Mr.Tucket By: Gary Paulsen

Vocabulary Sections 1-6
Conestoga- large, heavy, broad-wheeled
covered wagon, used especially for
transporting pioneers
Muslin- a cotton fabric made in various degrees
of fineness
Pawnee- North American Plains Indians
Buffalo Chips -the dried dung of buffalo used
as fuel, especially by early settlers on the
western plains.
Elder- Of greater age.
Gabble- to speak or converse rapidly and
unintelligibly; jabber.
Muzzle- the mouth, or end for discharge, of the
barrel of a gun, pistol, etc.
Squaw- a North American Indian woman,
especially a wife.
Travois- a transport device, formerly used by the
Plains Indians, consisting of two poles joined by a
frame and drawn by an animal.
Hoarsely- having a vocal tone characterized by
weakness of intensity and excessive breathiness;
Mare - a fully mature female horse or other
equine animal.
Trudging- to walk, especially laboriously or
Aroma-an odor arising from spices, plants,
cooking, etc., especially an agreeable odor;
Mimicked-imitate or copy in action, speech,
etc., often playfully or derisively. Venison-the flesh of a deer or similar animal as
used for food.
Sheepishly-embarrassed or bashful, as by
having done something wrong or foolish.
Savvy - to know; understand.
Sorrel-light reddish-brown horse.
Magpies –A bird , having long, graduated tails,
black-and-white plumage, and noisy,
mischievous habits.
Mulish- of or like a mule, as being very
stubborn, obstinate, or intractable.
Prestige - reputation or influence arising from
success, achievement, rank, or other favorable
Muttered-to utter words indistinctly or in a low
tone, often as if talking to oneself; murmur.
Haunch-a hindquarter of an animal.
Swivelled -to turn or pivot on or as if on a
Mesa-land formation, less extensive than a
plateau, having steep walls and a relatively flat
top and common in arid and semiarid parts
Resignedly - submissive or acquiescent.
Buckskin -a strong, soft, yellowish or grayish
leather, originally prepared from deerskins,
Moccasins-a heelless shoe made entirely of soft
leather, worn by indians.
Picketed- a person engaged in any similar
demonstration, as against a person or idea.
Blushed - to redden, as from embarrassment or
Gizzard -the innards, especially the intestine
and stomach.
Culls- to collect; gather; pluck.
Staggered- to walk, move, or stand unsteadily.
Bewilderment - a confusing maze or tangle, as
of objects or conditions:
Hefted - to test the weight of by lifting and
Pelt - the untanned hide or skin of an animal.
Lean-to -a shack or shed supported at one side
by trees or posts and having an inclined roof.
Prime-of the greatest commercial value
Aspens- trees, having soft wood and alternate
ovate leaves that tremble in the slightest
Nuisance- an obnoxious or annoying person,
thing, condition, practice,
Bluff- to mislead by a display of strength, selfconfidence, or the like:
Amble-to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll;
Hospitality-the friendly reception and
treatment of guests or strangers.
Java- Slang . coffee:
Rawhide- untanned skin of cattle or other
Exhausted- to drain of strength or energy, wear
out, or fatigue greatly, as a person:
Whirred - to go, fly, revolve, or otherwise move
quickly with a humming or buzzing sound
Screeched- to utter or make a harsh, shrill cry
or sound
Veered- to change direction or turn about or
aside; shift, turn, or change from one course,
Fiend- a person who is extremely addicted to
some particular habit
Blotted- to spot, stain, soil, or the like.
Verdict- a judgment; decision.
Humdinger- a person, thing, action, or
statement of remarkable excellence or effect.
Bungalow- a cottage of one story.
Procession- the act of moving along or
proceeding in orderly succession or in a formal
and ceremonious manner,
Braves- A Native American warrior
Tethered- a rope, chain, or the like, by which an
animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit
its range of movement
Heeled- To stop or slowdown
Corral - an enclosure or pen for horses or cattle.
Tangling- Tied together in confusion.