Library History Grant: Registration & Travel Reimbursement

About the 2015 Library History Seminar Registration and Travel
Reimbursement Grant
The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association is providing free
registration and travel reimbursement grants of up to $500 each, for two graduate students or
new professionals who wish to attend Library History Seminar XIII (LHS) at Simmons College
in Boston, July 31-August 2, 2015.
This conference, which takes place only once every five years, is a unique opportunity to learn
about the history of libraries and meet leading scholars in this fascinating area of study from
around the world. For more about LHS, visit its website,
How to apply:
Any student or new professional (less than 3 years’ experience) interested in the LHS
Registration and Travel Reimbursement Grant must fill out the application form (available online
at”), submit graduate and undergraduate transcripts,
and provide at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member, employer, or
professional colleague.
All application materials are due no later than May 29, 2015. Late or incomplete applications
will not be accepted.
Send applications, transcripts, and letters to:
Dominique Daniel LHRT Chair
Kresge Library 244
Oakland University
2200 N Squirrel Road
Rochester, MI 48309
or e-mail:
Selection criteria:
The purpose of the LHS Registration and Travel Reimbursement Grant is to enable graduate
students and new professionals who have an interest in the history of libraries to attend a
specialized conference. The grant review committee does not consider age, gender/sex, national
origin, race, or religion in reviewing applications. Please do not hesitate to apply, even if you
have done little scholarly research, have had few courses in library history, or are not currently a
member of LHRT. We are most interested in applicants’ potential to grow as a library historian,
and their ability to incorporate historical knowledge and research in their professional life.
Preference will go to applicants who live outside of the East Coast, and who have documented
interest (either through coursework, professional responsibilities, or other activities) in historical
aspects of libraries, reading, or print culture.
Expectations of grant winners:
Winners of the grants must make and pay for all their own travel arrangements in advance. Each
grant includes free registration to the Seminar (which includes all programs, plus one dinner and
a reception). All other costs are the responsibility of the grant winners, who will be reimbursed
up to $500 each, AFTER the Seminar, for legitimate travel expenses (such as airfare, car
mileage, hotel, or meals). Please note that it is ALA’s policy not to reimburse for alcoholic
beverages. The projected cost of the conference hotel is $50 to 175 a night (dorm
accommodation possible), and travelers will have a variety of eating options. No later than
August 15, 2015, the grant winner must submit receipts for all claimed expenses.
Winners will also be asked to write a brief article (250-500 words) for the LHRT Newsletter,
describing the sessions they attended and what they learned.
Finally, winners are encouraged to become individual members of the American Library
Association and the Library History Round Table.
Please direct all questions and materials to:
Dominique Daniel LHRT Chair
Kresge Library 244
Oakland University
2200 N Squirrel Road
Rochester, MI 48309
or e-mail:
2015 LHS Registration and Travel Reimbursement Grant Application
Your contact information and application status
Telephone number:
Street address:
State or province:
ZIP or postal code:
Country (if not United States):
Your status as an applicant (graduate student or new professional):
Have you been accepted to present a paper at the 2015 Library History Seminar?
Name(s) and contact information of the person providing recommendation(s)
Telephone number:
You may use this space to list and provide contact information for others who are providing
Your participation in LHS
In 500 words or less, please describe any relevant professional concerns, job responsibilities, or
educational experiences that you would like to share with the grant review committee (e.g.
relevant courses or assignments, publications, professional memberships, etc...)
In 500 words or less, please describe your educational and/or career goals and how attending
LHS will support these goals.
Additional questions
In case you receive a grant, have you gotten needed permission (from professors, employers,
etc.) so that you can attend the entire Seminar?
If free registration and a $500 grant do not cover all the costs of your participation in LHS, how
will you pay for the remaining costs?
If you receive a grant, would you be willing to write a brief article about your experiences at
LHS for the LHRT Newsletter?