SAINT PAUL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS 209 Washington St., Delaware City, DE 19706 St. Paul’s Official Website is: E-Mail Address: Administrator: Father Clemens D. Manista (302) 834-4321 (302) 834-7517 FAX St. Paul's Religious Education: Sister Lawrence Therese, O.S.F.S. (410) 398-3699 Sister Michele Elizabeth, O.S.F.S. (410) 398-3699 Parish Hall (during class time) (302) 757-4551 Secretary: Mrs. Toni Hebert (usually Monday & Wednesday mornings) Knights of Columbus: for information contact Pat McKenna (302) 832-2365 Saturday, March 10, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday, March 11, March 12, March 13, March 14, March 15, March 16, March 17, March 18, 8:00 AM (viv) William Dawe by David Smith 5:00 PM (rip) John Edward VanGorder, Jr. by Cheryl & Melissa 9:00 AM MASS FOR THE PEOPLE NO MASS OR COMMUNION SERVICE NO MASS OR COMMUNION SERVICE NO MASS OR COMMUNION SERVICE NO MASS OR COMMUNION SERVICE NO MASS OR COMMUNION SERVICE 8:00 AM MASS FOR THE PEOPLE 5:00 PM (rip) Leo McNulty by Hilary McNulty 9:00 AM (rip) George Rodenberg by Family Confessions: ½ hour before each Mass for twenty minutes or by appointment. The next available dates for a Mass intention are April 3, 4. The stipend is $10. For the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage, please see the parish website. St. Paul’s Cemetery Information: Contact Tom Kane at 737-2524 (All Saints Cemetery office). Third Sunday of Lent PASTORALLY SPEAKING – This weekend we celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks of the ultimate freedom to be one for us by his being raised up. He remains for us the power and wisdom of God. Fr. Clem OFFERTORY COLLECTION March 4, 2012 $1452.00 Next weekend the annual collection for Catholic Relief Services & Latin America will be taken up. Please be generous. The Nine Masses for Easter will begin at the Easter Vigil on April 7th. Eucharistic Ministers for next weekend are: 5:00 p.m. – Debbie, Linda, & Charlie; 9:00 a.m. – Judy, Marie, & Susan. Lectors for next weekend are: 5 p.m. – Charlie; 9 a.m. - Harry. Easter Basket Candy – the date to return candy for the Easter Baskets for the residents at Governor Bacon Center has been extended to March 18th. Cash donations should be placed in an envelope marked Gov. Bacon and placed in the offertory basket. Thank you to all who have donated candy and cash so far. The Sanctuary Candle is lit from March 10th – 24th in memory of George Rodenberg by family. It is Yard Sale time again and we are accepting donations for this year. You can leave your items in the vestibule of the church or drop them off at the hall on Sunday's between 10 & 12. If you need help transporting your donations, please contact Susan 893-1665 or Linda 832-2665 and we will have them picked up. (No clothing please). Volunteers are needed too. Please call Susan or Linda to sign up. The Knights of Columbus, Bishop Becker Council #2856 is conducting a food drive entitled, “Forty Cans for Lent.” Please bring a can food to Mass and deposit it in the large basket in front of St. Joseph’s Altar. All food will be donated to our local food closet. The program will end on Holy Thursday, April 5th. Lenten Fish Fry – March 16 & 30 at St. Peter’s School Cafeteria, 4 -7 p.m. Menu includes Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, pastry, milk, coffee, tea. Cost – adults $8, children ages 4-8 - $4, children under 4 – free. Tickets are available at the door or by seeing or calling Pat McKenna at 832-2365 or Joe Patterson at 834-7681. This event is sponsored by Bishop Becker Council – Knights of Columbus to benefit St. Peter’s School. International Day of the Unborn, March 26: 2-4 pm march at Legislative Hall in Dover, sponsored by Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. There is a free dinner in Mother Drexel Hall, St. Polycarp in Smyrna, at 5 pm, followed by 6:30 pm Rosary & 7 pm Mass with Bishop Malooly. 6538279. Homemade Easter Babka -- The Pope John Paul II Council, K of C, of St. Hedwig Church, 408 S. Harrison St., Wilmington, DE 19805, will be selling their "world-famous" Polish babka in Msgr. Gulcz Hall (below church) on Saturday, March 31, 2012, beginning at approximately 8:30 AM, immediately after the 8 AM Mass in the chapel. Babka will be sold by the loaf or by the slice with coffee and juice. For information call Denny @ 302-994-0764.