Tuesday, September 4, 2012 – 5:00 P.M.
Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa
The first regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour;
Mayor Fineran called the meeting to order with the following members present: AHART, HOUGH, LEINEN, MAHRT,
Motion Ahart/Leinen to approve the agenda. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Hough/Mahrt to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the
minutes for 8/21/12; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve liquor license for Johnny’s Bar & Grille; d) approve
periodic cost estimate No. 2 for Bluffs Paving & Utility, Inc. for North 11th Street Storm Sewer & Paving Improvements in
the amount of $54,652.50; e) approve periodic cost estimate No. 2 for Ten Point Construction Co., Inc. for the 2012
Sidewalk Construction Program in the amount of $18,297.38; f) approve periodic cost estimate No. 2 for Ten Point
Construction Co., Inc. for the Ave C Storm Sewer Project in the amount of $5,643.00. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Public hearing was held at 5:05 to amend the 2012-2013 budget. There were no written or oral objections. Mayor
Fineran declared the hearing closed.
Resolution #2012-48 was introduced approving budget amendment for 2012-2013. Motion Mahrt/Leinen that the
resolution is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Ordinance #1423 (first reading) was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances by changing the No Parking Zone in
the 600 Block of Sunset Dr. Motion Mahrt/Leinen to adopt the 1st reading. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Ordinance #1424 was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances by changing the yield sign to a stop sign at the
intersection of Arrowhead Rd. and Ave C. Motion Ahart/Mahrt to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Leinen/Hough that ordinance #1424 is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Ordinance #1425 was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to installment
payment of cost of abatement. Motion Mahrt/Hough to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion
Ahart/Leinen that ordinance #1425 is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Ordinance #1426 was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to all-terrain
vehicles. Motion Leinen/Mahrt to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Rodriguez/Hough that
ordinance #1426 is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Ordinance #1427 was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to prohibited
sales and acts. Motion Ahart/Mahrt to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings. Ayes: 5 Motion carried. Motion Leinen/Hough
that ordinance #1427 is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Discussed the purchase of tablets for council to go to paperless meetings. Council directed City Clerk, Koch, to check on
pricing with our computer support company, CSI for 8 Lenova tablets and then put on the next agenda.
Reports: MAYOR – Continuing to work on concession stand at adult soccer field. Asked City Manager, Crawford, to
contact owners of the Kentucky Fried Chicken building about mowing the weeds. CITY MANAGER – LeRoy & Sons began
stripping top soil at Oak Ridge Heights. Trying to get Bluffs Paving back to strip & finish seeding at Doty Park. Annual
street tour is set for Sept. 22nd. LHDC is applying for tax credits again for Denison housing project. Crawford and Koch
have a meeting tentatively set for Oct 4th at 3:30 with Fred Hiner from SERE to discuss a housing project. Dog park is not
an allowed use of REAP ground. Checking into possibility of purchasing the ground by Tucker’s Park or exchanging
ground to replace the REAP ground to be able to still put the dog park by Tucker’s Park. Councilperson, Rodriguez, upset
about State Fire Marshall shutting down the Latino Night Club. Feels like they should’ve been given more notice.
Crawford had spoken with Fire Chief, Snowgren. Snowgren had been working with the club to get the violations
corrected. After Snowgren’s 1st inspection, let them address the items to fix, but now are back to having the same
violations. Mayor Fineran said most of the items are small things and if fixed properly and permanently, they will be
able to reopen. DEPT. HEADS – Library Director, Hammel, reported that Mary Siegner had resigned and her last day was
today. Would like to hire a MLS specialist that is bilingual, but that will raise the salary. The roof over the newer section
of the Library is in need of repairs that the library budget can handle, but roof over the old section needs to be replaced
and the estimate is $25,000.00. Mayor Fineran wants to meet with Hammel to discuss the City’s budget.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Signed _________________________
Dennis Fineran, Mayor
Lisa Koch, City Clerk