Alumni Foundations Program Reporting

Alumni Foundations Program
The Alumni Foundations Program was established in 1998 to assess alumni Chapter
activity level and to increase communication with the National Office. In 2015, the AFP
was revised to simplify the process in the hope of increasing participation. This
program will be utilized to name an Outstanding Alumni Chapter to be presented at
Grand Council or Leader Development Seminars annually. Report should be submitted
by May 1st each year to and
Chapter Name:
Chapter Website Address (if applicable):
Chapter Email Address (if applicable):
Chapter Officers and Contact Information (add more rows if needed)
Date elected:
Officer Position
Phone #
Please list current active members of the chapter:
An attached document is acceptable; please provide contact information email/phone/address
Please list Brothers who have passed away within the last year:
Number of Chapter Meetings:
Number of Executive Board Meetings:
Founders’ Day Event Held: Y/N
Do you sponsor collegiate Brother scholarships: Y/N
Do you regularly publish newsletters: Y/N If Yes – Number per year?
(Please consider forwarding to the GVPAA & GVPC!)
Do you have any news regarding your Brothers you would like to share?