ALIGNMENT PROCESS: Mississippi Bend AEA STEP ONE: Leadership Team Training This training consisted of the necessary training and delivery for districts to continue their alignment process in relation to the Iowa Core. The first phase of the work, “Aligning the Intended Curriculum with the Enacted Curriculum,” helped districts begin the process of satisfying the legislated guideline of aligning local content with the Iowa Core essential concepts and skill sets in Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and 21st Century Skills. The Leadership Team in attendance acquired specific skills and knowledge to lead district personnel on the completion of quality alignment work. Specifically, participants obtained the materials and content to work with teachers on the Iowa Curriculum Alignment Tool and are able to provide “ICAT Camp.” In addition, Leadership Teams created an alignment action plan for their district which is added to the “Iowa Core Implementation Plan.” Those Leadership Teams interested in undertaking alignment work in accordance with their Implementation Plan within the 2012-2013 school year should consult the Implementation Plan for guidance on where to go next in the process. There are no scheduled trainings for leadership teams for the 2012-2013 school year. STEP TWO: ICAT Camp Leadership Team members who have completed “Step One” offer “ICAT Camp” to district personnel participating alignment of the intended and enacted curriculum. This 1.5-2 hour session is a prerequisite for use of and access to the Iowa Curriculum Alignment Tool. Mississippi Bend AEA staff can attend these sessions. The local education agency (LEA) will determine date and time for ICAT camp according to their district needs and schedule. STEP THREE: ICAT Data Input LEA’s participating in the alignment process in 2012-2013 should have teachers input data by date either in the fall and reflect on last year’s work or in the spring and reflect on this school year. Teachers may enter data during the year at selected times also. STEP FOUR: Looking at Results Iowa Core Leadership Teams returned for a day of data planning to look at results. Morning work consisted of the review of data (ICAT and additional district data including Iowa Tests). Teams had the opportunity to reflect on curriculum practice and content. Afternoon time was spent working as LEA teams to create a plan-of-action for inclusion in the Iowa Core Implementation Plan. There are documents stored on the Alignment webpage for your use. If your district leadership team needs results workshop training, please contact Sandi Campie below. Looking Forward Phase 2 of the alignment process includes examining rigor and levels of knowledge addressed in the work of teachers or the cognitive complexity demand. As this information becomes available, update meetings will be announced. Sandi Campie, QL Consultant Iowa Core Alignment Phone: 563-344-6341 Email: 08/17/2010 Page 1