Pinched Vessel Two

Ceramics and Sculpture 1
Lesson: pinched vessel construction
Objectives for Vessel 1 and 2
1. Student will be required to complete two, pinched vessels. The vessels will be approximately 3-6 inches in height and
/or width.
2. Both vessels should have evenly constructed walls and base approximately a ½ inch thick.
3. With the first vessel, the student will be required to manipulate the clay to create a symmetrical and functional vessel.
4. Vessel one should demonstrate and use two principles of design; balance and unity.
5. The second vessel, the student will be required to use three principles of design; balance, rhythm and variety. Balance
for the second vessel may be achieved by creating a symmetrical or a-symmetrical vessel.
6. The student will also be required to complete three sketches for the second vessel. The sketches must display the three
principles of design. The sketches must be approved before beginning the assignment.
Pinched Vessel One
1. The student will wedge the clay to remove all air pockets that may be in the clay. This is completed by throwing the
clay onto the table or newspaper. The clay must be thrown end on end and contained in a mass and NOT a flat patty or
an elongated form. Using a wire toggle the students will cut the clay to release air from the clay and to check to assure all
air has been removed.
2. The student will use their hands to pound the clay into a ball form.
3. The student will then place their thumb half way into the ball of clay. While turning the clay with their hand they will
gently squeeze the clay with the thumb on the inside and all four fingers on the outside.
4. Once the clay has a whole large enough to put two thumbs inside, the student will stop and place the clay on a flat
surface or a bench wheel.
5. If the clay walls are 3/4 to 1 inch thick; the student will pull the clay up. This step will be completed by starting near
the bottom of the clay, gently squeezing with the thumb and fingers toward the top of the vessel. If the walls are a ½ inch
or thinner the student will skip to the next step.
6. The student will refine the pinch pot surface using their thumb, modeling tool, and a rib tool.
7. Students will add height to the pinch pot by rolling coils and attaching the coil(s) to the pinch pot with a scoring and
slipping technique. Students will wedge clay before rolling the coils. The student must then lengthen the wedged mass
of clay by using a pendulum motion. Once the clay is in a long geometric shape approximately one inch in diameter they
will begin squeezing while turning the clay in their hands to create a long cylinder shape approximately ¾ inch in
diameter. They will then roll the coil by spreading their fingers, keeping their balms on the table, and begin rolling the
coil by making sure the clay rolls at least 360 degrees around while moving their hand outward to pull the clay.
7. The students will refine the sides and inside of the vessel by smoothing the clay with their thumb, a modeling tool, and
rib tool while maintaining a symmetrical work of art.
8. The students will add a decorative design by removing clay by carving, using sgraffito or pressing objects into the clay.
Students will use underglaze and clear glaze as part of the finished surface.
Bonus: Students can add a foot, feet, lid, and / or handle(s).
Pinched Vessel Two
1. The student will design a vessel on paper that is either functional or non-functional. It may be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. The design must have a satisfactory display of the three principles of designs before beginning construction.
Underglaze used must be part of the finished surface and design. The student may add or remove clay from the surface.
If clay is added to the vessel it must be slipped and scored.
2. The construction procedures are the same as in Vessel I
*The student will use their hands to pound the clay into a ball form.
*The student will then place their thumb half way into the ball of clay. While turning the clay with their hand they will gently squeeze the
clay with the thumb on the inside and all four fingers on the outside.
*Once the clay has a whole large enough to put two thumbs inside, the student will stop and place the clay on a flat surface or a bench wheel.
* If the clay walls are 3/4 to 1 inch thick; the student will pull the clay up. This step will be completed by starting near the bottom of the clay,
gently squeezing with the thumb and fingers toward the top of the vessel. If the walls are a ½ inch or thinner the student will skip to the next
The student will refine the pinch pot surface using their thumb, modeling tool, and a rib tool.
Students will add height to the pinch pot by rolling coils and attaching the coil(s) to the pinch pot with a scoring and slipping technique.
Students will wedge clay before rolling the coils. The student must then lengthen the wedged mass of clay by using a pendulum motion.
Once the clay is in a long geometric shape approximately one inch in diameter they will begin squeezing while turning the clay in their hands
to create a long cylinder shape approximately ¾ inch in diameter. They will then roll the coil by spreading their fingers, keeping their balms
on the table, and begin rolling the coil by making sure the clay rolls at least 360 degrees around while moving their hand outward to pull the
The students will refine the sides and inside of the vessel by smoothing the clay with their thumb, a modeling tool, and
rib tool.
The students will add a decorative design by removing clay by carving, using sgraffito or pressing objects into the clay. Students will use
underglaze and clear glaze as part of the finished surface.
3. Students may add clay to help create their vessel.
4. The vessel can be nonfunctional or utilitarian.
5. The vessel can be symmetrical or a-symmetrical.
Name:_____________________________________________ Period______
Pinch pot
Vessel One Evaluation
Following the objectives:
Construction and presentation.
0-25 pts.
Students who achieve at the highest level for this grading criteria and who demonstrate an extra
creative effort may receive this score for their work.
Students who are proficient for this grading criteria and who demonstrate active class involvement
may receive this score for their work.
Student who have a basic grasp of this grading criteria and demonstrates active class involvement
and/or limited application of the concept may receive this score for their work.
Students are at below basic proficiency for this grading criteria and demonstrates limited class
involvement and limited application of the concept may receive this score for their work.
Students who submit work that is unacceptable for this criteria and who demonstrates limited class
involvement may receive this score for their work.
1. Successful using the wedging technique……………………… _______/25pts.
Following objectives:
2. Evenly constructed walls and base; approximately ½ thick. _______/25pts.
3. Clean and refined walls and inside of vessel………………… _______/25pts.
4. Creative design and finished surface(use of carving,
pressing obects into the clay, sgraffito, underglaze, and glaze _______/25pts.
Bonus: Students can add a foot, feet, lid, and / or handle(s).
Name:_______________________________________________ Period______
Pinch pot
Vessel Two Evaluation
Following the objectives:
Construction and presentation.
0-25 pts.
Students who achieve at the highest level for this grading criteria and who demonstrate an
extra creative effort may receive this score for their work.
Students who are proficient for this grading criteria and who demonstrate active class
involvement may receive this score for their work.
Student who have a basic grasp of this grading criteria and demonstrates active class
involvement and/or limited application of the concept may receive this score for their
Students are at below basic proficiency for this grading criteria and demonstrates limited
class involvement and limited application of the concept may receive this score for their
Students who submit work that is unacceptable for this criteria and who demonstrates
limited class involvement may receive this score for their work.
Successful using the wedging technique………………………. _______/25pts.
Evenly constructed walls and base; approximately ½ thick…. _______/25pts.
Clean and refined walls and inside of vessel………………….. _______/25pts.
Creative design and finished surface(use of carving,
pressing obects into the clay, sgraffito, underglaze, and glaze _______/25pts.