HEXMESTER WEEKLY OVERALL PLAN Week 1 Week 2 Deliverable: Evolution and Presentation of Business item to 8th grade Lab Safety (Lab Equip What is science? Scavenger Hunt) Science vs. nonscience/science notebooks. Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Sci. Method/Design Experiment – edible foods in wilderness Theories vs. laws Completion of science notebooks / graded Eng Intro LOF/Primary Secondary Source Activity with Assn Forum Etiquette Show movie (LOF)/selected passages (tie in w/tech) vocab/wordofday Work with science notebooks / passages from LOF Do an experiment/collect data, data collection/ write results/charts & graph radio – carbon dating Tie in w/tech., cave painting LOF/science notebook/writing inferential text Business Thank you letter to culinary Volusia Writes/vocab spelling bee Spanish Alphabet and basics History Primary/Secondary Sources/Activity w/Assignment Search for the 1st Human-Bi-pedalism English communication/written language perspectives on Fractions (cooking) Percent (tipping, sales) What anthropologists do? (Part of classroom dig) cave painting of modern activity LOF Beast Science charts n graphs linear graph/trend line Communicative choices & linguistic styles dialect, etc. Math Bi-pedalism/Game Bi-ped/quadric-ped bone measurement (math teacher) ratios Ratios Tech File Basics, Intro to tech online & Forum Etiquette Stuck In Neutral Intro word, ppt., xcel, access, prezi (Samantha Murray) Business Dress/hygiene Business Dining communication/email etiquette etiquette/skype/texting (luncheon) NINTH HEX Survivor Science Reading Tuesday Presentations TENTH HEX 1 None Shall Pass Science Week 1 Deliverable: Redesigning an existing Product 1st 2nd week tie in with challenge Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 continued Intro to Ecology/Environmental affects ecosystems/food chain food web energy tie in with Roman as first civ to think of sanitation History Channel Video series continued Changes in an ecosystem from population size & climate change, negative results from polluted areas Water Samples Biodiversity Water Samples Biodiversity King Arthur continued Art, Architecture, literature, medieval to present Medieval Vocab/Monty Python Math of H20 samples (with bio) Wrap up King Arthur Masque of the Red Death VocabularySpelling Bee Presentation of Hispanic/American Life Eng Ceasar-Lit Fair Project (8 ball) Latin Roots(w/Span) continued Spanish Importance of Language/Roots/ Cognates Root words/vocab – technology & medicine Comparison Hispanic vs. American El Cid Spanish History Travel through Spain/Brochure Mapmaking History Roman timeline, culture, diversity Roman urban life Medieval soap-opera Math Coliseum volume/asymptotes Continue geometry project continued Technology Spreadsheets (exel)/intro to lightbulbs Technology & Medicine in Ancient Rome Scale model/surface area/volume project rectangular house greenbuilding E2 video Design process (thorough) Rapid prototyping Designing/iteration of prototype & hard deadline/board of teachers for approval Reading Stuck In Neutral Deadline for prototype & presentation Exponential Growth/Decay Landfills Spread of Plague Presentation ELEVENTH HEX 1 We All Run on Energy Science Week 1 Deliverable: Week 2 Science Lesson to 8th graders Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Atomic Theory (project) Energy Energy/Atomic Theory (Challenge) Bondage, but not the good kind ;) Bonding and periodic table Eng Native American & African American Civil War Literature – Soc. Studies Turmoil causing literature, Back to the Future III, Far & Away, westward expansion, Atomic theory/thermodynamics (challenge) Civil War idioms Create your own reenactment Logic word puzzles/situational puzzles Grammar Journalism/yellow journalism Spanish Mayan Civilization Mayan Calendar Resources – relate to English – Energy and agriculture Technological Advances America during civil war Exponential regression calculator Pop. vs. time vs. energy consumption Intro to Flash Use Cam Studio Colonization of Florida Trip to St. Augustine Civil War wrap up Possible war reenactment Spanish Inventors Continued + civil war energy Work with chemistry Spanish American War Beginning of the industrial revolution Bond energies Presentations/ Assessment Bonding, etc. Spanish/Eng. Assess based on Span Am. War – yellow Journalism Spelling & Vocabulary Bee See English/ verbal test Rockefeller, Carnegie, Flagler With Science Logic and Circuits/puzzles/situational Sillicon/SemiConductors and how they work History Math Basic computational review +//x/%/conversions/ Ratios/percents Technology How to do “wow” presentations/hands on – Samantha Murry Prezi Stuck In Neutral Reading Reconstruction Finishing presentations Presentations TWELFTH HEX 1 How Do I get there? Science Eng Spanish Economics Math Technology Reading Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Deliverable: Set up the government for the academy Motion/Forces Friction Solving quadratics with physics Projectile Motion (physics) Review physics Physics Exam Review of business letter – Interviewing techniques – presentation techniques Why Spanish Immigration Despotism Game http://www.carolhurst.com/ subjects/ushistory/ revolution.html Proposal Writing Draft WB & Speedway Final proposal approvals Importance of Being Earnest Official debating Requistas para ser ciudadano en los EE UU Terminus de technologia con Dru Constitution / Power to the People/ Checks and Balances Trig review/tie in with physics Solving ISC problem with students Dec. Of Independence Constitution constitution House senate EE UU V PR steps to become a state or not Rules & Laws Continue Importance of Being Earnest Vocab and Spelling Bee Spanish Exam Ratios/physics Trig pythagoream theory Review Design Process Solving quadratics with physics Programming languages Stuck In Neutral Interactive White Board Review and Exam Review Physics Physics Exam Programming language Programming Language (Creekboard) Ninth Hex 2 Week 1 Science Deliverable: First Safety Animation Intro to Motion Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Mechanical Advantage Gears, pulleys Component Forces Conservation/projectile Test Grammar/genre Vocab/prefixes/ suffixes Vocabulary/verbs adjectives Examen Facil Eng Grammar/Vocab Genre Grammar/Vocab Genre Grammar/Vocabulary Roots,Suffixes Grammar/Vocabulary Roots - Prefixes Spanish Around the town Likes/Dislikes – art gallery Spanish Art Project History Art History Timeline Masterpiece Review Quiz Math XYZ Coordinate System Geometry, Gee, I’m a tree. Design Thinking/Process Virtual tour of Museum XYZ Coordinate System, Gee, I’m a tree Intro to Autodesk/ STEAM Workshop Arte/Artiste Quien robo la obra maestro? Exhibition Mission XYZ Coordinate System Gee, I’m a tree Autodesk/STEAM XYZ Coordinate System Gee, I’m a tree Autodesk/STEAM Animated FIRST Safety Video Review for test Test Finish Animation Present animations Judge Technology Reading TENTH HEX 2 CSI AITR Science Vocab and Quiz Any Means Necessary Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Cell Theory Morgue Trip ? Cell Structure Function Cell membrane Transportation via bloodstream/poisons antifreeze Photosynthesis Review Cellular Cells Respiration Review Affects Lack of Deliverable: Guest Speaker Investigator Macro Molecules Enzymes Body Decomp and Microscope refresher Evidence O2 on cells English The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime Continued Spanish Q&A Lupita Gonzales History Religion, Culture Diversity. Shroud of Turin Chinese Timeline China, Egyptian Timeline Virtual Egypt Technology Computer Forensics Continued Continued + Hacking Math Similar Triangles Formulas for Bonesa Car Accident Math Computer Crime Network Infiltration Trajectory Formula/ Ballistics Computer Forensics Forensic Math Reading Any Means Necessary Eleventh Hex 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Plug in VMA in job fair Science Deliverable: Business Plan-Self/Job Fair for 10th Graders –Jobs you didn’t know were in your back yard. Matter/Chemical Props (w/history) – Peanut Brittle – local companies that deal with chemistry Grammar/Vocab Review Our Town Energy Continued Measurement & Density Density Assessment Week Our Town Cont. Continued/Change of Language – Business Writing Review Our Town for Social Darwinism Vocab Review Idioms The American Dream/Vocab Test Eng Vocab Continue Book Investigation Reports Investigation Reports Finalized Virtual Mayan Tour Finalize Book/Exam Review Grammar Vocab Montezuma’s Revenge Meso America Exam Grammar and Vocab Mayans, Whirled History Review (mixed matching timeline) Exam Quiz Spanish Career Vocab/Job interests Work force – US vs. LA & SA Stereotypes “A Woman’s Place” debate Fame, fortune or happiness? History Industrial Revolution Immigration Imperialism Social Darwinism Immigration/Equal The American Opportunities – Dream Equal Pay FDR Diplomacy Math Supply & Demand Continued Inventory/Overhead See Chem. Technology Job/Career Exploration Cont. with supply & demand Business Showcase Video/Animation to market job fair and businesses Continued Business Professional Dress Continue Setting up presentation Reading Any Means Necessary Assessment Wk. Presentation Job Fair TWELFTH HEX 2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Science Deliverable: Speedway Curriculum Vectors Vectors Motion Vector Friction Vector Projectile Combined vectors Assessment “I am an American…” My responsibilities Changes w/in the State Voting Continued National Hispanic Week Bill of Rights Writing Proposal Vocab Famous Hispanic Americans Political Campaigns Proposals Vocab How Can I make Changes Review Assessment History Racing Lit etc. “Racing in the Rain?” Changes in local community Citizenship Math Physics for entire hex. Physics Physics Physics Physics Assessment Technology MotorSports Technology Driving Science Continued Guest Speaker DIS Field Trip? Planning Speedway Activities Continue on Curriculum for Speedway Reading Any Means Necessary Eng Spanish Change is Good Assessment