UDM Student Alumni Board Membership Application

UDM Student Alumni Association
Membership Application
(Return to the Office of Alumni Relations on the 4th floor of the Fisher Bldg.)
Please fill out the following information:
Name_________________________________ID Number______________________________________
Preferred Phone Number___________________________Email_________________________________
School Address________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address_____________________________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA____________Estimated Graduation Date_____________________________________
Current Year:
Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior
/ Graduate
Referred by (not required)__________________________________________
Please respond to the following questions:
You chose to attend UDM for a reason. What do you like most and least about being a student here?
What can be done to improve this and how can you help?
UDM SAA sponsors many activities and requires commitment from the members to be a part of the
planning. To be considered a full-time member and receive the various benefits offered by the SAA
you will be required to attend at least two events and/or fundraisers and the majority of the general
board meetings. Will you be able to balance your other organizations with SAA?
I certify that the information herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I give SAA selection committee
permission to verify my grade point average and academic standing.