2014-2015 SENIOR CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE October 28 TIME WHAT’S HAPPENING? 8:25-9:15 Jr. Class Ring Meeting Sr. Class Graduation Meeting Order only what you need! Senior and Ring Order Day Order only what you need! Sr. and Ring Makeup Order Day Order only what you need! Clearance Sheets (Only for those seniors not returning 2nd semester.) Due to Mrs. Sowell All lines must be signed by designated person Must be completed & turned in before attending graduation practice. Ring Delivery Date Sr. Delivery/Ring Service & Re-delivery Payment in full before the items can be picked up. Cash or a money order only Seniors can pay in advance via mail, over the phone (1.800.468.6655) or online at www.ringsc.com Cap & Gown Group Picture No open lunch o 1st lunch will eat after group picture o 2nd lunch will eat at usual time Bring cap & gown to school Report to gym at TBA Dress as if it was graduation (see dress code on back) Cap & Gown Individual Picture Honor Stoles due to Mrs. Sowell Who’s Who Sheets due to Mrs. Sowell Deadline for all debts to be paid to Mrs. Richardson Awards Day Practice All seniors will eat 1st lunch Students will report to gym at TBA Must be present for entire practice Academic & Awards Day Wear cap & gown Report to designated line up room by 8:15 o Lines 1, 3, 5 report to chorus room o Lines 2, 4, 6 report to band room Senior Exams Clearance Sheets Due to group leader—List posted on Senior board All lines must be signed by designated person Must be completed & turned in before attending graduation practice Senior Breakfast Graduation Practice Attendance required to participate in graduation 10:00-11:05 November 7 10:00-2:00 November 17 11:00-2:00 January 16, 2015 8:00-3:30 February 10 11:00-2:00 March 19 11:00-2:00 April 29 11:35 May 1 May 1 May 15 2:00-4:00 7:30-4:00 7:30-4:00 7:30-4:00 May 21 12:10 May 22 9:00 AM May 28-29 May 29 June 05 June 06 8:30 AM Immediately following breakfast 9:00 AM Graduation—Wear cap & gown Report to commons at 8:00 LOCATION Commons Commons Media Center Media Center Room 123 Media Center Media Center Gymnasium Media Center Room 123 Room 123 Main Office Gymnasium Gymnasium Turn in to Group Leader Commons Stadium Stadium ALL DATES AND TIMES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. If you do not return second semester, please contact psowell@chesterfieldschools.org at least three weeks prior to event to confirm date and time. See Mrs. Sowell for a clearance sheet if you are not returning second semester. SENIORS’ DRESS CODE FOR CAP AND GOWN/GROUP PICTURE, AWARDS DAY, AND GRADUATION Attendance at Awards Day practice, Awards Day, and Graduation practice is required for all seniors who plan to participate in graduation on June 06, 2015. Girls’ Dress Code Solid white dress or solid white blouse and skirt. Be sure dress does not show at the bottom of the gown and must meet school dress code o If dress is thin/sheer/see through, a slip must be worn—no undergarments should be shown Solid white dress shoes. No flip flops, boots, etc. If you wear hose, they must be skin colored Collar must be sewn onto gown No excessive jewelry Must adhere to school dress code Boys’ Dress Code White dress shirt with collar Black dress pants Black dress shoes, no tennis shoes Black dress socks Solid black or navy necktie, no bow tie Cap and Gown/Group Picture Day Cap and gown picture day is considered dress rehearsal day and you must abide by the dress code stated above. Loop and tighten tassel on graduation cap so it will not fall off—we do not have extras. Put your name in ink in the front (inside) of the graduation cap and in the gown at the back of the neck. Remove gown from the package to allow wrinkles to fall out. Hang it inside a bathroom while you shower to “steam” out the wrinkles (ironing can cause damage). See Mrs. Sowell if your gown does not fit correctly. Do not attempt to alter your gown. Awards Day Practice All seniors will eat first lunch and report to the gym at 12:10. Please contact classmates not attending this semester and inform them of practice and time. Awards Day Seniors will meet in their designated areas no later than 8:25 to get lined up for processional to gymnasium at 8:50. o Marshal #1 lines 2, 4, and 6 will line up in the band room with Ms. Francis. Marshal #2 lines 1, 3, and 5 will line up in the chorus room with Mr. Brown. Please let parents/guardians/family/friends know you will be marching in at 9:00 AM. If you are planning to leave after the awards day program, you must have a signed note from parent/guardian. Please ask parents to park on grassy area beside the covered walkway on side of gym. Graduation Day Seniors should report to the commons area, dressed according to dress code, no later than 8:00 AM.