Tuesday, October 21, 2014 – 5:00 P.M.
Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa
The second regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above
date and hour; Mayor Bonner called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Motion Ahart/Mahrt to remove items 4d & 4e (final PCE’s for 2012 Streetscape & 2013 Streets) from the
consent agenda and remove items 8a & 8b regarding City Hall remodel from the agenda and then approve the
agenda. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Leinen/Rodriguez to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the
minutes for 10/07/14; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve budget cash & activity reports for September 2014; f)
Resolution #2014-44 approving transfers from general fund to capital improvements; g) approve liquor licenses for
Providence Inn, Little China, and Crawford County Racers Assoc. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Dept. Head Reports: Aquatic Director, Kempfert, reported that there was a Halloween Spooktacular at the
pool on Oct. 18th and they are continuing to winterize the pool. Wiebers, Public Works Director, reported they
are currently winterizing parks, painting flag football & soccer fields. There was a cave-in on Opportunity Dr.
and Ten Point will be repairing. Checking into price for mud-jacking on Charles St. and working on stop light
issue on 16th St. Police Chief, Bradley, reported that Officer Gosch is resigning effective Oct. 27th and he hopes
to have a recommendation to fill the vacancy for council approval in November.
Public Hearing was held at 5:00 p.m. on the 2014 Tennis Court Lighting Project. There were no written or oral
objections. Mayor Bonner declared the hearing closed.
Resolution #2014-45 was introduced approving and adopting plans, specs and form of contract for the 2014
Tennis Court Lighting Project. Motion Mahrt/Ahart that the resolution is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-46 was introduced making award of contract for 2014 Tennis Court Lighting project to KrizDavis. Motion Leinen/Desy that the resolution is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-47 was introduced making award of contract for 2014 Tennis Court Lighting Project to ICS
Healy Ruff. Motion Ahart/Rodriguez that the resolution is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Discussed the process of allowing event wide alcohol consumption during events. Rather than changing the
ordinance, Police Chief, Bradley, recommended that council considers the alcohol consumption when they
receive a special event permit application to approve.
Ordinance #1447 was introduced amending code of ordinances by amending Chapter 176 designating a Core
Overlay District for the Central Business District. Motion Leinen/Mahrt that the ordinance is adopted. Ayes: 5
Motion carried.
Ordinance #1448 was introduced amending Code of Ordinances by amending to allow indoor commercial
shooting ranges in city limits. Motion Leinen/Mahrt to waive 2nd & 3rd readings. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Ahart/Desy that the ordinance is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Mayor Bonner has a conflict of
interest with the ordinance so council asked Mayor Pro-tem Leinen to sign the ordinance.
Ordinance (first reading) was introduced amending code of ordinances, Chapter 55, feeding of wild or stray
animals within city limits. After discussion and some public input, Motion Leinen/Ahart to defer the ordinance
to the next meeting on Nov. 4, 2014. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Discussed property Wells Fargo would like to donate to the City. Crawford reported that we have not received
the asbestos report yet.
Mayor Report: Mayor Bonner reported that Thurs., Oct. 23rd, Councilperson, Rodriguez, and he would be
attending the NW IA League of Cities meeting in Onawa. Mayor Bonner will also be attending a conference in
Nov. in Perry and told council members to let him know if they would like to attend. Rotary District has grant
money available to help with projects and he thinks the deadline is Nov. 1st to apply.
CITY MANAGER – City Manager, Crawford, reported that we received the Trees for Kids Grant from the DNR
and we have to plant 32 trees this Sat., Oct. 25th. We have contacted the schools, but we are having problems
getting kids to help with the plantings, so asked council for help in getting the word out. We have $4,000 in
trees to plant, but if no kids help, we will lose the grant money to cover the cost. The grant asks for 20 kids
and we did contact Job Corp just today also.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Lisa K. Koch, City Clerk
Signed _________________________
Brad Bonner, Mayor