DISTRICT ENTRY PLAN - Littleton Public Schools

Currently have 3.5 technology staff within the district.
Distribution of Technology equipment in the district
currently utilizes a replacement plan which typically
moves older technology to the k-5 schools.
Current district technology replacement plan would take
approximately 23 years to be actualized.
We have been fortunate to upgrade technology
outside of the district replacement plan
through the utilization of grants, donations
and the recent school renovation project at
Russell Street School. Ex: Smart Board
acquisition at RSS, Laptops for HS STEM
initiative iPad implementation: MS social
studies, MS, HS SPED, SL Kindergarten, HS
various departments and a HS IMAC media lab.
We have approximately 601 computing devices in our
schools. 66% of these devices are more than 5 years
Wireless 4 to 1 systems exist at RSS and LMS.
High School, Shaker Lane student and staff access
somewhat limited as a result of current infrastructure.
Technology support is managed through an online ticket
request center.
Technology staff spend significant time trouble shooting
and fixing hardware and infrastructure problems as a
result of current infrastructure. Minimal time is spent
supporting technology integration within the classroom.
We have managed to increase available time for
integration support throughout the year through the
offering of PD activities and the reorganization of our
technology department.
Dedicated servers for data storage are evident within
various locations of the district but a consistent protocol
is not used. Methods of data retrieval and storage are
inconsistent throughout the district.
Data backup protocols within the district are not well
established as a result of limited revenues required for
a systemic solution. Cloud technology has alleviated
some of the concern.
The current Student Information System ( Rediker) is
not web based and poses many challenges in regard to
data organization as well as the ability to import and
export data from other software programs that are used
within the district. Parent portal access, report card
format, student assessment software have been limited
as a result of the functionality of the current SIS system.
Student assessment software is not standardized within
the district which creates challenges in regard to
electronic data storage tailored to track multi- year
student assessment data.
Our district currently has a five year technology plan.
Decisions in regard to technology acquisition specific to
the current replacement plan at the school level were
centralized with limited input from school based
administration and staff. We have formed school based
technology teams that have representation on the
district technology committee.
District email service does not have the capacity to
handle the increased use of hand held devices within the
district. Converted to gmail which has been very
District web page was not designed using a multi- user
format thus creating challenges to keep up to date
information on our websites. A new website has been
developed using software that allows for multiple access
Continue to assess current technology support structure
with an awareness that we need to continue to explore
off-site services to create efficiencies within the
department with a focus on creating expectations for
staff that are tailored to maximize current talents and
enhance integration support to teachers.
Develop a technology district plan that is aligned with
the Massachusetts Technology Standards. This
approach will allow us to determine the technology
needs at each school and will lead to the development of
a master plan that ensures that our students graduate
with technology skill sets that are aligned with post
secondary expectations.
Incorporate grade level technology standards into the
various curricula and formalize student learner
objectives within the curriculum mapping process.
Continue to implement iPad technology within our
school district and evaluate the effectiveness as it
pertains to student learning.
Consider using a lease purchase approach to purchasing
iPad technology within the district, recommend that we
consider the purchase of 120 iPads for the school
district for the FY 13 year. (Approximate cost $ 30,600
per year for three years)
Consider moving technology replacement funding from
the capital budget to our operational budget which
would allow us to commit to a well defined long term
acquisition plan.
Continue to explore, purchase and access online
curricula resources that allow us to move to a resource
based curriculum format.
Continue to provide training and support for our staff as
they implement various technologies within their
respective classrooms.
Evaluate the limitations of our current SIS system and
determine what we need to support data collection and
document creation within our district to determine what
our needs will be for the next five years. Determine
what we need to provide online student assessment
access to parents and students.
Formalize a student assessment software program that
is standardized throughout the district.
Continue to explore the possibility of implementing a
BYOD approach to technology at LMS and LHS.
Consider allocating the necessary funds to install
wireless networks at LHS and SL schools.
Continue to explore the expansion of online course
offerings at LMS and LHS. Explore the curricula
offerings of various vendors to determine the best fit
for online course offering within our district.
Continue to utilize Webinars as a way of increasing
opportunities to provide cost effective professional
development to our staffs.
Encourage our school based and district technology
teams to keep abreast of the latest technology and help
determine district direction for the next five years.
Continue to model leadership in the area of technology
at the District Level.