China`s Trade Routes

China’s Trade Routes
Examine the “Trade Routes of China” map and the “Physical Features of China” map. Use both
of those maps to answer the following questions.
Based on the “Trade Routes of China” map, the Chinese used “The Silk Road,” land routes, and
sea routes in order to engage in trading.
1. The Silk Road winds through Northern China. What physical features does it pass through
and/or avoid?
2. The other land routes used by the Chinese in order to trade seem to move in a
predominantly North-South direction and not East-West. Why do you think that is the case?
What rationale might have existed for developing routes that move in that particular direction?
3. It is clear that Ancient Chinese civilizations took advantage of extensive trade routes. Did
most of these routes remain close to the shores, or did they cut through large bodies of water?
Why do you think that is the case?
4. How did the geography of China impact its trade?