ELEM: Elementary Education

ELEM: Elementary Education
5306. Social Studies in the Elementary School (3)
Social studies objectives implemented by study of programs, strategies, and
5309. Foundation and Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (3)
In-depth study of historical, psychological, and sociological bases of early
childhood education; general trends; and current programs and program content.
5310. Teaching and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education (3)
P: ELEM 6410. Extensive study and practice in translating early childhood
curriculum into appropriate learning experiences.
6000. Professional Development, Issues, and Trends in Elementary Education Action
Research Planning in Elementary Education (2 3) P/C: EDUC 6480 or EDUC
6482 or SCIE 6500. Design and submit an action research proposal linking
teaching and professional growth to trends and issues in elementary education.
professional development plan for MAEd program.
6001. Elementary Product Documentation Action Research Implementation in
Elementary Education (1 3) P: ELEM 6000. Documentation of individual goals
accomplished during MAEd program. Implementation and analysis of action
research project.
6010. Teaching the Integrated Language Arts in the Elementary School (3)
P: TCHR 6010, 6011; or consent of instructor. Nature and role of language arts
and how they are integrated throughout the elementary curriculum. Explores ways
to engage elementary students in frequent reading, writing, listening, and
speaking throughout all areas of the integrated curriculum.
6200. Leading Curriculum Revision and Implementation (3)
P: MAEd core courses. ; ELEM 6000. Structure of elementary school curriculum.
Emphasis on philosophy, policy, promotion, design, implementation, and
assessment of school curriculum.
6300. Instructional Response to Diversity in the Elementary School (3)
P: MAEd core courses. Characteristics of diverse learners in elementary
classrooms. Teaching, assessment, and differentiated instruction for diverse
6400. Advanced Assessment and Teaching in the Elementary Grades (3)
P: MAEd core courses. ; ELEM 6000. Applies societal, cultural, and educational
factors to problems of assessment and teaching. Design, application, and
evaluation of teaching models and assessment.
6406. The Teaching of Social Studies in the Elementary Grades (3)
Examines current research, standards, curricula and strategies relevant to
elementary social studies instruction.
6408. Collaborating, Teaming, and Leading in the Elementary School (3)
Leadership, team functioning, development, and teaming practices, and
collaboration in elementary schools. Role of teacher as member and leader of
planning and evaluation teams to improve learning in schools.
6410. Concepts and Principles of Early Childhood Education (3)
Concepts, principles, trends, and current programs in early childhood content.
6412. Emerging Literacy (3)
Examines literacy as an emerging process. Emphasis on critically reviewing
sociocultural factors influencing literacy and designing appropriate strategies to
enhance young children’s literacy education.
6415. Techniques of Teaching in the Elementary School (3)
Effective teaching techniques used to direct learning in elementary schools.
Innovative forms of organization and instruction.
6416. Problems in the Lower Elementary Grades (3)
Analysis and discussion of significant problems found in lower elementary grades
by participants in relationship to their position, interest, and experience.
6417. Problems in the Upper Elementary Grades (3)
Analysis and discussion of significant problems of upper elementary grades by
participants in relationship to their position, interest, and experience.
6425. Elementary School Curriculum (3)
Close examination of scope and sequence of elementary school curriculum.
Emphasis on promoting total growth and development of elementary school child.
6488. Advanced Language Arts in the Elementary School (3)
Advanced language arts course and systematic presentation of basic ideas and
techniques in teaching reading. Emphasis on oral language, major approaches to
teaching of reading, skills of comprehension, and interrelatedness of
communication arts.
6500. Management and Problem-Solving in the Elementary School (3)
P: MAEd core courses. ; ELEM 6000.Recognition of elementary school
management problems and formulation of plans to address them. Continuation of
individual professional development plan.
6550. Leadership and Communication Skills in Education (3)
Same as ADED 6550 Teacher leadership, communication, and reflective practice
in schools. Skill development enhances communication and collaboration with
families, students, and educational professionals. Addresses organizational
challenges and facilitates positive change.
7000. Thesis (3)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 6 s.h.
7001. Thesis: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis
research may only register for this course during the summer.
ELEM Banked Courses
5335. Aerospace Education (3)