American Democracy in Word and Deed MDUSD/UCB H-SSP 4th Grade Lesson: “What the Spanish Brought” Developed by: Bob Cadloni, Susan Jones, Marcy McCullah, Marie Otsuka, Christi Hadley, Kimberly Leyden Teaching American History Grant Focus Question: How have the words and deeds of people and institutions shaped democracy in the U.S.? Grant Yearly Theme: Cultural/Economic History-Social Science Standard/s: HSS 4.2 Unit Topic: Early California Lesson Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? Lesson Teaching Thesis: The culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods. Reading and Writing Strategy/ies: Focus question should be posted in room. READING Strategy: Analyzing Art: Visual Analysis, Cause and Effect Reading and Chart, WRITING Strategy: Basic Analytical essay Lesson Assessment: Paragraphs will be assessed on writing format and content. Paragraph should adhere to the expectation of the writing standard and content should include at least three details that support the focus question. Suggested Amount of Time: Four 45 minute class periods Textbook Citation: California: A Changing State. Orlando, Florida: Reflection Series, Harcourt School Publishers, 2007, Chapter 3, Lesson 4, pp 134-143: Chapter 4, Lesson 1, pp152-153 Primary Source Citation: Florentine Codex, Book 12, Plate 1 Circa 1550 Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History Context of the lesson in the unit: This lesson will follow a study of Unit 2, chapters 1-3. The students will learn the cultural and economic effects of Spanish influences. Lesson Focus Question: Focus question should be posted in room How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? 1 Lesson Procedure: 1. Introduction (Day 1)- ART ANALYSIS Students will be given a copy of the primary source image (p4, student sample p5). In table groups, students will discuss what they observe. Students will be given the Analyzing Art Worksheet (p6, student sample p7) to write down and/or sketch their observations. Teacher will guide a discussion of the image. (Note the image came from the conquistadors conquering the Aztecs in Mexico City. The translation is “from the twelfth book the facts of the Spanish conquering the Aztecs in Mexico City.” Teacher will need to guide the students through a discussion of the patterns of conquering groups of people throughout history). Sample Guided Questions: o What are some things that you recognize in the picture? o What animals do you see? o What are the men carrying in the sack and chest? o What do you think could be inside the chest? (besides treasure, seeds, farming tools, metal, etc) After group work, students share responses which are recorded by the teacher. Concluding Thoughts/ Prediction Question: o Students answer the prediction question: How do you think the lives of the Aztecs will change from being introduced to the items brought by the Spanish? o Review or teach the following terms: Culture: a way of life (beliefs, habits, language, clothing, religion, music, cuisine, etc) Economy: how people use natural resources to meet their needs o Students share responses in pairs, whole class. o Teacher will discuss and review the words culture and economy. Teacher leads a discussion: “It appears that the Spanish ways changed the culture and economy of the Aztec people by introducing… ___________ (recite ideas shared by students). o Working in pairs or groups, students will decide if their prediction question answer discussed a cultural or economic change (or both). 2. Reading Strategy (Day 2)- READING ON NATIVE AMERICANS: MISSION LIFE Review focus question. Review examples of cause and effect with class. (Note: one cause may have multiple effects). First, chorally read the handout “Mission Life: Changes Begin”. (p8) Teacher will model how to locate sentences that contain cause and effect. Next, teacher will guide students through the first two paragraphs locating cause and effect. Students will circle the cause and underline the effect as the teacher models. (student sample, p9) Working in pairs, students will read the last two paragraphs, and will circle the cause and underline the effect. Teacher will elicit student responses for last two paragraphs and complete annotation of reading 3. Reading to Writing Strategy (Day 3)- MISSION LIFE READING: CAUSE & EFFECT CHART Teacher will model the first two causes and effects on the “Mission Life Cause and Effect Chart” (p10, key p11) using the information from the reading handout, “Mission Life: Changes Begin.” (p8) Then students will fill out the third box with their groups. After the students have finished filling in their chart, they will share their ideas with the class. Teacher will guide class discussion. Review focus question. Ask students, “Have we answered the focus question?” Think, pair, share with a partner. Teacher leads discussion and guides the students in answering the focus question. (Lesson Teaching Thesis: The culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the introduction of new farming and agricultural methods. 2 4. Writing Strategy (Day 4)- STRUCTURED ESSAY ON MISSION LIFE Hand out “Mission Life Planning Form” (p12, key p13, student sample pp14-15) Students will use information from their “Mission Life Cause and Effect Chart”(p10, key p 11) to develop a multi-paragraph essay that explains how the lives of California Indians were changed by the introduction of Spanish livestock and agriculture. Review how to change the focus question into the topic sentence and remind students to provide examples that support the topic sentence. Students will use the information from the Mission Life Cause and Effect Chart to complete the Mission Life Planning Form. Scaffold the completion of the form as needed. Using the Mission Life Planning Form, students write their final draft. History-Social Science Content Standards: 4.2. Students describe the social, political, cultural, and economic life and interactions among people of California from the pre-Columbian societies to the Spanish mission and Mexican rancho periods. 4.2.6. Discuss the role of the Franciscans in changing the economy of California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy. Analysis Skills: Chronological and Spatial Thinking 1. Students place key events and people of the historical era they are studying in a chronological sequence and within a spatial context; they interpret time lines. 2. Students judge the significance of the relative location of a place (e.g., proximity to a harbor, on trade routes) and analyze how relative advantages or disadvantages can change over time. Common Core State Standards: Reading Informational Text: RI.4.1. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. RI.4.3. Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. Writing: W.4.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented. Speaking and Listening: SL.4.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. Language: L.4.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 3 Florentine Codex, Book 12, Plate 1, Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History Prediction Question: How do you think the culture and economy of the Aztecs will change after being introduced to the items brought by the Spanish? STUDENT SAMPLE 4 Prediction Question: How do you think the culture and economy of the Aztecs will change after being introduced to the items brought by the Spanish? 5 Name:____________________________ Analyzing Art: Visual Analysis Worksheet I wonder…(questions, conclusions) I see …. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Prediction Question: How do you think the culture and economy of the Aztecs will change after being introduced to the items brought by the Spanish? 6 STUDENT SAMPLE 7 Mission Life: Changes Begin Cause and Effect Reading: Chapter 3, Lesson 4 Directions: Circle the cause and underline the effect. Note: sometimes a cause can have multiple effects and sometimes an effect is listed before a cause. #1 At the missions, priests taught the Indian families about Christianity and Spanish ways of life. They taught them new skills, such as how to take care of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and chickens. The Indians learned about carpentry and metalworking as well. #2 For the Indians, life at the missions was unlike their traditional ways of life. Before the arrival of the Spanish, most California Indians were hunters and gatherers. The Franciscan priests taught the Indians to farm. They grew food for the mission. The Indians plowed and planted fields, dug ditches, and harvested crops. They also raised horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and chickens. This slowly changed the economy of California to one based on farming. An economy is the way people in a place or region use resources to meet their needs. #3 The mission system caused changes in the lives of many California Indians. Some Indians learned new skills from the priests. At the same time, these mission Indians had to give up their traditional ways of life. Some ran away, and others tried to revolt. Many died of diseases. #4 After the missions closed, some Indians tried to return to their old villages. But their lands had changed greatly during Spanish settlement. Much of the land had been taken over by others. Many Indians had been born and raised in missions. They had learned Spanish ways of life and agriculture from the Franciscan priests, and they could not return to being hunters and gatherers. In the end, many Indians had no choice but to work for the Californios and the new settlers. Reflection, California: A Changing State, Unit 2: Early California, Chapter 3, Lesson 4 and Chapter 4, Lesson 1 (135, 139, 152-153) Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? 8 STUDENT SAMPLE #1 9 STUDENT SAMPLE #2 #1 #2 #3 #4 10 NAME_______________________________ Mission Life: Cause and Effect Chart #1 Cause [Because] The Spanish taught their way of life to the mission Indians. Effect _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ #2 [Because] __________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________ #3 [Because] The mission system caused changes in the lives of many California Indians ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ [Because] #4 the missions closed, ____________________________________ , _______________________________________ [Because] Californios and new settlers lived on (inference)_______________________________________ much of the land where the Indians had lived, _______________________________________ [Because] ________________________________________ Many Indians were born and raised in missions where they learned the Spanish ways of life and agriculture ____________________________________ from the priests, _______________________________________ [Because] ____________________________________ The missions closed, the land was taken over, and the Indians born ________________________________________ under the Mission System lost their traditions, 11 Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? Mission Life- TEACHER KEY Cause and Effect Chart Cause Effect #1 [Because] The Spanish taught their way of life The California Indians learned skills such as how to to the mission Indians. take care of horses, cattle, sheep, goats and chickens. [Because] The Spanish brought their way of #2 farming to mission California. The California Indians learned to plow, plant fields, dig ditches, and harvest crops. [Because] #3 Indians learned new skills (from the priests) The mission system caused changes in the lives of many California Indians gave up traditional ways of life Indians some Indians ran away many Indians died of diseases [Because] the missions closed [Because] Californios and new settlers lived on much of the land where the #4 Indians had lived The Indians needed to leave; they tried to return to their old villages. (inference): Indians couldn’t return to their old villages/lands [Because] Many Indians were born and raised California Indians born into the mission system did not know the ways of hunting and gathering in missions where they learned the Spanish ways of life and agriculture from the priests, [Because] The missions closed, the land was taken over, and the Indians born under the Mission System lost their traditions, Many Indians had no choice but to work for the Californios and new settlers Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? 12 Mission Life Planning Form Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? Topic sentence: Paragraph: (prior knowledge/ details in reading) Describe Indian life, including cultural and economic traditions before the Spanish arrived: Indian life before the missions Paragraph: once the missions were built, Indians learn Spanish culture, or ways of life Paragraph: Spanish cultural and economic ways taught to the Indians: Crops: Animals: new religion: ____________________ (inference) new language: ____________________ The Indian economy changed because of the Spanish. Before: hunted animals the lives of the Indians change because of the Spanish After: _____________________________________ Before: gathered food After:______________________________________ What happened to the Indian culture? List 3 negative reactions or outcomes to these changes: Paragraph: Outcomes: 1. when the missions closed 2. 3. Conclusion: Transition Words To show cause and effect relationships: once, before, after, since, due to, because of, therefore, consequently, as a result, this enabled, this meant, this led to, when 13 To show sequence: first, next, then, lastly, in conclusion, before, after, when To add to an earlier detail: also, in addition, additionally Mission Life Planning Form TEACHER KEY Focus Question: How was the culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods? Topic sentence: The culture and economy of the California Indians changed through the introduction of new farming and agricultural methods. (prior knowledge/ details in reading) Describe Indian life, including cultural and economic traditions before the Spanish arrived: Indian life before hunted and gathered food the missions lived in villages/ tribes used the natural resources around them to build their villages and to hunt and gather food. had their own language, clothing, religion, traditional life Spanish culture and economic ways taught to the Indians Paragraph: Crops: once the learned how to farm and plow missions were learned how to plant seeds, harvest crops built, Indians Animals: learn Spanish learned how to take care of animals culture, or ways new religion: Christianity of life (inference) new language: Spanish The Indian economy changed because of the Spanish. Paragraph: Paragraph: Before: hunt animals the lives of the Indians change because of the Spanish Paragraph: when the missions closed Conclusion: Transition Words After: _raise animals, care for livestock After:_grow crops, farmers_______________ Before: gather food What happened to the Indian culture? Gave up traditional ways of life List 3 negative reactions or outcomes to these changes: ran away, revolted, died of diseases Outcomes: couldn’t return to their land/villages because land was taken some born on the missions, never learned to hunt or gather many had no work but to work for Californios or new settlers As a result of the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods in the missions, the culture and economy of the California Indians changed. To show cause and effect relationships: once, before, after, since, due to, because of, therefore, consequently, as a result, this enabled, this meant, this led to, when To show sequence: first, next, then, lastly, in conclusion, before, after, when To add to an earlier detail: also, in addition, additionally Teacher Key 14 Student Sample #A: Planning Form to prepare for Writing 15 Student Sample #A, Essay, page 1 of 2 16 Student Sample #A, page 2 of 2 17 Student Sample #B Essay, page 1 of 2 18 Student Sample #B, page 2 of 2 19 Teacher Sample Mission Life The culture and economy of the California changed through the introduction of new farming and agricultural methods. Before the missions were built, the California Indians had their own cultural traditions. They hunted animals and gathered acorns and berries for their food. They used natural resources to build their homes. They lived in villages with their tribes, and spoke their own languages. Once the missions were built, the Spanish taught the California Indians the Spanish ways of life. The Indians learned how to farm and plow the fields. They dug ditches, planted seeds, and harvested the crops. The Indians also learned how to take care of animals, including horses, cattle, sheep, goats and chickens. They were taught Christianity and also learned how to speak Spanish. The lives of the California Indians changed after the arrival of the Spanish and the introduction of the mission system. The economy changed to one of farming. The Indians had to give up their culture and their traditional ways of life. Many California Indians didn’t like this, so they revolted and ran away. The Spanish people brought diseases with them, which killed many Indians. When the missions closed, the California Indians had few choices. Many of the Indians were born on the missions, so they didn’t know how to hunt or gather. Some tried to return to their old villages, but were unable to because other people took the land. Many of the California Indians had to work for the Californios on their ranchos, or work for the new settlers, in order to survive. As a result of the Spanish introduction of new farming and agricultural methods, the culture and economy of the California Indians changed. 20