Meeting Minutes: Government Domain September 9, 2013 – 3:00

Meeting Minutes:
Government Domain
September 9, 2013 – 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
3851 Rosecrans Street
MCFHS Conference Room #1
San Diego, CA 92110
Next Domain Meeting:
Government Domain
October 7, 2013 – 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
3851 Rosecrans Street
MCFHS Conference Room #1
San Diego, CA 92110
Cheryl Moder (CHIP), Elyse Lowe (Move San Diego), Kathleen Ferrier (WalkSanDiego), Lindsey McDermid (County of SD HHSA), Melanie
Nally (CHIP), Naomi Butler (County of SD HHSA), Stephanie Gioia (Supervisor Ron Roberts), Tina Zenzola (County of SD HHSA)
Marie Lawrence (CHIP)
Topic / Issue
Welcome &
Melanie Nally
Melanie welcomed the group, led introductions, and reviewed the agenda.
The meeting will focus on reviewing the “Let’s Move: Active Kids at Play” workplan and
planning for the elected officials’ breakfast.
The group reviewed the draft workplan.
The group agreed to move the language about obtaining a gold medal to the “desired
recognition” section of the workplan.
Some of the language in the workplan appears identical to other workplans but less
applicable to the Let’s Move work; these sections should be revised.
Stephanie requested that any play places maps include qualitative in addition to
quantitative data (i.e., is the place safe for toddlers, children, or older youth?).
Kathleen has experience mapping play spaces in City Heights.
Leslie Ray has access to information about entire counties.
Kathleen suggested that County HHSA partner with the City of San Diego and Chula
Vista if partnering with cities will be included in the workplan activities.
Naomi is currently working on a healthy retail assessment, so the group may access
Let’s Move: Active
Kids at Play
Topic / Issue
Elected Officials
Melanie Nally and
that data once it has been released from embargo.
The group agreed to table the discussion until Christine Lafontant can be present to
help clarify aspects of the workplan.
The Institute for Local Government recently released a “Creating Safe Walking and
Biking Communities: Safe Routes to School Decision Maker’s Toolkit” with policy
ideas for local officials. The toolkit exists completely online at
Bridget Enderle may be able to provide ideas for the breakfast from topics covered at
a recent conference.
Tina said legislators passed a bill (still to be signed by the governor) regarding Safe
Routes to School funding at the state level – the total funding level, how much will
come down to non-profit organizations, etc. Tina suggested that someone give a
funding update at the breakfast. Rye at the National Safe Routes to School Partnership
has additional details.
The suggested date for the breakfast is October 25th from 8:00-10:30 a.m. Alternate
dates could be any Friday in late October or early November.
Cheryl suggested inviting a speaker who could expand on the idea of “safe routes” to
include destinations beyond schools, including transit and healthcare. Cheryl also
suggested that panelists include representatives of local cities and school boards that
have done this work well.
The group agreed SANDAG (Colleen Clementson) should be invited to discuss
implementation of SANDAG’s strategic plan on SRTS. SANDAG is currently
working on a regional needs assessment on this topic. Colleen could also touch on
safe routes to transit.
Elyse could discuss safe routes to transit and safe routes to healthcare (in concept).
Lindsey suggested the group clarify the take-away points participants should get from
attending the breakfast. Suggestions included:
Elyse will reach out to
Bill Figge and copy
Cheryl to provide
additional event details.
Cheryl will handle
additional speaker
invitations in Melanie
Nally’s absence. Marie
will be responsible for
drafting and distributing
an event flyer when the
speakers and
collaborators are
Marie will send Kathleen
and Elyse links to the
other government domain
workplans and the
Childhood Obesity
Action Plan.
Topic / Issue
Nutrition Workplans
Naomi Butler
o Funding for safe routes program is important.
o Funding for programs should be maintained or expanded (“safe routes” is a
health issue, in addition to a transportation issue).
o Schools and cities should work together to advance these projects.
Representatives from Encinitas, Lakeside, and National City could speak to successful
city-school partnerships.
Rye from NSRTSP could also speak to funding and/or best practices in city-school
The group discussed inviting Brian Kelly, Secretary of CalSTA to provide statewide
perspective, likely on funding.
The group discussed inviting a representative from the Institute for Local Government
to present the toolkit. Leanne Dillan would know the appropriate contact at ILG.
The group discussed CalTrans as a potential event venue. Elyse suggested the COI
partner with CalTrans and make a joint ask to have Brian Kelly speak. Elyse will
reach out to Bill Figge and copy Cheryl to provide additional event details.
Cheryl will handle additional speaker invitations in Melanie Nally’s absence. Marie
will be responsible for drafting and distributing an event flyer when the speakers and
collaborators are finalized.
Marie will send Kathleen and Elyse links to the other government domain workplans
and the Childhood Obesity Action Plan.
Naoimi expressed concern that the domain is not focusing on nutrition-specific
workplans. She suggested the domain take up a workplan on local food procurement
in County-run programs and facilities.
Naomi will draft the workplan.
Domain champions will add it to the agenda for the next meeting.
The City of Lemon Grove is contracting with CityPlace Planning to design a health
Topic / Issue
Marie Lawrence
Next Meeting
element for the city. The firm has attended several community events and held a town
hall-style meeting to gather community input. A draft of the health element is
anticipated by November 2013.
The city passed the Healthy Food, Beverage, and Vending policy which requires that
healthy options be made available in City vending machines (the City operates two
machines) and at community events sponsored by the City. The policy is available on
the COI policy clearinghouse portion of the website.
Shelley and Tina are continuing work with SANDAG staff on the Regional Plan.
The Live Well Leadership Team will meet next on Thursday, Sept. 12th. The agenda
will consist of follow-up items from the recent Action Institute.
Tina is working to complete a white paper on complete streets policy.
Topics for next meeting:
o Planning for elected officials’ breakfast
o Identifying and discussing existing park and “play space” mapping resources
(partners should bring resources)
o Share information on timely issues and some of the following ongoing topics:
El Cajon Health Element, Regional Plan, CTG, park assessments
Date of the next meeting is October 7th from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the County
HHSA office on Rosencrans.
Melanie will send a
meeting invite via
Outlook to all
While Melanie is away,
Marie will circulate the
minutes and meeting
details, work with the
domain champions to set
an agenda, and circulate
a meeting reminder one
week in advance of the
October meeting.