Homecoming Ambassadors
o Assist signature event committees with their marketing and social media efforts of
Responsibilities of all Chairs
 Serve in their position from March 2015 through June 2015 with an opportunity to reapply for
next year’s council
 Participate in 2015 Senior Send-Off (Thursday, June 4, 2015)
 Attend biweekly (every two weeks) council meetings at SAA office (Alumni Center)
 Commit to at least 2 hour each week to work in the SAA office
 Attend SAA events throughout the academic year
 Represent SAA at, and assist with the planning of Alumni Association events and programs
 More details will be provided about responsibilities as they can vary year to year
 Be a current full-time or part- time OSU student in good standing
 Have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above throughout the year
 Must work well in a team
 Must be self-motivated and able to manage multiple tasks at a time
 Previous leadership and event planning experience is preferred
Applications will be accepted by email on or before February 20th by 12pm.
Interviews and official offers will take place week eight (8) of winter term.
Documents to submit:
 Completed application
 Current resume
 Unofficial Transcript
 Spring term schedule
Please direct any questions and email completed applications to:
SAA Advisor: Suzanne Flores
Find out more about the Student Alumni Ambassadors at:
2015-2016 Student Alumni Ambassadors Board of Directors Application
Name: ________________________________________ Year in School ________________
Student ID Number: ____-____-____
Total OSU Credits Completed: ___________
Academic Major(s): __________________________________
Minor(s): __________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City: ________________________
State: ____________
Zip Code: __________
Email Address: _______________________________________
Cell Phone: _____________________________________________
Position to which you are applying (please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice position):
___Chair of Homecoming
___Chair of Marketing
Short Answer Questions
Please limit your response to each question to 100 words or less.
1) Why are you interested in serving as a Student Alumni Ambassador?
2) What do you personally hope to achieve from your position with the SAA?
3) What does your academic course load and extra-curricular involvement look like for next
year? How will you balance the time commitment for SAA with those other commitments?
4) Is there anything else you would like us to know?