UDM Student Alumni Association Membership Application http://community.udmercy.edu/SAA (Return to the Office of Alumni Relations on the 4th floor of the Fisher Bldg.) Please fill out the following information: Name_________________________________ID Number______________________________________ Preferred Phone Number___________________________Email_________________________________ School Address________________________________________________________________________ Permanent Address_____________________________________________________________________ College__________________________________Major_______________________________________ Cumulative GPA____________Estimated Graduation Date_____________________________________ Current Year: Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior Birthday___________ / Graduate Referred by (not required)__________________________________________ Please respond to the following questions: 1. You chose to attend UDM for a reason. What do you like most and least about being a student here? What can be done to improve this and how can you help? 2. UDM SAA sponsors many activities and requires commitment from the members to be a part of the planning. To be considered a full-time member and receive the various benefits offered by the SAA you will be required to attend at least two events and/or fundraisers and the majority of the general board meetings. Will you be able to balance your other organizations with SAA? I certify that the information herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I give SAA selection committee permission to verify my grade point average and academic standing. Signature Date