Biology Chapter 7 Outline

Biology I Chapter 7 Outline
For graded assessments, you will need to be familiar with the following
Cells, cell theory, nucleus, eukaryotes, prokaryotes, organelles, cytoplasm,
nuclear envelope, chromatin, chromosomes, nucleolus, ribosomes, endoplasmic
reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplast,
cytoskeleton, centrioles, cell membrane, cell wall, lipid bilayer, concentration,
diffusion, equilibrium, osmosis, isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, facilitated
diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, exocytosis,
cell specialization, tissue, organ, organ system
A. ________________viewed cork under a microscope and saw
chambers that reminded him of the rooms in a monk’s monastery that were
called ‘cells’. ______________viewed pond water under a microscope and saw
tiny little moving organisms.
B. The cell theory states that: All living things are composed of
___________. Cells are the basic units of _____________ & _____________ in
living things. ______________ are produced from existing ___________. The
___________ and ________________ of many scientists helped to develop the
current understanding of the cell. Some of those scientists include Matthias
Schleiden; how did he contribute?
Theodor Schwann; how did he contribute?
Rudolph Virchow; how did he contribute?
Lynn Margulis; how did she contribute?
C. List three types of electron microscopes discussed in your text on
pages 171 and 172.
Which of the three types of electron microscopes have been used to image DNA
and protein molecules? _____________________________________________
D. What are the two broad categories of cells? (pg 173)
The _____________________ is a large membrane-enclosed structure that
contains the cells genetic material in the form of __________. The difference
between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is the presence of a _______________.
______________ cells evolved before ____________ developed.
___________________ have genetic material that is not contained in a nucleus.
_______________ are examples of a prokaryote. Which of the two types of cells
are generally less complicated? ___________________ Which cell type keeps
genetic material in a nucleus? ______________________What are some
examples of eukaryotes?
(STANDARDS CLE 3210.1.1, CLE 3210 Inq.1)
The two major parts of a eukaryotic cell are the _______________
and the ________________. The _______________ is the portion of the cell
that is outside the ________________. Structures within a cell that act like
specialized organs are called _______________. The nucleus contains nearly
all the cell’s __________ and with it the coded instructions for making
_______________ and other important molecules. A _____________________
surrounds the nucleus and is dotted with holes called ___________________
that allow material to move into and out of the nucleus. What are two types of
molecules that move into and out of the nucleus? _____________________
(Be familiar with the illustrations of the structures of both plant and animal cells
on page 175. Know what an illustration looks like for each of the listed
B. Granular material that is visible in the nucleus is called
________________. During cell division, chromatin condenses and forms
________________. A small dense region in a nucleus where ribosome
assembly begins is called the ___________________. __________________
are small particles of RNA that function to build proteins. The endoplasmic
reticulum is an internal membrane system within a eukaryotic cell. What is the
function of the ER (endoplasmic reticulum)?
What is the difference in the function of the smooth ER and the rough ER?
(page 177 – 178)
C. Refer to figure 7-9 on page 178 and be familiar with the structure of the
Golgi apparatus. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?
The two roles of lysosomes within cells are to _____________________ lipids,
carbohydrates, and proteins into small molecules that can be used by the rest of
the cell and to _______________________organelles that have outlived their
usefulness. The role of the vacuole is to store materials such as
_________________________________________________. Cells must
maintain homeostasis and one way they do this is through vacuoles by
controlling _______________________________________.
D. Most all eukaryotic cells contain ____________________.
Mitochondria function to convert ________________________ stored in food
into compounds that are more easily used by the cell. They are enclosed by
_________________________ an outer and an inner. The inner membrane can
be described as being _______________ inside the organelle. In humans, most
of our mitochondria comes from the ___________meaning that we get most of
these organelles from our mothers. What organelle found in plants and some
other organisms function to capture energy in sunlight and convert it to chemical
energy (photosynthesis)? _______________________________ These
organelles also have two __________________. Inside the organelle, there are
stacked, disk-like structures that contain the pigment _________________ which
is what color?__________________ Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain their
own ______________. Briefly explain the endosymbiotic theory (page 180).
E. The supporting structure in eukaryotic cells that give shape and
internal organization is called the _________________________. It is a network
of _____________________________ that helps the cell maintain its shape and
is involved in internal movement. Microfilaments are made of a protein called
_____________. Microtubules are hollow structures made of proteins called
________________________ and are important during cell division and form
structures called __________________ which help organize the process of cell
division. Centrioles are not found in ___________________________.
Microtubules also help build cell projections such as ____________ and
_____________________ which enable the organism to swim rapidly through
(STANDARDS CLE 3210.1.1 and CLE 3210.5.2)
A. The thin, flexible barrier surrounding all cells is called the
_______________________ or plasma membrane. It functions to regulate what
enters and leaves the cell and provides protection and support. What is a cell
wall and what are its 2 main functions?
List some organisms that contain a cell wall (page 183).
Cell membranes are composed of a ____________________________ which is
a flexible structure and is two layers of lipids. Refer to page 182, figure 7-12 and
be familiar with a lipid bilayer. Proteins are also embedded in the
______________________. Scientists describe the membrane as a
_____________________________. Plant cell walls are composed largely of
____________________ which is a tough carbohydrate fiber.
B. Every living cell exists in a ________________________ in order to
survive. The __________________ of a solution is the mass of solute in a given
volume of solution. Review figure 7-14 on page 184 and be familiar with the
concept of diffusion from the illustration. The tendency of particles in a solution
to move to an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is
called ___________________. ____________________ is when the
concentration of particles in solution is the same throughout. Because diffusion
depends on random particle movements, substances diffuse across membranes
without requiring the cell to _________________________. Explain what it
means to be permeable or impermeable. (pg 185) Water passes easily across
most membranes (though solutes do not – remember, a solute is what is
dissolved in a solvent to make a solution) and this process is called
___________________. Refer to the schematic on page 185 that demonstrates
osmosis, figure 7-15. Why does the water in the schematic move to the left?
When the concentrations of water and a solute are at equilibrium, the solution is
said to be ___________________. The more concentrated solution of sugar
dissolved in water is termed _____________________ and the less
concentrated solution of sugar dissolved in water is termed
_____________________. Refer to the effects of osmosis on cells diagram on
page 186, figure 7-16. What happens when a cell is in an environment where the
concentration of its surroundings is high solute?
___________________________________________________ Low solute?
______________________________________________ What would happen
to an animal cell if it were placed in pure water?
The _____________________ of many plant and bacteria cells protect from
potential damage by osmotic pressure.
Cell membranes have channels constructed of
_________________ that allow certain molecules like glucose to pass into the
cytoplasm of the cell. Review figure 7-17 on page 187. The process shown in
the schematic is called _____________________________. Does this process
require the use of cell energy? ____________
When a cell moves materials against a concentration difference,
that is from low concentration to high concentration, this process is termed
_______________________. Does this process involved the use of cell energy?
____________ Some of the materials that are actively transported into and/or out
of a cell are ________________, __________________, and ______________.
__________________ is the process of taking material into the cell by means of
infolding the cell membrane around the material. “Cell eating” occurs when
extensions of the cytoplasm surround a particle and package it within a food
vacuole. This process is called _________________________. When a cell
takes in liquid components, it is called _____________________. When a cell
releases large amounts of material, this is called _____________________.
(STANDARD CLE 3210.1.5)
A. A single-celled organism is also called __________________.
Organisms made up of many cells are called _____________________. Cell
specialization is when cells throughout an organism can
On page 191, figure 7-21 shows four different cells and describes their
specialization. What are these four cells?
What are their functions?
B. The levels of organization in a multicellular organism are:
Define a tissue in terms of organizational levels:
Define an organ in terms of organizational levels:
Define an organ system in terms of organizational levels:
Review figure 7-22 on page 193 and understand the levels of organization within
a multicellular organism.
(STANDARD CLE 3210.5.2)
1. Which cell organelle is correctly matched to its function?
A. vacuole – stores materials
B. mitochondrion – transports materials
C. Golgi apparatus – supports cell shape
D. ribosome – converts energy
2. Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic cells because they
A. do not require oxygen to perform respiration
B. are unable to produce amino acids
C. lack membrane-bound nuclei
D. cannot produce their own food
3. Which statement describes the process of facilitated diffusion across a
plasma membrane using protein channels?
A. Substances move from low concentration to high concentration without
the use of energy.
B. Substances move from low concentration to high concentration,
requiring energy.
C. Substances move from high concentration to low concentration without
the use of energy.
D. Substances move from high concentration to low concentration,
requiring energy.
4. A newly discovered molecule speeds up a chemical reaction in a cell without
being consumed by the reaction. This molecule is most likely composed of
A. monosaccharides
B. nucleotides
C. fatty acids
D. amino acids