Energy Lasting Change Examples

Name. ____________________________________ Period _____
Group Members: _________________________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Energy Lasting Change
Focus Question: Based on what we have learned, what kinds of changes could we as a
school make that would have an impact on the amount of energy we use?
Directions: Students will use the data they have collected from their school Energy Audit ,
textbook, and Facing the Future “Climate Change” packet, to choose an Energy Lasting
Change that will address an area your school could improve upon, which results in a long
lasting environmental change and determine how to engage the broader school
STEP 1: Review and analyze the data collected during the JHS Energy Audit.
Use the link on Mrs. Walters website to view the audit results and the assessment packet to
help you complete the following.
1. Complete the “How Much CO2 Do We Release?” sheet.
2. Complete Watt Does it Cost to Use it?
3. These numbers are for 1 of each item. Use the audit data sheet and determine the
cost/school for ALL the items, (i.e. – there are 6 copy machines in the school, so
multiply the total cost of 1 machine x 6 to get the total for the school.
Step 2: Energy Audit Questions
(put answers in your notebook)
1. Based on your answers, what lighting related changes could your Green Team
implement that would decrease your school’s energy use?
2. After assessing appliance usage in your school, what opportunities does your
Green Team have to reduce electricity used by these appliances? Could your school
decrease the number of appliances used or replace them with more energy efficient
3. Looking at your results, how could the influence of your group promote energy
efficiency through behavioral change in the classrooms? Please describe your ideas.
Step 3: Brainstorm an Energy Lasting Change
Based on your findings in the assessment and audit, choose an Energy Lasting Changes that
will address an area your school could improve upon, and that results in a long lasting
environmental change.
Energy Lasting Change Examples
□ Start a student “Watt-Watchers,” “Conservation Patrol,” or “Classroom Energy Monitor” program,
or rotate student responsibility to perform classroom and school walk-through to monitor and
communicate about energy use and conservation practices (turn off lights, monitors, etc.).
□ Establish or improve school-wide strategies for turning off all lights when adequate sunlight is
available or when rooms are not in use.
□ Establish or improve school-wide strategies to turn off (or put to sleep) all computer monitors,
peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) and other electronic equipment (copiers, typewriters, etc.)
when not in use.
□ Implement an equipment consolidation program to ensure that energy is not wasted by using
more equipment than necessary (e.g., unplugging and/or removing unnecessary refrigerators and
reducing the number of computer printers through networking).
□ If your school has not already done so, convert all lights to CFLs or LED lights. Pay special
attention to this in your gymnasium.
□ Set standard heating and cooling points for thermostats to a high of 68°F and a low of 55°F
during the winter or heating season. During the summer or cooling season set your thermostats to
76°F or higher. Include a plan to encourage students and staff to dress appropriately for the season
so that they will be comfortable with the new settings.
□ Establish a purchasing policy that specifies the selection of energy efficient appliances and
equipment when replacement is needed. When going to your principal about replacing these
appliances be sure to let them know that the cost to put forth for the new machines will be paid for
very quickly with the savings in energy bills.
□ Look at other resources for more ideas.
Climate Change Packet
Pg 40 – possible resources (It All Adds Up – Carbon Footprint lesson)
Pg 70 – resources – how businesses and governments can lower energy usage
Pg. 92 – resources – solutions for carbon emissions
Define your own! What area(s) of energy use did your audit help you discover that could be
Possible Energy Lasting Change ideas:
Step 4: Get Feedback and evaluate possible change ideas.
Talk with another group. Share ideas and give feedback using the format “I like….., I
wish…… What if………”
Write the feedback here or in your notebook.
Step 5: Choose an Energy Change Idea to Present
The project your group chose is:
Step 5: Present an Energy Lasting Change idea to the class.
Create a PowerPoint or poster to persuade the class to implement your change idea.
– Title and group members names
– Description of the Energy Change Idea
– Include a Consequence Chart and Stakeholder chart for that idea.
– Add visuals
– Use data to show initial and possible final results
Present the idea
– All members must speak clearly and audibly.
– 3-5 minutes in length
– Introduce idea, describe it and conclude with a call to action
– Use visuals and data to persuade
Step 6: Vote on an Energy Change Idea for the class to pursue in the future.
You will be voting on an idea you would like to pursue as a class and give your justification
for choosing that Energy Change Idea.
Directions: Please rank these Energy Change Projects in the order that they most
interest you individually.
(1 = high; 7 = low)
Topic and Group Number
Directions: In the space below, take some time to reflect on your top two choices
from above. Why did you select each topic and what could we do as a class in order to
make this project successful?
Energy Change Idea
Personal Rationale
Ways I or the class could make this
project succeed
Directions: Take notes on the Energy Change Idea including description,
stakeholders, data and steps of implementation.
Energy Change Idea