ALL SAINTS MESSENGER SUNDAY 6th SEPTEMBER 2015 10.45am Saints Praise (United Service at Methodists) SUNDAY 13th SEPTEMBER 2015 10.45am Saints Together (Holy Communion at All Saints) SUNDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2015 9.00am Saints Alive (Family Service at All Saints) SUNDAY 27th SEPTEMBER 2015 9.00am Saints Together (Holy Communion at All Saints) Operation Christmas Child 2015 - Shoeboxes bursting with joy A shoebox wrapped in cheery paper and filled with small gifts and goodies is probably the first and only Christmas present needy children around the world will ever receive. Please join in with us to support this project run annually by Samaritan’s Purse – it’s easy and rewarding! Perhaps you’d like to do a box with a friend or colleague? You just need a medium size adult shoebox (approx 7” x 12” x 5”), wrap the lid and base separately, then fill with suitable new goodies either for a boy or girl in one of three age groups: 2-4 years, 5-9 years or 10-14 years; and include a donation of £3.00 to cover distribution costs (can be paid ‘online’ to Samaritan’s Purse). Or come along to help at one of our popular ‘Wrap & Fill’ sessions: Saturdays 31st October & 14th November, from 9.30am to 2pm, in the Methodist Schoolrooms, Queen Street, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2NP. You will be very welcome to help at one or both sessions; we’re very sociable and include a cuppa and biscuits! We welcome contributions of goodies, empty shoeboxes, and money donations towards the cost of getting the boxes to the needy children. Coffee / tea & cake mornings will also be held during both days for anyone who would like to drop in for a while – all donations will go towards the shoe boxes. Leaflets with full details of how to do a shoe box, including a list of suitable items, are available from All Saints and Methodist churches, the Library & The Butler’s Pantry, which are also ‘Drop-off Points’ during their normal opening times; or please call Mary Phipps on 712894 or Carol Souch on 275334. Final date for dropping off completed shoeboxes is Wednesday 18th November. Where two or three are gathered ….. All Saints will be open at 7.30pm each Thursday until further notice for folk to join in prayer for Middleton and for our mission and ministry in the village. FOOD BANK - Very many thanks for all the food donations to the Food Bank. They once again require Breakfast cereals, along with all the standard staples of tinned meat, tinned vegetables, and Long Life full-cream or semi-skimmed milk and sometimes, just for a treat, some chocolate or biscuits would be nice! VILLAGE HALL OPEN DAY - Saturday 12th September - 10am - 4pm - All Saints & Methodist Church, along with other village organisations, will be having a display at this annual event to show what we have been doing during the year. We need volunteers by the table, to explain the photos, give out leaflets, and help people answer the quiz. If you will be in the Village Hall that morning to see the Garden Society's produce competition, and to look at other village displays, please consider giving some time to the Churches' display, and give your name to Mary Phipps who will be setting it up in the morning. It would be good if we could have people from both Churches at the display throughout the day. If anyone has photos or other details of activities concerned with Church life during the past year, please let Mary know. NORTHANTS HISTORIC CHURCHES AND THE NATIONAL RIDE & STRIDE Saturday 12th September 10am – 6pm Cycle or walk between places of worship locally, or into Oxon, Warwicks, Bucks, or anywhere (you don't have to start from here) All sponsorship money raised will be divided equally between the church/chapel of your choice, and the NHCT (which provides grant aid to churches/chapels, and we may need some for our roof!) Great fun, inspiring locations, & raise money at the same time. Sponsor forms available in church or from Chris Wells 710076. Bob and Sue Hunter are planning to spend September 12th doing the Historic Churches Bike Ride (at a sedate pace) and would be very pleased to hear from anyone willing to sponsor them. COFFEE MORNING FOR DOGS FOR THE DISABLED On the 29th August we held a very successful event raising the amount of £424. Our most grateful thanks to all who gave their support in whatever way. This is the 8th year that we have been holding this event and the staff at the training kennels are always delighted with the interest and support shown in their work. Anne Woolland & Alison Solesbury NEW BENEFICE WEBSITE - This is a work in progress but do take a look and let us know your thoughts or any ideas for content CHURCH PLANNING DAY We will be holding a church planning day on Saturday 24th October 2015. We would love as many people as possible to be involved so please make a note of the date and more details will follow in due course. Prior to the planning day the PCC thought it would be good to have working parties to look at various aspects of church life and have therefore set up the groups as shown. The aim is that these groups will investigate the various aspects of church life and feed back their thinking and planning to date at the planning day on the 24th October and to stimulate further discussion. If you would like to be involved in any of these working parties or if you have any comments or suggestions then please speak to the PCC members indicated by the groups. Each group will be aiming to set up an initial meeting for those interested and will be publicising the dates of those meetings as soon as possible. If you are interested in being at any of these meetings please let the group leaders know as soon as possible. Meeting of the group to look at Prayer and Bible Study - Tuesday 22nd September at 10.30am at 29 Tenlands, If anyone would like to be part of this discussion and is unable to meet during the day please let Claire know and she will arrange an evening meeting in addition Working Party Convened by Children Amanda and Alison Darren Music Prayer and Bible Study Buildings Outreach Finance Claire Older People, befrienders, visitors, MU and other Bridget and Violet Fabrics Claire Development of a Welcome Team Mary and Heidi Preparation of the Church for services Chris and David Social and fellowship Heidi and Violet David John and Mike Meeting of group to look at ‘Fabrics’. Immediately following First Steps (approx. 3pm) on Wednesday 16th September in Church. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday 27th September 3.00pm -5.00pm – Messy Church – more details to follow Sunday 4th October – Harvest Thanksgiving – 10.45am Saints Alive at All Saints (All Age Harvest Service) – 4.00pm Harvest Songs of Praise at Methodists followed by Harvest Supper and auction/sale of fresh produce, nonperishable items will again be going to Banbury Young Homeless Project and money from collections/auction will be going to the Disasters Emergency Committee. Tickets for the Supper and further details of non-perishable items that would be helpful will be available in due course. Sunday 8th November – Remembrance Sunday – further details to follow Notices should be submitted to Heidi Fowler by e-mail to, or phone 711 268. Items for inclusion should be received by 5pm Wednesday to ensure inclusion for the coming Sunday. Contacts – Rector: Reverend Charles Jefferson 712 418 Church Wardens: Bridget Robb 710192 & Mike Wilks 711516