ALL SAINTS MESSENGER SUNDAY 7th JUNE 2015 9.00am Holy Communion at All Saints 9.00am All Age Worship at Chacombe 10.45am Morning Praise at All Saints SUNDAY 14th JUNE 2015 10.45am Holy Communion at All Saints A warm welcome to everyone this morning. If you are visitor we do extend a particularly warm welcome to you and if you would like any help or more information about the church or the services then please speak to one of the welcome team. Back Supports and large print copies of hymns are available. Children of 3 and over are welcome to join us in Sunday school, which currently meets on 2nd & 4th Sundays in the Methodist Hall. STRAWBERRY FAYRE Saturday June 20th 2.00 - 4.30pm BAKERS UNITE! The home baking and produce stall in the Church porch is always very popular with visitors to the Strawberry Fayre, and always makes a handsome profit. Please make sure there is plenty to sell by bringing your cakes, jams, and garden produce to the Church on June 20th or giving them to Violet Timms. INTERESTING GIFTS Most of us have been given lovely gifts at some time that we've never, or hardly ever used. Sometimes we've bought useful presents and never given them away. Please give all suitable items for sale on the Gift stall, so that others can enjoy them. Contact Di Sperring (713838) or Sue Hunter (712265). RAFFLE Violet Timms (712431) is organising the ever-popular Raffle, please support her by donating suitable items. CALLING ALL BOOKS LOVERS We are looking for donations of books for a bookstall at the Strawberry Fayre. Please bring any books you have enjoyed, or been given, and leave them in the box in the Horton Pew. Or if you would like to have them collected, please phone Di Sperring on 713838. PLEASE COME! Bring your friends and family and enjoy a pleasant afternoon browsing round the Farthinghoe art exhibition and Nancy Long's History exhibition in All Saints, and the WI Centenary Exhibition in the Methodist Church. Enjoy a cream tea, or just a cup of tea, or ice cream. Flyers are available at the back of the Church, please take some, and circulate them, to make sure everyone knows about it. BENEFICE WEBSITE Do you have website-building and design skills or know someone who does? We’re looking into the possibility of setting up a Benefice website and wondered if anyone in our congregations (or someone you know) would be willing to help us. Also it would be useful to know if you as a ‘Pews News’ reader would use a Benefice website and a linked Facebook page and Twitter feed. Currently, the monthly ‘Pews News’ doesn’t allow us to communicate with a wider audience, so if you are interested in helping us develop our digital communication or have any ideas, please email HOME GROUP The QUEST home group meet fortnightly at 8pm, on a Monday Evening at 1 Millers Way, for more information contact Amanda on 712 648. FOOD BANK - Staff at the Salvation Army continue to thank everyone for the food donated. People have been very generous, and at the moment they do not need tea bags, breakfast cereals or pasta. What they particularly require right now is: tinned spaghetti and any tinned meals; tinned vegetables including potatoes; corned beef and tinned ham; and Long Life milk (please ensure it is full-cream or semi skimmed; they can't use skimmed milk.) Thank you again for your thoughtfulness. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - A big thankyou to everyone who helped to make this week a great success. The total raised was £3643.56 which was £74.51 more than last year. This will buy 2 cows, a goat, a chicken and 2 vaccines for the chicken for women in Ethiopia. The quiz raised £38, the lunch £95, the Sunday Service collection £41.77 and the House to House collection £2680.15. Gift Aid was £448.61. We have received a 'well done' and 'thankyou' message from C/Aid Headquarters. Notices should be submitted to Heidi Fowler by e-mail to, or phone 711 268. Items for inclusion should be received by 5pm Wednesday to ensure inclusion for the coming Sunday. Contacts – Rector: Reverend Charles Jefferson 712 418 Church Wardens: Bridget Robb 710192 & Mike Wilks 711516