REGULAR CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, May 17, 2011 – 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa The second regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour; Mayor Fineran called the meeting to order with the following members present: AHART, HEIDEN, HOUGH, MAHRT, RODRIGUEZ MOTION TO APPROVE AGENDA Motion Hough/Heiden to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Motion Mahrt/Ahart to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 5/3/11; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve budget & cash activity reports for April, 2011; d) approve resolution #2011-17 to transfer funds from LOST for debt service payments due 6/1/11 e) approve resolution #2011-18 to transfer funds from RUT for debt service payments due 6/1/11 f) approve resolution #2011-19 to transfer funds from TIF for debt service payments due 6/1/11. Motion carried unanimously. PULIC HEARING ON AMEND. Public hearing held at 5:05 p.m. on PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CH 137.02 & 169.07 OF THE CHAPTER 167, SECTION 167.02, TO CORRECT THE NAME CODE OF ORDINANCES VARIANACES FOR I-1 AND I-2 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PROPOSED AMENDMENT CHAPTER 169, SECTION 169.07, PARAGRAPH 2 TO ADD AN EXCEPTION FOR HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. There were no written or oral objections. Mayor Fineran closed the hearing. PUBLIC HEARING ON FY 10/11 BUDGET AMEND. Public hearing held at 5:10 p.m. on BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2011. There were no written or oral objections. Mayor Fineran closed the hearing. RESOLUTION #2011-20 APPROVING BUDGET AMEND. FOR FY 10/11 RESOLUTION #2011-20 WAS INTRODUCED APPROVING THE BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2011. Motion Mahrt/Hough that the resolution is adopted. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE AMEND. CH. ORDINANCE (first reading) WAS INTRODUCED AMENDING 167.02 & CH. 169.07 OF THE CHAPTER 167, SECTION 167.02 TO CORRECT THE NAME CODE OF ORDINANCES VARIANCES FOR I-1 AND I-2 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PROPOSED AMENDMENT CHAPTER 169, SECTION 169.07, PARAGRAPH 2 TO ADD AN EXCEPTION FOR HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. Motion Mahrt/Heiden that the first reading of the ordinance is adopted. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF RE-PURPOSING HOSPITAL Discussed re-purposing of the old hospital. Brad Bonner was present to ask if the City was interested in the building. Consensus of the council was not at this time. DISCUSSION OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUNDING Discussed the funding mechanisms for a development agreement with Shawn Foutch. Consensus of council was to fund with GO Bonds not TIF revenue bonds, can still make bond payments with TIF funds. Also need to work out details on minimum assessment. Rick Franck will work on language in the agreement. MOTION TO AWARD BDWY/ Motion Ahart/Mahrt to award contract to Ten Point Construction 22ND ST STORM SEWER & for Broadway/22nd street storm sewer & pavement project in the PAVEMENT PROJECT amount of $28,607.70. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR HIRE Discussed hiring Justin Gotto as building inspector. Heard comments in support of hiring Gotto. This was a tie vote at the last council and no one on the council changed their mind. Gotto not hired. CITY MANAGER REPORT No City Manager report given. DISCUSSION OF DMU FREE SERVICES Discussed billing from Denison Municipal Utilities for Free services. Council requested additional detail, again. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned @ 6:35 p.m. Signed _________________________ Dennis Fineran, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________ Lisa Koch, City Clerk