October 11, 2015 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Prelude Welcome

October 11, 2015
Welcome and Announcements
*Call to Worship
*Opening Song: “Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”
*God’s Greeting
*Mutual Greeting
Ministry Updates:
Kids Hope USA
Lake City
Ministry of Music: “And Now My Life Song Sings”
Offering: General Fund/Faith Promise
*Song of Preparation: “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”
Children’s Message
Scripture Reading: Mark 1:21-28
Message: “When Jesus Shows Up”
*Song of Response: “May the Mind of Christ, My Savior”
*Departing Blessing
*Closing Song: “Bless His Holy Name”
*Moment of Meditation
*Indicates Standing
Ministry of Music: Eric and Tyler Burt
Organist: Louise Slager
Pianist: Diane Kooistra
Greeting us today: Stan & Barb Witte
Greeting us next Sunday: Ed & Kathy Bushen
Caring for our children this morning: Sue Tibbe, Anna
Escalante, Erin Wagenmaker, Samantha Bennett
Next Sunday: Aimee Richards, Marcia Lubbers, Lucas
Johnson, Nathaniel Escalante
Fellowship time today: Duane Luchies & Luke Van Dop
Fellowship time next Sunday: Al Buitendorp & Aaron Mater
October 25 – Casey Sparks & John Barkel
November 1 – Mark Perysian & Lou Hooker
November 8 – Randy Frens & Arnie Mater
Reminder – Each family is asked to bring 4 dozen cookies
the Sunday they prepare coffee.
Worship Center Leaders: Aimee Richards & Nathaniel Escalante
Next Week: Aimee Richards & Gabi Frens
Ushers today: Dan Folkema & Dave Hooker
Next Sunday: Arnie Mater & Dave Hooker
± Choir will practice today after worship.
± Adult Sunday School will meet in the Fireside Room during
the Sunday School time. Discussion Sheets are on the ledge by
the mailboxes.
± Prayer Group: Meets Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside
room. All are invited to attend.
± Each week we will be praying for members of our congregation.
This week please pray for Dave & Pat Witte; Harley & Arlene
Hooker; Rog, Sue, Hunter & Jayden Frens; Chad, Sara, Zachary,
Grace and & Marjorie Heykoop; Ted & Barb Clark.
± Adopt A College Student is off to a great start! HOWEVER,
we have 2 young men who are still in need of a prayer partner! If
you are interested in supporting these young men please contact
Sandra Crandell 924-9441 or
curtsandra428@gmail.com. Thank you!!!!
± Cadet Counselors needed: Our cadet ministry is in need of
adult volunteers to join the current counselors as leaders this year.
This ministry is very hands on and lots of fun! If you are interested
please speak with Justin Taylor.
± Community Kitchen is Wednesday, October 28th. Please sign
up at the Welcome Center if you would like to make a donation or
are able to be a worker.
± Firewood Work Day: On Saturday, October 17, from 8:30am12:00pm we will have a firewood work day at Scott and Barb
Carter’s home (801 W. 64th, Fremont) to prepare for the upcoming
season. All are encouraged to attend!!
± ROOF FUND: Thanks to those who gave generously we have
received $14,661 towards the new sanctuary roof. Our goal is to
raise $32,000. With everyone’s help, we hope to reach our goal
by the end of October. If you make a contribution for this project
please be sure to label it “Roof Project”. We have scheduled
another special offering for October 25.
± The council would like to thank Linda Rought for all the work
she did for the senior dinner evening.
± Love INC Volunteer Dinner: All who have any part in our
firewood ministry or serving Love INC in any other way are invited
to a volunteer dinner on Tuesday, October 20. If you are
interested in attending please talk with Scott Carter. The dinner is
at 6:00pm so meet at Reeman CRC at 5:30pm to depart.
± Community Kitchen dates for the remainder of 2016:
-October 28th
-November 11th
(There is no Community Kitchen in December.)
October 4, 2015
± Persecution. It’s not a question of if it will come, but when. As
Jesus told us in Matthew 24:9 - “you will be hated by all nations for
my name's sake.” So what should we do when persecution
comes to us? What can we expect? How should we
respond? These are questions American Decency will strive to
answer at our upcoming weekend conference – The Rising
Tide: Persecution in America on Friday evening, October 16 and
Saturday morning, October 17. This event will offer perspectives
from God’s Word on how we should respond and live bold lives for
Christ in the face of growing persecution in America. Join us
Friday, October 16 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm and Saturday, October 17
from 9:00 – 11:30 am at American Decency, 203 E. Main St, in
Fremont. For more information call 231-924-4050.
± Do you have shoes that you would like to get rid of? The
Guatemala 2016 team is collecting shoes to help raise funds for
food distribution. By donating shoes that you don't wear anymore,
you can help feed people in Guatemala and at the same time
provide shoes for needy feet all over the world!!! I have placed a
box near the church entrance. Please remember: no holes, rips,
no boots, flip- flops, slippers or crocks. Thanks!
± In the first week of October, the Carolinians experienced the
worst flood anyone can remember.
Hurricane Joaquin never made landfall on the East Coast, but it
trapped a rainstorm over South Carolina that acted like a funnel,
dumping up to two feet of rain on the city of Columbia and the
east-central portion of the state as well as portions of North
Carolina and southern New Jersey. By the time it stopped raining
on October 6, more than a dozen people were dead, hundreds
more had been evacuated, nine dams had been breached, and
President Obama declared a federal emergency. In the weeks
ahead, the flooding will continue to recede and the extent of the
destruction caused by the torrential rain storm will become clear.
City officials in Columbia alone estimate that the damage to
homes and businesses will cost billions of dollars to repair. In
ministering to those who are in the most need, World Renew
seeks out people who are under or uninsured, the elderly,
those who are disabled, or who are otherwise unable to
recover from a disaster like this flood on their own. Will you
contribute financially to bring help and hope to people
affected by hurricanes like Joaquin this fall? Your financial
support will help the skilled, dedicated volunteers who work with
World Renew DRS . Send checks, marked Hurricane 2015, to
World Renew DRS, 1700 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508
± Back to School – Behind Bars- Group projects take on new
meaning for participants in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange
Program, which brings college students into prison classrooms.
Dr. Justin Smith and Dr. Liz Bradshaw, professors of sociology at
Central Michigan University, reflect on transformations they’ve
seen in both “inside” and “outside” students. Go to www.cbi.tv
to watch this week’s Crossroad Connection
± BOYS’ SMALL GROUP LEADERS - We are looking for more
men to be small group leaders. Please consider this fun
opportunity to serve middle school boys! There are about 9
meetings all year on Friday mornings from 8-8:50. Please call Mr.
Barkel (924-2740) if you are interested. Thank you for
± Middle Mania: Our next event will be Wednesday, October 21,
at FCS from 6:30-8:00pm.
± RYPED: Our next meeting is this Wednesday, October 14, at
Reeman CRC from 6:15-8:00pm